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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. There are, believe it or not, proposals for intergalactic travel. http://crowlspace.com/?p=1488
  2. Only 2000? I've been launching wrong.
  3. That doesn't mean they should be ruled out. Most of these haven't been extensively studied because of the expense. Or a superconductor. There is still a great advantage. With a rocket, you have to build a new one every time, and it can explode, is loud, depends on good weather, ect.
  4. Even on Earth, the open ocean is full of bacteria.
  5. DAY 280- Eve arrival A few weeks earlier,l they had their solar periapsis. Kerbol was bright, but not nearly as much as it would be once they slingshotted around it to go to Jool. Eve, the most hostile planet, shrouded in thick clouds. The surface would have to wait for the next mission...for Kerbals. A probe, on the other hand, might just work. They had one in a cargo bay along with the laythe drone. Orbit insertion has to be started quite far out. T Thanks @PeteTimesSix @RealTimeShepherd @linuxgurugamer for the vessel viewer mod! Sunset on Eve. Stable orbit! Its apoapsis, time to release the probe. It has no propulsion, the plan is to have a kerbal push it retrograde and then return to the Kegasus. The crew are shocked. The seperation is too intense and the probe immediately explodes. They will stay for a week and then head out to Duna. But there is another option. They also have a second probe, the Laythe drone. Now, Eve has no oxygen, so it won't get very far. So I'm going to ask you guys to decide- sacrifice the Laythe drone to briefly explore Eve, or save the drone for laythe?
  6. VIII. Unless your ignoring one of the prequels, which is fine.
  7. He shouldn't tell anyone what the sticker is, so you can only find out in 50 years when someone takes a rocket to go find out what the pun was.
  8. Water is one of the most effective radiation protectors. Several kilometers of ice will probably mean there is very little radiation in the oceans.
  9. Yes, that would be very helpful. There's no way I can aerobrake with just the inflatable shield, which I've tried in a simulation. I'm going to have to use some cheats for the Jool Aerobrake.
  10. We chose to grab a kerbal with two claws at once, and do the other krakens, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
  11. If you build a vessel with two claws right on top of each other, eva the kerbal on top, grapple the kerbal with the lower claw, and then grab the already grabbed kerbal with the upper claw, it deletes the planet. Watch danny2536.
  12. Okay. But there are also bunker buster nukes. Still harder than a meltbot. It has now been tested in alaska. If they don't need nuclear power, it makes a meltbot even easier.
  13. @Vanamonde, what about the grabbing-a-kerbal-with-two-claws-at-once Kraken?
  14. @Lo Var Lachland 0/10 exceeds character limit. @adsii197010/10 Only 2 hours from Louisville, which is a great place for a robotics tournament.
  15. [snip] https://www.igsoc.org/annals/55/65/a65A200.pdf So you're saying that bringing 30 nukes to europa is easier than making a small, nuclear powered meltbot? I was getting my hopes up that Boeing might help NASA land by 2038, instead of their earlier 2043 date. Now, with this five year delay on just the first mission, it might be back to the ridiculous 2040s again. At this rate, HL3 might actually be released before EM3.
  16. Some of the money does go to SpaceX, thankfully.
  17. Unlike in ksp, engines can't throttle arbitrarily low. Yes! My favorite spaceship! Radioactive tsunamis are the only downside. @illectro The BFR would have to be delayed 12 years in order for Boeing to win.
  18. The space shuttle was transported via plane, so an empty Falcon 9 might be movable via plane.
  19. If you want it back, you can use alt f12 to put it back in kerbin orbit.
  20. @Green Baron A eltbot is a very small probe with a heating element in front that melts a path through the ice.
  21. Yes please. Wait, the OP hasn't been on the forum for 2 years.
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