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Everything posted by Jhorriga

  1. It's ready Btw I have mechjeb on my craft. Is that ok?
  2. I'm looking for a mod(s) that adds in parts to build an unmanned rover. perferabbly based off of real life rovers. got any suggestions?
  3. maybe on a docking port jutting out. It will have an aerospike intake as a nose and will have a crew cabin
  4. Can I add a crew escape vehicle? it'd be like that lifting body that was planned to go onto the ISS.
  6. Hello. How would you like to have bobcat work alongside you on this mod? I can get him to. I have direct contact with him.
  7. Can someone link me a good lightweight SLS mod that includes orion?
  8. Thanks!! Are you still working on the other mod with SU-35s and KC-135s?
  9. A mod that adds in scorch marks after reentry. What I mean by that is, gradually, as reentry progresses, more scorch marks will begin to appear. They would be very transparent at first but over the course of reentry, develop more.
  10. I heard someone mention ven's version of the stock capsules. Link?
  11. I launched a survey mission to jool and returned with the comfortable landing mod https://gyazo.com/3c6c9cf8f108cfdda2cbbc37b54ca587
  12. does this apply to the other capsules in fasa?
  13. YESSSSSSSSSS You said to me you would add fasa compatibility tho
  14. ffffffffffffffffffffff..... Downloaded so frigging fast broke finger on way to hospital and play 10/10 would break again
  15. Thanks, but I want a system instead of just an ascent vehicle. thanks tho
  16. Alright. I did what was instructed in the first post, But I only have mercury sites and no LC41 Or 39A. Help!
  17. OH MY GOD YES buttt Could you make a boarding arm? It doesn't need to have crew capacity
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