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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. SpaceX has its own launcher specifically for this craft. The craft will use some of its own fuel to circularize into orbit, then more ITSs will refuel it in orbit.
  2. What exactly is wrong with Dr. Forward's proposal?
  3. Are you talking about the ludicrously expensive ARCAboard that only lasts for 6 minutes per charge anyway? I do like how they are trying to build an actual orbital rocket without billions of dollars(and using Aruinos.) I also watch all the very interesting weekly progress updates, where they detail all the parts. Very interesting. They were asked that in a Q/A and said that since it is a single solid object, it supposedly doesn't matter.
  4. http://www.lunarsail.com/LightSail/rit-1.pdf
  5. Drag increases with the square of velocity.
  6. It has almost the same gravity as Mars, but no atmosphere to help slow down. Also, its very uneconomical to ship products of Mercury. Solar power beaming, on the other hand... (You should rename this thread to avoid confusion with the Mercury Mission VR Experience)
  7. You know, you posted that after I did my mission...
  8. They actually did that on the real Apollo missions, to make sure they didn't hesitate to abort.
  9. I think that SpaceX (or some other company )is going to be paid by the US to race China.
  10. How long until it will move out of our telescope's range?
  11. Green ones are randomly generated for each game.
  12. Oh, wrong acronym. I meant WAVAR. https://www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/reports/CB-955/washington.pdf
  13. He confirmed that in the reddit AMA. He also said he will use the BFR spacecraft as a no payload SSTO. (!)
  14. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/423608/planets-could-orbit-singularities-inside-black-holes/
  15. With sufficient power, you could make a artificial magnetosphere. How much power would it need to decently protect a o'neil cylinder? Well, that supports Zubrin's claims.
  16. Your right eye couldn't transmit the info to you brain.
  17. There is still no indication at all that this is happening.
  18. I've grown to expect that citation at the end of every propulsion discussion... here's my control v: @Kosmonaut You should really submit that to the Nasa Space Settlement Challenge... https://settlement.arc.nasa.gov/Contest/
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