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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. KSP could be an awesome interplanetary combat game! You could hurl giant spaceships at each other, do dogfights in thick and thin atmospheres, and even fight on the ground! There is no game like that right now.
  2. My question is, why isn't the Dragon 2 destroyed so quickly by the sea, but the fairing is. You could have a four person exercise machine centrifuge thing. Have one of the decks empty with a pole in the center and spin a treadmill around it.
  3. The tangential velocity always matches the tangential velocity of the wheels.
  4. Exactly. Wouldn't that be a lot simpler than a parafoil boat catching scheme?
  5. The treadmill isn't an ideal treadmill, nor does it match the speed of the wheels.
  6. But you can't pick someone from the future, as you don't know if they'll exist.
  7. Most anti-tank missiles are at least two feet long. Is it possible with current tech to make a tiny missile like in Iron Man?
  8. It doesn't matter what the start point is.
  9. I say no because you could apply it to anything. If you start working for a new car manufacturer, and see a car with the registry number 10, you don't assume the factory will only produce a dozen or so new cars. Note: This is going to be like the airplane treadmill thread, isn't it.
  10. It wouldn't. Either way, it doesn't take off.
  11. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-03874-w hmmmm...
  12. DAL59

    Xeelee Sequence

    And Resplendent, which finally explains what that pyramid thing is.
  13. DAL59

    Xeelee Sequence

    Oh, its not like that- the universes are very different, and the time travel is the backbone of the books, not a one-time device
  14. DAL59

    Xeelee Sequence

    Ultima Also, I think the character of Poole might be a reference to 2001.
  15. "Much of the book is written as large sections of prose explaining theoretical exotic-matter physics"
  16. The Xeelee sequence is a collection of very hard scifi books by Stephen Baxter(and sometimes Terry Pratchet), that have so much time travel they put Dr. Who to shame. "Much of the book is written as large sections of prose explaining theoretical exotic-matter physics" They also build a particle accelerator larger than an entire galaxy. But even they are not nearly as powerful as the Photino Birds, which control all dark matter. So, what order do I read these books in? Also, Ultima revealed that all of the series are located in the same universe multiverse. So let's make a diagram. "the books can be read in any order because the series takes place in a multiverse." Sigh Xeelee Main Universe A1 A2 Vengence A3 A5 A6 a a A4 10 bya- Ring begins being built Fungi begin communicating via panspermia to stop the Big Crunch Ancient Rome- The Hive forms Rome never falls Volcanos destroy western hemisphere Events of Transendance Humans Defeat the Squeem Kernals found on Mercury by Romans Kernals found on Mercury by Aztecs Xeelee go back in time to destroy humanity, because humans are indirectly responsible for destroying the Ring. Water pockets in Earth's mantle released, floods world. Mission to Mars launched in 1970s(ARES) Events of Raft Quax use timetravel to try to destroy humanity Mars destroyed by ColU, go to A2 To be published this year Humanity survives on a spaceship. World war, mission to Titan. (Voyage) Poole closes the wormhole, stopping the Quax from time travel, flings himself into the future Xeelee driven out Poole turned into cosmic thing by Xeelee Launch of great northern Great Northern goes to younger universe Ring Destroyed (Due to events of Flux) Photinos Win, Poole died
  17. It wasn't even close to an ideal treadmill though. The treadmill has to be frictionless with its treadmill motors, or automatically increase in speed. ftfy
  18. In order for the car to move, the wheels must spin. The treadmill forces the wheels to not spin in the correct direction. The winch is irrelevant.
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