I track your IP address and take a five day road trip to strangle you and make you stop posting the exact same text wall every time someone says something.
Buy a firecuda hard drive. Not horribly expensive and generally regarded as the best drive on the market. Then give it to me because I want a new drive to dual boot Linux on. I don't know how to fix your problem though.
If bridges are the shape they are on Earth because that works best because of physics, and aliens would be building the same bridge shapes, then wouldn't it make sense that the best aliens would be similar to us and genetically compatible?
. Duh.
I gotta ask, why on Earth do you have both a queen AND a democratic governing body? In case the queen dies or all of parliment disappears? Seems a little redundant. If you got rid of the parliment you could also brag about being one of the like 4 monarchies left in the world.
10,000 stylized blue- ringed Octopuses? I'd build armored suits for them like Minion's suit in Megamind and take over the world. I'd remove the poison in each octopus and put it into warheads and put those in the power armor's missile launchers.