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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. Although I can't see how this is related to Mars colonization, tethered satellites do not necessarily fall down. Its called a orbital or momentum exchange tether and it would be quite useful to have one on Phobos.
  2. Like what? Also, higher density on Venus means it is easier to float. Normal air will provide 1.5 buoyancy at the Venusian habitable layer. Not 1000s. You probably meant feet. It is a NASA thing... its also part of Mars 2020, but I think they canceled its inclusion. I agree, it would not be useful for terraforming, but it would be possible(albiet useless.) Plus, Musk has a Boring Company.
  3. What about Musk's plan to take a thousand nukes and drop them on the poles? Remember, the surface of Mars is just below the pressure and temperature needed for liquid water, so a tiny change could cause runaway warming. Because we have oceans. https://www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/reports/CB-955/washington.pdf This is WAVAR.
  4. I think that average cell phone antenna will struggle even with LEO sats. Actually, we know phones could pick up satellites(GPS). Also, couldn't inferonometry between giant dishes in GEO help to pick up iphones better?
  5. That post was from 2012.
  6. DAL59


    Prey animals often have side to side eyes to look for predators better.
  7. The existence of temporary brines was never needed for a Mars colony. Still plenty of humidity!
  8. How large would a geostationary dish need to be to stream 4k video from an Earth cell phone?
  9. Don't go to the surface- go to 50 km up. Same pressure, temperature, and gravity as Earth.
  10. Are you sure? If it did, goodbye to all the cell towers. The alternative would be naming it Skynet... Anyway, the BFR could launch a gigantic satellite that might be big enough for use with smartphones.
  11. Unlike Tesla and Spacex, which haven't eliminated their competitors, Starlink might decimate every wifi and cellular data company.
  12. If it has three cores, maybe it should be Portal 3 More on topic, what do you think about Starlink? Maybe Zuma's a Starlink test?
  13. All acceptable. But no pushing all the way to tylo.
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