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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. They should have used Skylab as a habitat for a Mars mission.
  2. That's the Pride of Hiigara, the mothership in Homeworld.
  3. Why doesn't curiosity have a microscope? Oh subcontractors I forgot
  4. Chief USA: A Hiemal Fighter
  5. These annoy me the most, because they are worse than normal non-plasma guns. They are(in fiction) easy to dodge, still require reloading, and don't do any more damage.
  6. To make KAS usable on unmanned missions, a useful mod would be a one part robonaught that can use KAS.
  7. I agree, though you don't have to pay to hear the conference.
  8. Couldn't that cause conflicts of interest? If the publisher owns a company that would be obsolete due to an invention?
  9. Plus, reduces the danger of dust and food getting in your eyes, makes it easier to clean. There's no real reason they wouldn't want 1/50 gee spin.
  10. What! How can a magazine have control of what NASA says! That's absurd!
  11. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/slowerlight.php#jumpingthegun
  12. I don't think you'd want a power system that can do that much damage.
  13. When you see the airplane on a treadmill thread almost leave the first page but then someone posts on it:
  14. The problem is inherent to the physics engine though. It is not an "ideal" treadmill.
  15. Better example: If you capture tank #2, #4, and #6, there probably aren't going to be very many.
  16. Sadly, we can only get half the population in these space images.
  17. Venus upper atmosphere: Same temperature Same pressure Same gravity Low radiation Can use electric ramjets to help with ascent Can get minerals from tethered robots Fertilizer in the air Density makes airships easy Shorter trips than to Mars
  18. Maybe it doesn't mean extinction, just immortal robots that don't reproduce. Also, how can future events retroactively change probabilities?
  19. Couldn't you build a better one yourself for far less money? That's a horrible design. And a horrible, overhyped video.
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