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Everything posted by flart

  1. Does checkboxes' clicking in the Difficulty settings send some GameEvents ? I move some code (which doesn't need to be updated every tick) from LateUpdate() to the functions, called by events, and it almost works with OnGameSettingsApplied() and some flight-scene-events. But I noticed, what if you open difficulty settings while in the flight-scene, and then click some checkboxes, LateUpdate() on-the-fly take this new values, so I need GameEvents for this (something like OnGameSettingsChanges(), but it isn't there) or how to limit flight-scene to take only saved settings, after OnGameSettingsApplied event (I am using HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<modSettings>().setting_name, and they are taken on-the-fly)
  2. Version 1.0.0 Recompile for KSP 1.4.0 * on github for now (SpaceDock don't have 1.4.0 tag) -------------------------------- notable [not]rounding: you would not mislead by rounding, when it could be important
  3. I wanted workaround for https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSPLoadingScreenManager/issues/4 by making twice-size screenshots (and halfres textures = normal size loading screenshots) but instead reduced some other graphics option and leave fullres textures.
  4. Is it possible to make screenshot manually (F1), but with mod features: Convert to jpg, supersize, filename format, no gui, etc? Is it possible to disable screenshot by interval, but enable screenshot after scene change or after special events? Is it possible to configure datestring format (example — yyyyMMdd-HHmmss) just like in the sensible-screenshot mod ? UPD. or this mod is about AUTOMATED screenshots, so maybe better ask @magico13 introduce into the Sensible Screenshot some feature from here: supersize, no gui than vice versa. @linuxgurugamer but still consider the list above.
  5. What about SAS, light, Presize control (CapsLock) on the launchpad using MM?
  6. These strings already in the stock (for every language) and had used in the mod. Can you use it? #autoLOC_500101 = Pilot #autoLOC_500103 = Engineer #autoLOC_500105 = Scientist
  7. @NecroBones I made localization support using LocalizationTool and partially translated to Russian. Do you have github repo for PR?
  8. I had not noticed GUI, had looked at .cfg and had assumed what it is about cycle in the showing images. I have set windows scaling to 100%, have made test image, and blurring still there ... maybe this is responsable ?
  9. @JPLRepo first screenshot Can I split the module info card in the left panel about SAS + Part Stat Upgrade (virtual upgrade part at tech tree) into 2 different cards: SAS and Part Stat Upgrade? Can I change "Part Stat Upgrade" string to "Cost" ? Second Screenshot I would like to see counter about upgrades: something like **Upgrade applied (1/3)** instead of the incomprehensible **Upgrade applied** How to make the first module info card about Part Stat Upgrade to show PartStatsUpgradeModule { UPGRADE {description__ = ... }} instead of PARTUPGRADE { description = ...} or don't show this module info? showUpgradesInModuleInfo=false doesn't work
  10. @AlexALX, сам пользуюсь precise maneuver, что за сonics mode не знаю, возможно это будет полезно из перевода precise maneuver: И ещё,
  11. @linuxgurugamer Does <neverShowAgain> value have influence to every launch separately within just this launch? Quality image bug: origin: https://i.imgur.com/V6qQz6K.png loading screen: https://i.imgur.com/BTjEkZ8.png (blurry text) windows 10, 1920×1080, display scaling 125%
  12. After some time, I have in the tech tree: there "KAL9000 successfully ... " is the upgrade description from PARTUPGRADE { description = ... } where I can put talkative kerbal-ish description, about all parts and modules corresponding to this PARTUPGRADE {}. also there is SAS-description, and cost-description (+200 cost) from UPGRADE {description__ = ... } where I can put strings about SAS-update and cost-update. Better would be make it 2 different module-info in GUI: about SAS and about cost. Is it possible? And it is in the VAB after first upgrade (out of 3) It shows **Upgrades applied**, but 2 updates still isn't applied It shows talkative description from PARTUPGRADE ("KAL9000 successfully ... ") instead of more short one in the PartStatsUpgradeModule (+200 cost) SAS works ok. github
  13. ok, I see "last found upgrade" by the tech node columns or in the user's purchase order? And how competitive (ex. SASServiceLevel = 1 vs SASServiceLevel = 2) fields work without ExclusiveWith__ ?
  14. I already figured out module upgrade, but still need example with cost and module upgrade. What does ExclusiveWith__ stand for?
  15. Flart Presents: Fun with Flags Flag of Belarus was changed in 2012 from this to this but in the package you have a strange mix of them. (a ornament from the second one, more aсid colors from the first one):
  16. Are cases for improving autodetect welcomed? It's ignore procedural decoupler size change from "Procedural parts"
  17. @linuxgurugamer I was trying to make KAL9000 brothers with other textures (name, eye's color), but https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KAL9000 has too many files, don't know where is last used textures. Is blenderartistshal9000.blend last user model ?
  18. да, возможно так лучше через меню "данные"? Обычно в таблицах есть сортировка по нажатию на название столбца, странно что здесь через экспорт html такого нет.
  19. Just noticed, it should be in the \Plugin Development Help and Support\ subfolder.
  20. Is any mod using stock PartModule Upgrades for upgrade part's cost AND some module (for example SAS) I've seen modders notes, but I need some real example to see how it looks like in the game
  21. В любом случае необходима быстрая и постоянная активность создателя таблицы. А вероятность, что создатель таблицы через некоторое время забьёт\не всегда своевременно будет делать то, что от него требуется я оцениваю больше, чем вероятность прихода вандала. Я предполагаю, что вероятность прихода вандала довольно мала, но и в таком случае, создатель в 2 клика сможет откатить все изменения и перейти в закрытый режим. Если к тому времени создатель уже пропадёт с горизонта, а вандал сотрёт все данные — тогда останутся бэкапы. + заинтересованные лица могли изначально настроить сервисы, которые сами автоматически занимаются копированием публичной таблицы в их личную, и в случае одновременного забивания создателя и прихода вандала эти заинтересованные лица перехватят инициативу. в режиме просмотра в гугле сортировки нет, а в режиме редактирования сортировка сохранится в публичном файле, поэтому для сортировки придётся форкать и сортировать уже у себя. Идеальный вариант, это найти сервис, который позволяет делать всё, как в гугле, и при этом с сортировкой в режиме просмотра.
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