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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. Other than @Hyomoto, nobody who was on this thread is still on the forums. You can reboot the challenge if you want.
  2. I agree, but at least there's geology. Orbital space accomplishes nothing. To paraphrase Zubrin, isn't that like shooting soldiers to study wound pathology?
  3. Water and metals can be obtained for less delta vee from asteroids. Three valid reasons for aliens to arrive: 1. Preventing us from becoming a rival space faring civilization in the future. 2. Scientific research 3. Uplifting or diplomacy 4. Colonization
  4. Holtz the planets is nice. Its a type of lighting that is spherical and persists for several seconds. It is rare, but has been recorded on camera. The problem is, there are two perfectly valid explanations for it(and a hundred conspiracy theories). One is that its statically suspended soil that was charged by a normal lightning strike, the other is that it is plasma(which is the type the engine relies on).
  5. Why? A base on the moon is reasonable, but what does a base around the moon do for anything? It takes less delta vee to assemble a Mars ship in LEO. Are you saying that with modern computers, we couldn't handle a 1 second time delay? Its literally just repeating apollo 8 for an entire decade or more.
  6. Even though the moon tourism probably won't happen in 2018, it will certainly happen before 2023.
  7. How much antimatter would you need for an antimatter bullet (a special, very expensive round that would be a normal bullet with antimatter magnetically contained inside) that could fit inside a handgun to destroy a building?
  8. Pulsed plasmoids are another alternative. Basically its ball lightning in space.
  9. No, it is cylindrical. Its from the book Rendezvous With Rama. The plot is that an object enters the solar system, but its not an asteroid, its clearly a spinning cylinder, so a mission has to be quickly launched to intercept and investigate it.
  10. Yay! This is heading for the 4th anniversary on the 20th! Are you doing ablate for Kron 7? If not, I'd recommend the Kolythemus mod. It adds a gas giant between kerbin and eve with three interesting moons.
  11. For ipads, and windows tablets, maybe. For iphone, no. Could ksp be ported to the Wii? It would be better than the xbox, because you can actually point at the screen and have a cursor.
  12. Many of SpaceX's payloads are non-Nasa though.
  13. How do you change the tiny characters under your name that often say "capsule communicator" or "bottle rocketeer"? Also, how to you edit your signature?
  14. http://www.popularmechanics.com/space/rockets/a13974792/spacex-falcon-heavy-launch-pushed-back-to-201 Falcon Heavy is only 6 months weeks away!
  15. OFFER WEAPON [snip] Did the image embed properly? It isn't on my side.
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