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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. I'm a spacex proponent. It shows that the young spacex is managing to launch rockets, while the old NASA stagnates on the SLS.
  2. Based on a 13 year old BBC docudrama: Wherner Kerman inspects the heatshield: The massive craft was assembled in LKO via the Altftwelve Space Elevator. This is Kegasus. 67 meters of nuclear space craft, an oasis of life in the vacumn of space all alone in the night. Its a dangrous place, but its our last, best hope for peaace and 5 kerbals' homes for the next 610 days. Because that's when the snacks run out. Kegasus, you are go for trans-Eve injection. 4 periapsis kicks later, the ship escaped kerbin, though the navigation started glitching out. What does that even mean??? We were on an escape trajectory a second ago! Pegasus has lowered its orbit to intercept Eve, with plenty of fuel left. Technical stuff: 17,960 m/s of delta vee remain. Flightpath(subject to change): Kerbin - Eve(probe) - Duna(manned)(Refuel at depot) - Jool - Tylo(Manned) -Vall (Manned) - Laythe(Probe)(Refuel at depot) - Eeloo(Manned) - Asteroid? - Kerbin Mostly stock. Only mods was near future construction(trusses)(should be stock), and of course, Near future propulsion, electric, and USI for the lithium tanks. Landers are completely stock.
  3. Yep Good. I probably shouldn't have just told everyone that Click
  4. Not living ones, but long dead frozen ones.
  5. Science and Spaceflight:
  6. @WinkAllKerb'', I noticed you now have 1001 rep.
  7. It didn't work... How is this thread suddenly unlocked again??? Does quoting people circumvent thread locks?
  8. Interesting graphic Except this part: Hahahaha
  9. Not that, the meltbot. They've tested it in Alaska.
  10. No matter how good the chemical analysis, you need actual microbes for proof. The ice is frozen ocean water, that moves over time. It could have microbes just a few centimeters down. Whatever happened to Valkyrie?
  11. Which is a waste of money becuase it doesn't matter if you find signs of life, they aren't finding actual life until they land. 2023-2018 = 5.
  12. First! Interesting challenge. I think I'll participate. Though @Matt Lowne has already won all of them.
  13. At what point in history would the world's combined computers be able to run lowest setting ksp?
  14. Yes there is actually a severe shortage. The US has no probes at Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, and not even one on the moon. Outside of Mars, there are only 4 missions: one probe heading to an asteroid, one at Ceres, and one at jupiter, and one going to a KBO. Three rovers on Mars is not enough, given the slow driving. NASA could launch a Cassini sized mission every year for a fraction of its budget, but it isn't because of bureaucracy.
  15. It aims at a constant spot. Well, a 5 year unjustified delay certainly overturns everyone's criticisms of the 4 year justified(to create reusability) Falcon Heavy delay. Why was it just delayed 5 years for no reason??? What is the reason???
  16. Well it did, because it was part of boeing's plan, but anyway, let's stop talking about it now.
  17. I just went to a lecture that started with a "News from the Universe segment" that had a good summary of a2017-U1: The video should start at the right place
  18. YOU FOUND A NEW EASTER EGG. Can someone with the right mods try to replicate this?
  19. The microwaves are then used at a receiver station to produce electricity.
  20. @PTNLemay I recommend using EOR. Launch a lander capable of landing and returning into LKO, then dock an unmanned booster to ts to take it to munar orbit.
  21. I was about to comment "this mod is a lot like the game Buzz Aldrins Race Into Space" and then I realized...
  22. Yes Is it broken on your end? The forums have been having some problems with embedding recently.
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