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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. With the amount of electricity and motors in an Iron Man suit, you would probably overheat.
  2. Could you make a bullet proof vest with a layer of titanium and a layer of sorbothane? How thick would the layers have to be?
  3. DAL59


    Its not considered necroposting if its still relevant
  4. Given that many colleges have cubesat building, its not that inconceivable. The cost to launch an Electron rocket is "only" 6 million. Good luck getting approval for that
  5. You could with an ion engine, but how would you power it so far from the sun? Most RTGs don't produce enough to run an ion engine.
  6. DAL59


    I play Noctis! Its a multiplayer game, but as far as I can tell, nobody else is there. Its a deserted galaxy.
  7. Attack Vector: Tactical? Its a very complex and realistic 3-d space combat board game.
  8. Kerbal Alignment: Kerbals tend toward Chaotic, for obvious reasons. Size: Small Ability score improvement: Your intelligence score increases by 2 Photosynthesis: While you are in sunlight you do not need to eat. Permanent spacesuit: While you have at least one hp, you cannot suffocate, and you have resistance to radiant and cold damage. Your suit shines bright light forward for 15 feet, and dim light for another 15 feet. Agent of chaos: You have 3 chaos points you regain after a long rest. You spend one point to force any creature you can see to reroll, to perform a wild magic surge, or to roll on the table of 10,000 random magical effects. Bouncy head: You can make a DC10 dexetrity saving throw to attempt to land on your head when you fall. On a success, you take no damage. Subraces Pilot: You gain +2 to Charisma and -1 to Wisdom You have proficiency in vehicle use. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Scientist: You gain +2 to wisdom. You have disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened. You can determine the composition of any substance you touch, but not its magical properties. Engineer: You gain +2 to dexterity. You have disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened. You have proficiency(or double proficiency if you already have proficiency) in checks used to analyze or repair machines.
  9. You could move a planet in only a century using dynamic compression tethers and solar sails.
  10. If you fall 5,000 feet in a metal suit, you die.
  11. Shouldn't the numbers be the other way around? If the probability of their being aliens in the Milky Way was 39%, there would be a 99.99999% of aliens in the observable universe of billions of galaxies.
  12. They could make it wider, to 12 meters, like the ITS, and then add some nuclear gas core engines. 30-50 km/s of deltavee.
  13. It would take less fuel than launching to space. Or, the capsule paraglides of the mountain.
  14. The best and worst idea ever: use the New Shepard for Mount Everest tourism.
  15. Most fleets had interdictors, which would prevent hyperspace usage. Of course, its kind of a plot hole why Snoke's ship didn't have one.
  16. It would be much better to look a a projection in 3-d instead of on a flat screen.
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