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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. There's been a lot of discussion on this thread of shrinking Orion and/or adding a small lunar lander to SLS, but isn't there another option to get around the "too weak to go to LLO and back" problem? Why not have Falcon Heavy or an equivalent launch vehicle launch a kicker stage into LEO, Orion docks with it, gets boosted into a moon transfer, then uses its own fuel to capture into LLO and return. This would enable smaller lunar landers to be used for Artemis.
  2. Still no pictures after 8 hours? Is this another Galileo antenna situation?
  3. Are they attempting booster recovery on the first launch?
  4. https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-shares-progress-toward-early-artemis-moon-missions-with-crew/ Artemis II delayed 10 months to September 2025 III delayed to September 2026 Artemis I was six years behind schedule, so this is actually above average performance for this "program"
  5. Would it be technically feasible to make a Falcon-Heavy derived HLS? One launch to send a small lander to LEO, a second launch to send a kicker stage to LEO to dock with the lander and take it to NRHO, no superheavy launch vehicles or orbital refueling required. If so, why aren't they doing this if it would be much cheaper and faster than either BM or SHLS?
  6. What do you think are the odds of SLS III actually happening are? II is mostly built with a designated crew and will almost certainly happen, but III is currently a mission with no set plan or place to go.
  7. How many Starship launches/launch attempts do you think SpaceX is aiming for 2024?
  8. Could we please get M and L size aerospikes instead of just the small one? The medium could be a linear aerospike, based on the XRS-2200. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8c/Twin_Linear_Aerospike_XRS-2200_Engine_PLW_edit.jpg/1920px-Twin_Linear_Aerospike_XRS-2200_Engine_PLW_edit.jpg The large or XL could be another toroidal one based on Phil Bono's Rombus.
  9. Yeah, it would be very much appreciated if they would clarify how "active" something needs to be. Does an anonymous upload need 10,000 views or just 10 to be exempt from deletion? How recently does the last interaction need to be?
  10. https://help.imgur.com/hc/en-us/articles/14415587638029-Imgur-Terms-of-Service-Update-April-19-2023- "We will be focused on removing old, unused, and inactive content that is not tied to a user account." Just like the Photobucket 2017 nuke but on a far larger scale. I for one never used an imgur account and uploaded all images anonymously, meaning all my forum posts with embedded images will be gone , and I'm sure many other users probably hosted photos on imgur without an account. This will brick large parts of the forums! I can't really think of a solution, other than a bot with moderator perms that scrapes the entire forum, downloads all imgur images, then edits each post with a new image uploaded to another site.
  11. Technically, the stages certainly did seperate!
  12. Wow I remember watching Falcon Heavy in this very thread 5 years ago, and now I'm actually studying aerospace engineering. Glad to see so many of the same people here! Prop loading complete!
  13. 612,000 km Not good, but I can't launch anything larger without the Kraken 2 striking! Hopefully they fix that. I admit, I partially just wanted to be the first person to complete a KSP 2 challenge.
  14. I think it should to avoid confusion between KSP 2 and KSP 1 versions of mods (because many will likely be ported over with the same name). This would also prevent mods for KSP 1 from being stuck on page 10 once KSP 2 becomes more popular. KSP 2 will likely have a completely different program structure than KSP 1, so a separate forum for its addon developers would also make sense.
  15. (I like High Frontier so I am really looking forward to the new career mode)
  16. I still hope to find the signal, but this has ALL of the classic elements of a "gaming myth". -Rumor originates from a single person several years ago -Game has many mods and glitches that could cause the rumor, especially if the originator forgot they had mods on -No hard evidence of rumor's existence -Someone investigates, gets tantalizingly close, gets an extremely vague result, then vanishes -Supposed proof of rumor is uploaded in a roundabout manner -Rumor suggested to require increasingly specific conditions to discover
  17. About every other mission I run into a lag spike where I only get 1/2 a second of movement every 5 seconds, if that. This is similar to the common memory induced lag issue I and others have often had, but it is not fixed by Memgraph or Padheap, and only effects a single vessel at a time. Restarting the game/computer has no effect, neither does quickloading or using the tracking station. However, as soon as an affected vessel changes SOIs, the lag vanishes. Some affected vessels had partcounts <10, so that isn't the problem.
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulysses_(spacecraft) This would provide a reason for players to send an out of ecliptic mission, and if there is a contract for doing so it could teach players how to use gravity assists, as it will be very hard to get into solar polar orbit without one, like the real Ulysses spacecraft used.
  19. I didn't know they added Outer Wilds to KSP lol!
  20. It would be nice to have built in options for ullage, limited ignitions, limited throttle depth, RTG decay, boil-off, construction taking time, ect. These should be off by default and in the difficulty settings.
  21. Wow I never thought someone would remember my post 5 years later, thanks for investigating!
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