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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/165167-apollo-alternate-architectures-challenge/&tab=comments#comment-3165004 As we know, the Apollo missions used the Lunar Orbit Rendezvous, or LOR method to get to the Moon. However, alternate missions were proposed. This week the challenge will be to preform an Earth Orbit Rendezvous, or EOR Gemini mission. 1. Launch a 1 or 2 person unmanned lander (possibly with a Trans Munar Injection booster) in Kerbin orbit. 2. Launch a 2 person vehicle to dock with the lander. 3. Perform a normal Apollo style mission from there. 4. No ISRU, nukes, ions, SSTO spaceplanes, or asparagus staging. Scoring: You start with 200 points, and lose 1 point for every part used, and lose 1 point for every 5 tons of mass, rounded up. Bonuses: Use RSS or Rescaled Kerbin: double final score Bring a rover: +50 Use a small spaceplane instead of a capsule: +75 Free return trajectory: +10 Lander uses command seat(s): +10 Subsatelite: +25 2 stage lander: +20 Use KOS: +100 Use life support: +30 Penalties: Use Mechjeb: -30 Failed to redock in munar orbit and had to EVA: -30 Good luck! Scoreboard week 1: 310- @Kerbolitto
  2. The collision in the ski speeders in the last jedi would have killed both Finn and Rose. I'm beginning to think Rose is a spy...
  3. @1001sd @2.0 @3_bit @41Paddy @5@1312EWULFX @6.forty @700NitroXpress @8_BIT_SUPERSAIYAN @9 Drunk Ninja Foxes @00110001 @_____ @42 @GLaDOS42
  4. There was an old website for ksp called * but it is now censored. Why is the programs own website censored? (kerbal stuff)
  5. With the amount of area exposed, it wouldn't really matter.
  6. Actually, you can fix it, it just requires a lot of work. I set my network as a metered connection, so it wouldn't download large files like updates without me doing it.
  7. Isn't that the plot of Manifold Space by Baxter?
  8. I wasn't suggesting them, just using them as a comparison mass. Freeze dried foods would be better.
  9. An MRE weighs 510 to 740 grams, and provides 1,200 calories (so you only need two per day). I'll use the lower weight, as MRIs contain water and we can freeze dry food for space. So, about 820 pounds.
  10. In fact, it could support manned Mars missions, albeit with smaller crew sizes, in a program proposed by Robert Zubrin called Mars Semi Direct. https://www.marssociety.de/files/Medien/Feed Import/2013/11/Mars-Semi-Direct-plan-8-23-2012.pdf You could eat fish too, as they would be useful for hydroponics.
  11. When you play not one, but two multiplayer space games in which you are the only player in the world. I play Orbiter Multiplayer Project and Noctis IV and I've never seen any other users.
  12. I'm not asking for modded level graphics, but having no clouds on Eve is ridiculous and breaks immersion. It can't be that hard for a team of developers to add, given that several mod makers have done it.
  13. Many LEDs and computers make a constant high pitched noise.
  14. "Your update is ready. Your PC needs to restart to complete the update." The only options are "restart now" or "restart later" (in 90 minutes). How do I get it to not restart!?!?!?
  15. In inception, time runs slower when you dream, and the more layers of dreaming, the slower time flows. On the third layer, they are dreaming at 8000 times speed. Yes, you could have a dream where months go by, but you would not actually remember everything specifically. In the brain connection technology in inception, it would mean that your brain would actually have to think at 8000 times speed due to people in layers above you, which is not possible. Also, why is there no gravity in the 2nd level after the truck falls, but there is gravity in level 3?
  16. Use the orientation of the pole relative to the CMB.
  17. So, every kindle comes with some free books. Among these is a book called "Dinosaurs Wars: Earthfall". The plot: dinosaurs made a space ark on the moon and now they are invading the modern earth. This is an actual published book.
  18. Indiana Jones was originally a Marvel Comic!?!? https://trajbrowser.arc.nasa.gov/traj_browser.php
  19. There was a very good episode of Enterprise where they turn up a section of the gravity plating to squish an intruder, which seems clever. However, none of the dozens of times ships are boarded to they ever do that again!!!! Also, why can't they just use transporters to instantly cure any disease?
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