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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. And before you said this I was reading it as Lo Var Latch Land...
  2. I've been reading this in my head as 'la- low- varch- Land'. Brain fart. Except it lasted for a year. Name: Cepholopod are clearly the best animals, and the Kraken is clearly the best cepholopod. Then there's the Kraken Kernel, which I just referenced for a joke. The Kraken part is from the Agar.io skin, and it's been in all of my usernames for years.
  3. It is literally a white screen with some vaguely rock shaped lines at the bottom. I'd say the pictures fine.
  4. Where is this from? This is without a doubt one of the funnier things I've seen this year.
  5. Ok, this looks fun. I'll slap together a flying barge loaded with guns in a few weeks, (mabye more, accounting for even more procrastination) and then never post a kerbalX link or anything because of the 'IDIL' effect- (I'll do it Later).
  6. Who cares, it's Phineas and Ferb! Imbrace the rube Goldberg machines and rollercoasters and great soundtracks!
  7. Mabye it's just me but the weapons aren't firing through the weapon manager assingned keys with APP installed, but it worked for at least 5 minutes after removing it lol. I'll try to just make a stock + BDAc install when I get home. EDIT: thanks for reminding me to put an entry to the Air Superiority Competition.
  8. I just found out that Airplane Plus and BDArmory don't mix, so I'll have to do... *Shudder*... Completely stock aircraft. Which sucks, Airplane plus had some awesome wing pieces. Mabye I'll make another instance of KSP.
  9. Today I found out airplane plus and BDArmory don't mix :(. Now how am I going to make my B-29?
  10. I don't see why they would release KSP2- I've always seen KSP in a similar light to Minecraft- a building game which, instead of sequals, gets new content through continuous updates.
  11. Banned for profile picture, or lack thereof.
  12. Bunker Buster nukes along with several normal thermonuclear weapons and storming the hill with a hazmat- suit clad army means my hill. No matter if you're in a hill bunker or above ground, you'd be dead, or suffering from a -4 to all stats radiation debuff as my army storms the hill from dropships.
  13. I'd start at Kerbin, then visit the Mün on a gravity assist, then visit minmus. I could send down Landers as I build in minmus orbit. That'd be two bodies down and I haven't assembled my ship yet!
  14. In Canada do you call Canadian Bacon pizza American Ham?

    1. Piatzin



      Canadian bacon is usually called 'black bacon.' :D

  15. Holy schnikes... This looks interesting to say the least. Is this possible? Mabye if I assembled a 2000- part mothership in orbit of minmus while getting there by way of Mün gravity assist... Ill try it. I haven't even landed on the Min in my 250+ hours but I'll do it.
  16. It's impossible to ignore @kerbiloid. I take the hill by storming it with an army. My hill.
  17. Miminus with a derpy face on one of the frozen seas of mint froyo?
  18. Well, the lady who sung the original song died. The original song is now stuck in my head but I don't care because I like it. I can't stand the bad wolves version, it sounds awful in comparison to the origional.
  19. Scare- The- Living- Daylights- Out- Of- Your- Dog- Day celebrations have been going on here for a few days, at least the explosion parts have been. It's chaotic. And we've had tons of thunderstorms recently o we can't tell if it's actually fireworks or lightning :p
  20. We get it, your profile picture is minimus We read it the first three times :p
  21. Sorry about the audio crackling in the video, I'll roll out a new one without the atrocious audio tomorrow. A KerbalX link will be provided if asked.
  22. I came here to kick butt and eat guacamole and I'm all out of guacamole.
  23. Wait, this actually happens? I thought this was just a myth. I'm gonna stop messing with the Low Orbit Ion Cannon just in case now...
  24. What mod is this in? Or did you just put this together as a demonstration? Also, where are the treads and the tank hull from? Those look awesome.
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