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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. What if you used a smaller ship, and ion engines? Plenty of solar power.
  2. Is this the same thing as Vapor Lock caused by lack of ullage?
  3. DAL59

    A mystery

    I'm going to have to add greek letters soon
  4. DAL59

    A mystery

    Site URL Links A http://www.tramlaw.com/ Karate Alien : J Green dot : B B http://www.hackerscanyon.com/Hackers_Canyon2.html Wolf : C Footprints : Aljazeera news Soldier : Broken Satellite : D Knight : E Star : F C http://www.dirkster.com/DirksterRadioActiveMan.html Soundboard : G Worm : H Green dot : I Warning Sign : Broken D http://gunsammo.biz/UnderTheSand.html Blue link 1 : K Blue link 2 : L Blue link 3: M E http://www.hackerscanyon.com/DaCanyon.html Bottom right site: http://www.redinard.com/ , a hair growth website Skull : N Wolf : Broken Knight : O Star : P Grim reaper : Q Worm : R F http://www.hackerscanyon.com/BootLeggedArt/TonyArtDealer2.html Worm : Broken Goblin : S G http://www.dirkster.com/HumpNet/ Spider : T Button : U H http://www.dirkster.com/ Dirkster Productions is the name of a company in Arkansas https://www.linkedin.com/company/dirkster-productions Button : V I http://www.dirkster.com/HeDiedHere.html Leads to an email. Dirkster.tv is broken. J http://www.walmartian.com/ None K http://www.hackerscanyon.com/Weapons/DesertEagle/44mag/ Isreali weapons L http://www.cybergangs.com/ Gavel.tv, an Arkansas auction company. http://romanticblog.com/ W http://pray-attention.com/ X http://cybercaveman.com/ Y AteUp.com broken http://www.oig.me/ Z Blog: ! About: @ M http://hacker-of-fortune.com/ None N http://www.ladykillers.com/ O http://www.hackerscanyon.com/City/ P http://www.hackerscanyon.com/WinterLake/index.htm Q http://www.hackerscanyon.com/chcanyondr.htm R http://www.cybergangs.net/RealityCheck/ S http://www.mokrie-dela.com/ T http://www.hackerscanyon.com/391/ U http://www.dirkster.com/TheTreasure.html V http://www.hackerscanyon.com/ W http://romanticblog.com/ X http://pray-attention.com/God/?cat=6 None Y http://cybercaveman.com/ Same name as Dirk Lemmon's youtube channel None Z http://www.oig.me/ L ! http://dirklemmons.blogspot.com/ My passions in life are my Family, Writing and all aspects of the Auction Process. @ http://www.cybergangs.com/DirkLemmons/DirkLemmons.html Seems to provide the reason for the site's existence: he bought out the domain names for various gangs, and replaced them all with random stuff. Smart # $ % ^ & * ( )
  5. DAL59

    A mystery

    Clicking the karate alien (A2) leads to http://www.walmartian.com/ (J), which is empty
  6. DAL59

    A mystery

    C1 goes to http://www.dirkster.com/HumpNet/ G C2 goes to http://www.dirkster.com/ H C3 goes to http://www.dirkster.com/HeDiedHere.html I and reviels the author as Dirk Lemmons. https://www.youtube.com/user/CyberCaveMen C4 goes to http://www.dirkster.com/SecurityForce a broken link https://demos.algorithmia.com/sitemap/ could be very useful
  7. DAL59

    A mystery

    Current theory: Some kind of alternate universe story that can be pieced together if we find all the websites. http://www.tramlaw.com/ What is this? This seems to be some kind of maze. Lets call tramlaw A Clicking on the green dot A2 takes you to http://www.hackerscanyon.com/Hackers_Canyon2.html B A website which in turn has 5 more links on it. The wolf B1 goes to http://www.dirkster.com/DirksterRadioActiveMan.html C The footprints B2 go the the http://www.aljazeera.net/portal news site. The soldier B3 is a broken link. The satellite B4 goes to a story at http://gunsammo.biz/UnderTheSand.html D The Knight goes to http://www.hackerscanyon.com/DaCanyon.html E The star goes to http://www.hackerscanyon.com/BootLeggedArt/TonyArtDealer2.html F This could take a while. C has 4 links: A sound board, C1, a worm, which appears only some of the time, C2, a green dot, C3, and a warning sign, C4.
  8. Backwards physics warp? What? My clipboard: https://trajbrowser.arc.nasa.gov/traj_browser.php
  9. If you remove the stuff after the .net, you get to a website with an interesting design. http://clowder.net/ Another more versatile website is https://trajbrowser.arc.nasa.gov/traj_browser.php
  10. This is a really cool website: http://haya2now.jp/en.html
  11. Jedi Riders from Eragon Can use the force to sense the location of life Can use magic to sense the location of life Have superhuman strength and reflexes Have superhuman strength and reflexes Wield unique and powerful swords with crystals in their hilts Wield unique and powerful swords with crystals in their hilts (Eragon's even catches on fire) After their fall, only two survived: a non-human in a distant forest and a human who lived in a village with the big bad's son. After their fall, only two survived: a non-human in a distant forest and a human who lived in a village with the big bad's son. The emporer, who is immortal, destroyed the jedi by making a member of the order betray the jedi. The non-human who now lives in the forest warned not to train the traitor. The emporer, who is now immortal, destroyed the jedi by making a member of the order betray the jedi. The non-human who now lives in the forest warned not to train the traitor. The human jedi who now watches over the big bad's son once fought the big bad in lava, and thought he defeated him. The human jedi who now watches over the big bad's son once fought the big bad in a volcano, and defeated him. The Jedi train by lifting rocks The first spell Eragon is taught is lifting rocks. The Jedi can control the minds of the weak willed. The riders can control the minds of the weak willed. The Jedi gives the big bad's son his father's sword. The rider gives the big bad's son his father's sword.
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