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Everything posted by flart

  1. Version 0.3.0 New: NF-Construction KAS (1.0 & Legacy) Updates: Engines Girder segments MM v3.1.0 Extras\ with patches, what can move parts to other category: KAS&KIS in the one cck-EVA category cck-parts don't appear in the stock categories
  2. @Benjamin Kerman @0111narwhalz Yes, I can create a new PartModule, add to parts using MM-patch, create new fields in the code using KSPField[guiActive = true], and filled the fields with whatever values I want. But It looks like overdoing for just showing few strings for an existing stock PartModule. P. S. a runrime strings, I mean they can change on Unity.update(), or at least, on some KSPEvent()
  3. How to add new runtime info-strings in the flight part-right-click menu for stock modules? For example, some additional info for parts with ModuleScienceConverter and ModuleScienceLab? Do I need to create a new module ModuleScienceInfo, attach to the parts using the ModuleManager, and work in the ModuleScienceInfo?
  4. Looks like at some point MPL was intended for 6 kerbals — 3 floors, 2 seats on each floor. (you can see the seats, using internal view) Is there MM-patch what create internal view with 6 kerbals for MPL-6 copy? +PART[Large_Crewed_Lab] { @name = Large_Crewed_Lab_6 @CrewCapacity = 6 @entryCost = 30000 @cost = 6000 @title = Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-6 @mass = 5.0 }
  5. Maybe better put KIS and KAS (both) parts to one cck-category? The EVA-Items looks good. Also the category can be added to a CCK-default
  6. installed - GameData\KerbalAtomics\ , without any extras archive with Extras - CKAN\downloads\722C107C-KerbalAtomics-1-0.5.1.zip\Extras\ All extras can be added to CKAN as separate mods, with suggesting from a base mod.
  7. thanks, fixed in the Looks like they was in that way from the beginning
  8. Version 0.9.5 check working with updated RemoteTechRedevAntennas 0.1.1 add MM to archive update desc Version 1.0.0 recompiled plugin for KSP 1.5.0 update MM to v3.1.0 Russian localization @TaxiService , on your .version file you still have VERSION 0.1, so last 0.1.1 unavailable on SCAN for KSP > 1.3.0. Also, can you make KSP_VERSION_MAX something like 1.99.99, for no needs further updating ?
  9. @TaxiService, it looks like a problem about placing parts into "RemoteTech" folder. It's about MM-patches now. @PART[part]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] is triggered by RemoteTech-Annennas. Maybe place them into "RemoteTech-Antennas"?
  10. Version 0.2.9 new in the last few versions: KAX NF Aeronautics MSP 3000 Kerbal Foundries kOS (thanks to github user MinchinWeb)
  11. Сама игра должна быть русская (в стиме в настройках), тогда и локализованные на русский моды будут на русском
  12. @vmatt1203 Did you get all math right? 4x25M vessel + 4x25M relay satellite is no more than 100Mm distance. KSP CommNet Signal Strength Calculator wiki
  13. Стимовые корабли и миссии видны сразу в стоковой игре, там же можно подписываться на новые, а через браузер на странице стим-воркшопа можно только смотреть и подписываться, не скачивать. C KerbalX можно скачивать напрямую архивы, интеграция кораблей в игру через мод (CraftManager) а миссии только вручную. Поисковик и фильтрация на KerbalX удобнее, чем на сайте стим-воркшопа. И тем и другим пользуются, в стиме: Mission (88) Featured (20) Craft (12,254) Featured - это отобранное самими Squad В KerbalX для ksp1.4.x — 4230 кораблей (для всех версий — 27000)
  14. Why GameData\KSC\Parts\LegacyVariants\ instead of just GameData\LegacyVariants\ ? Also in the spacedock downloads there are temp save files from your text editor: .tanks.cfg~, .pods.cfg~, etc
  15. What do you think about adding cck-universal-storage to CCT for using by Universal Storage, Universal Storage II and DMagic Orbital Science?
  16. тут на самом деле всё довольно просто: украинцев приблизительно в три раза меньше чем россиян, если к россиянам мы добавим всех остальных, не знающих украинский, но присутствующих в рунете, доля уменьшится до четверти-пятой части. Т.е. где-то четверть сможет в полной мере заценить dV карту на украинском. И ссылка на карту в OP вряд ли будет кому-то мешать, а кого-то сверх обозначенной четверти даже позабавит. Аналогично можно предположить, что dV-карту на белорусском заценят 5% местных обитателей, хотя позабавит она может и большее кол-во. Но при этом прямо вот этот опрос в самом верху страницы выглядит лишним. Хочешь - делай, но специально спрашивать не стоит. З.Ы. у тебя какие-нибудь исходники dV карты со слоями есть? Inkscape? Круто. Может я по фану белорусскую сделаю... З.Ы.2 там на главном форуме есть ещё эта же dV карта, но в виде мода как страничка КСПедии. И в СКАНе она тоже есть, хотя и для 1.3.0. С этим бы ещё разобраться ...
  17. Another idea is a skateboard or a kick scooter for KIS
  18. "captureMinRollDot = 0.98" and "snapOffset = 45" allows docking in (45° × n) ± 2° angles or I misunderstood captureMinRollDot field? So this mod can prevent me from docking in 30°, but can't prevent from docking in 45,5° ? P.S. I know, there is "Konstruction" and "Dock Rotate", but what about this patch?
  19. Version 1.4 - Challenge update text & bugs fixes "objectives" fixes additional points for reaching closer to Sun. How close can you get and succeed the mission?
  20. How I understand it, they on purpose update RSS after a next version is released, it's make RSS kind of LTS-ish. Also RSS&RO is a very large piece of work, so I understand why they need this LTS-ish cycle. After 1.4 was out they update RSS to 1.3.1 in few days. So I think there would be RSS for 1.4.5 after 1.5 will out. So, I propose you add [temporary] tag to the title. Or if your aim is to support LTS-ish RSS for active version with or without RO, please write it in the OP.
  21. Version 1.1 - Parker update now for max score you also need to reach Parker Solar Probe periapsis (scaled) - 612,000,000 m
  22. Version 0.9.2 Added on CKAN Added on Spacedock Patched for separate RemoteTech Redev Antennas — it's dependency, link in the OP.
  23. New in the last Beta-5 (since Beta-2) Added on CKAN Added on SpaceDock new: JX2Antenna Airplane Plus Missing History updates: SRBs, Battery, S3-Engines, Antennas, OpenCockpit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @BlackHat I personally don't use KW, because SpaceY + FuelTankPlus mostly overlap it. if you want to make this for KW, start with making localization support and committing to KW repo. Then making convention-ization will get easier.
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