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Emperor of Ilve

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  1. In my work on the RO configs for BDB. I'm having trouble finding sources for many parts. Though the A-7 Quad eludes me, is this a real part or is it just fictional and made for BDB? If it's a real proposal if anyone could redirect me to sources regarding it that would be much appreciated.
  2. Thanks for reminding me I need to update my git page for those I've been pushing PRs to the RO page for a while and almost forgot about that page
  3. Sorry if this has been said already but this is the old Axiom Module Design The current Module design looks like this, no more tapered design, just straight all the way
  4. Configs are being put up in Pull Requests on the RO Github page now They aren't all there yet and it will be a while before they all are, but if you want to test them out go for it. Just read the requirements to use them since they require a few of the newer features and updates that RO has that are in development
  5. KSP2 Version 0.1.1 Windows 11 Pro i7-12700K, RTX-3080 Time Warp at high rates and Duna's atmosphere will jump around back and forth. Atmosphere should stay fixed to the planet. Mods: Cheat Menu, Interplanetary Calc, Lazy Orbit, Maneuver Node Controller, Stage Info, Time Warp Unlock, UI Scaler, Zoomer. Screenshots:
  6. Basically as it looks I can zoom the camera in closer to Jeb, but if I tilt the camera it'll collide with the surface but the surface is registered several meters above where it actually is.
  7. I've been working on updating RO support for BDB for the past month and a half Should hopefully be ready to go soon
  8. Artemis Construction Kit RO Configs V1.2 is now Available! All Changes Listed in the Changelog Changes Include: - Overhauled ROKerbalism Life Support Integration - Overhauled Waterfall Support for the Solid Motors and Orion AUX Engines - RP1 Avionics Support - Fixes for Orion's Parachutes/RealChute Support - Support for Benjee10SharedAssets Parts (AJ10, APAS, C-100, and IDA) - Many Many More Changes, Check the release notes for more! https://github.com/SkyPhoenix999/Artemis-Construction-Kit-RO-Configs/releases/tag/V1.2
  9. I'm having a consistent problem where when I dock my mobile crane to another craft, that the parts will extend/fold all over the place and often into the ground, causing the whole system to launch into the air and be completely busted. Weirdly, this doesn't happen the first time I dock the crane to another object, it happens the second time I dock to an object and onwards. It affects basically every part. I thought it was an issue with robotics in general but the DLC robotics don't reproduce this glitch Loading a save will also result in the same glitch, even if I reset the parts back to their pre-launch position, and using vessel mover will also force these parts into those positions, but placing/dropping the vessel from vessel mover will free the parts and the parts will slowly move back to their original position. (Image shows one example of what happens)
  10. I made it custom, it's just a bunch of procedural parts and flag textures
  11. The Heat Shield uses Avcoat which is a form of ablator, it works normally, just with a different name The CM decoupler is delayed as it plays an animation of the umbilical detaching, wait around 10 seconds and it'll decouple, or click emergency decouple and it will instantly decouple
  12. As long as you don't delete the Delta parts folder it should be fine. But don't quote me on that
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