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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. Other than the treadmill pushing it backward.
  2. But, the plane's wheels need to spin in order for the plane to move forward.
  3. No, because the plane is held in place by the belt. In either interpretation it doesn't take off.
  4. I was wrong earlier- the plane actually can take off, on a perfect treadmill. It will go backward if they turn off their engines.
  5. If they aren't in very low orbit, they are safe for centuries or millennia. Also, they could be made to break apart on reentry and burn.
  6. Concept: Great Graphics: Great UI: ????? Controls: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? No really the game would be great, but its uncontrollable. Pick either the mouse or keyboard for rotation, not both. Also, there is no way to adjust sensitivity, or reset the mouse, so the ship is constantly entering into a death spiral. Also, what is the point of the missiles if they don't track?
  7. Seaplanes wouldn't work if there was a current that increased linearly with how fast the plane was moving.
  8. The plane. The plane is making the treadmill move backward.
  9. But the wheels are touching the ground, which is moving backward.
  10. They will spin in place due to the treadmill.
  11. But if the engines are moving the plane, the wheels will spin as a consequence.
  12. It won't move at all, as the treadmill will move faster the faster the wheels try to move.
  13. But the plane was moving forward, so it wasn't an ideal belt.
  14. You guys don't You guys don't now what you're getting into. This question was actually banned from xkcd's forums. You'll see why.
  15. My school once banned their own website. Multiple times. (It was fixed quickly though)
  16. https://copenhagensuborbitals.com/about-us/ Yep, they are trying to do a crowdfunded, volunteer space program, on very low budget. "The DIY spacesuit is made with valves and pipes from the hardware shop," says Bengtson, "because there was nothing to suggest these wouldn't work just as well for our purpose as some fancy equipment. We use a lot of stuff you can buy in the supermarket or local shops." He is using cork from the nearby carpet shop as a heat shield in the rocket. "We didn't have the money to hire Nasa's facilities so we went to Copenhagen's Tivoli Gardens and tested the g-forces on fairground rides instead," says Bengtson: "Turns out the Vertigo ride has exactly the same g-force as our rockets, so we hired it for a day."
  17. DAL59

    Shower thoughts

    Yes. As a matter of fact, flies can see the dark frames on a TV.
  18. Okay guys, close the thread, here's everyone all together
  19. DAL59

    Shower thoughts

    No, because the light would also be frozen. Even if you weren't frozen, you'd suffocate.
  20. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44090509
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