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  • About me
    Jebediah's Workshop
  • Location
    San Diego, CA

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  1. Is there a current status on an updated version of this? Current version at the time of writing is 1.6.2.
  2. Does anyone know of any mods that will dock a ship if I can get it in range? I'm a famously bad docker and am looking for a simplified solution to my issue.
  3. Should it be the master file or just parts of it?
  4. Since I'm obviously an idiot, how do I properly install this mod and its dependencies? I've tried everything and its brother to get it to work. Right now I have the fshangar file in the game data folder, and the CTB and TP files in the plugin folder, I am using a Mac running the most recent OS, and all the plugins/mods are the most recent version.
  5. Jebediah's Workshop Modlist: (V.1.5.3.)

    More mods may be added, and some taken off with time and updates, so check back frequently! All mods work with no known conflicts.

    Airplane Plus

    Deep Sky


    Instellar Fuel Switch

    Tweak Scale

    Kerbal Reusability Expansion

    Mk-2 Expansion

    OPT Spaceplane Parts

    OPT Reconfig (Dependency to keep OPT updated)

    BDA Armoury

    Physics Extender

    Heisenberg Airships

    Universal Storage II

    Deep Space Exploration Vessels

    Tundra Exploration



  6. The files need to go into Gamedata, right? Because I've tried putting them in almost every folder in my KSP data, and I can't get it to work.
  7. E.M.T.I. Concept __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Easy. Mod. Tracker. Interface. This is a concept for an Interface that would massively simplify the lives of Kerbal Space Program players who use mods. The Interface would display in a simple but well-designed window, list all currently loaded KSP mods, their versions, and if there is an updated version available. There are already programs that do parts of this, but no program would do everything this Interface would do. This would make it simple and easy for many of the less experienced modding community, and make it easy for people like myself with massive mod lists to see what needs to be patched or updated. If this idea works, and or takes off, perhaps we may be able to design it to where all you would have to do to is click a button next to the mod, and it would download and install the mod into the game data folder. Sadly, I have no experience with coding/modding, but I am able to do graphic design/audio work. Therefore, I am in need of more members of a team to design and create this. I am open to any help or conversation anyone wants to have on this topic. Please let me know if you are interested in this idea! Reply below or in DM! Cheers!
  8. Is the mod being updated, or has anyone adopted this mod? It is crucial for many of my 1000+ Ton super cruisers.
  9. KSP: 1.4.3 Problem: Parts from B9 and B9 HX not loading Mods Installed: Airplane Plus v1.4.0 AugmentedReality v2.1.2 B9 HX Parts v6.5.0 B9 Aerospace v6.5.0 Community Resource Pack v0.9.0 Deep Sky v3.0.0 Dr. Jet's Chop Shop v0.11.2 Firespitter v7.6.0 Foxparts v1.0.0 Internal RCS (Version unavailable, assume most recent) Interstellar Fuel Switch (Same as aforementioned) JX2 Antenna v2.4.0 Kerbal Historical Institue v3.5.0 Kerbal Reusability Expansion (Version unavailable, assume most recent) Kerbetrotter Ltd. v1.2.3 MCPJ Alpha Pack v0.1.0 Modular Rocket Systems v1.13.2 OPT Spaceplane Parts v1.9.0 (Is run up to date using the OPT Reconfig mod, v0.1.0) Patch Manager v0.0.15.0 (Yes, this is correctly input) Surface Experiment Package (Assume most recent) Thor Tech v0.9.5 Tweak Scale v2.3.12 Wild Blue Industries v2.4.0 Reproduction Steps: Load 64bit KSP (Steam based client, booting data off an external 1tb hard drive). After loading, open a new game. Go to either of the building hangars. You will notice that only a few of the parts show up. Log: Output Log
  10. I am having an issue with the HX pack, no parts are appearing for it when the file has been extracted and placed in the KSP game data folder, any help? Cheers!
  11. Sadly, I do not have any experience in anything more than basic coding, where would I be able to find a group that would be able (and possibly willing to) help revive this.
  12. So in theory, one could edit the code of KSP so that it only loads textures that are currently in use to reduce the RAM requirements. And release it as a patch addon or mod.
  13. I have noticed a great gaping hole in the KSP modding community. We have a devastating lack of Optimization Mods, for players like myself who have lower end PCs, KSP can be more like a slideshow than a game. What I am looking for is a mode that does for KSP, what Optifine did for Minecraft. Does anyone know of any mods for 1.4 or newer that do this or any projects that are working to build a mod like this? Cheers!
  14. Are there any mods required to get all of the tanks to show up, I am only able to transfer fuel types, and do not have access to any of the tanks that come with the mod.
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