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Everything posted by flart

  1. After downloading 1.5 hours, it breaks on 89%, without possibility to continue. Could you have a mirror? At least for a last version... I have 100 Mb/s but it downloads from the github on 350 kB/s
  2. @Poodmund update please HG-25 Antenna on the antennas google table, it is HG-32 with the 32M power, since Nov. 2018
  3. @winterchillz check how the CommNet works there: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CommNet The max. distance between a satellite 2x32M and a probe 5M is sqrt(32M * 2^0.75 * 5M) ~ 16Mm, while MInmus is farther. For example, two 32M antennas on the satellite and two 32M antennas on the probe — then it will be enough: sqrt(32M * 2^0.75 * 32M * 2^0.75) ~ 53Mm
  4. If I try to prevent all ways to "cheat" the mod (there are plenty of those), it is going to be more complicated internally than I want it to be now, and I like that the mod isn't loaded on any scene except the editor, and doesn't create any long term data except the KAC Alarms. I should specify in the OP that the revert possibility in the stock setting needs to be enabled
  5. The DLC is not required. Do you have the last KK? Other planet packs doesn't supported. Try redownload KK, MM, and WLS. if it doesn't help, give me more description, maybe a screenshot and <game_folder>/KSP.log.
  6. That means that KVASS should works ok, and no other mod interrupts it. Only thing that should be changed, is additional payment when you click launch button in the editor in the simulation mode. You can notice lowering funds in the corner of your eye while miliseconds in the Editor after clicking launch button Also you could check settings, it is possible to make priceless simulation (or disable simulation) Did you press "Revert to Editor", but something did not reverted? It is the problem of vanilla reverting, because I didn't change that part.
  7. The tower is south of the runway and north of the Launchpad, so you will see it, but will have a hard time accidentally crashing into, so nothing will interrupt Valentina while she is gazing beyond the horizon
  8. Add 2 new spawn points near the KSC Shore: on the water surface for boats and underwater for submarines (only in the SPH). I couldn't resist and have added few objects on the shore: a tower and marinas. Also you can find 2 new* underwater anomalies on the Kerbin (locate them using KerbNet or SCANsat). A spawn point for boats is a purpose of the mod, so I am not going to add a lot of static objects. Kerbal Konstruct and Module Manager are dependencies. The KK supports stock launchsite list. Also the KK has its own KK launchsite list, where you can open/close launchsites, and they will appear/disappear in the stock list respectively. By default the Sea Level launchsite is opened. The mod should work on the rescaled systems or with those "upgraded KSC" mods. The DLC Making History is recommended, without the DLC, there will be another tower and no marinas KottabosGames video (v0.9.1): Download: Releases page: https://github.com/yalov/WaterLaunchSites/releases Dependencies: KK, MM Localization is supported. Donation: Patreon
  9. you can see in the title, it works for ksp 1.4 - ksp 1.7. Almost every mod, compiled against any ksp >1.4 works on any ksp >1.4, with some notable exception, like kopernicus.
  10. Version 1.3.5 FAR compatibility (supports at least FAR v0.15.10.0 "Lundgren") Options for disable the orbit Ap/Pe or the time readouts separately Recompile for 1.7 Fix Radar Altimeter: landed on a splashed vessel Added all missing SI prefixes: peta-, exa-, zetta-, yotta- Also KSP has "X", probably the "xennameter", but it is an unofficial SI prefix
  11. Version 0.4.2 new: ksp 1.7 (new nose cones) Snacks
  12. Commnet Antennas Info v2.1.0 Antenna Type and CombinabilityExponent in the PAW It show up only with enabled Advanced Tweakable setting added MM v4.0.2 recompiled for ksp 1.7.0 targeted .NET 3.5 Commnet Antennas Extension v2.0.1 KSP 1.7, remove KSP max version limit update localization update MM 4.0.2
  13. So they will add Ap/Pe and AGL readouts in the 1.7. I still think that AGL and speed readouts in one place is more convenient than lurking top/bottom/top/bottom of the screen when you are landing, also I already have an option for disabling AGL. Maybe I will update a calculation for strictly matching to the future stock, or opposite, adopt an advanced calculation for showing distance to the lowest point of the vessel. Not sure what to do with Ap/Pe/Time, the stock version will be nearby on the screen but you still need to press a button to summon it. Most likely an option for disabling will be added.
  14. There are some mods, what is made for making an advanced KCT+KRASH gameplay even more advanced: ScrapYard, Oh Scrap!, BARIS. KVASS is on the other side of this line: it is for a simplified KCT+KRASH alike gameplay and it is not supposed to work with any of these advanced mods. (except StageRecovery, it's pretty standalone)
  15. KVASS Simulation and Planning Time without any restriction. Simulation Use the Simulation button for a launch, and alongside the cost of the vessel, you will need to pay additional funds for the simulation. After you finish your testing, use the "Revert to Editor" option as usual. This will return the vessel's cost, but the additional payment will not be reverted (default - 2% of the vessel's cost). Do not forget to enable the possibility to revert in the stock settings. Planning Time For a "real" launch kerbals want "to plan" a vessel before the launch. Also you aren't supposed to revert the "real" launch after the planning, because they are "real". For the planning time management Alarm Clock App is used. (changeable to KAC in the settings) You make your vessel in the editor, click a Clock Button, and alarm is created (appended or prepended to your "planning queue") Then you exit to the KSC and wait until the Planning Alarm is finished. After that you finally Launch your vessel from the Editor or KSC Launchpad/Runway GUI with the usual Launch button. The alarm is automatically deleted. If you have a reusable stage, simply remove that stage temporarily from the rocket in the editor, create a timer, and then put the stage back before launching the vessel. If, for some roleplay reason, you have the ability to launch a vessel without planning, feel free to launch without planning. If you want to make a small tweak to a vessel after the planning, just before launch, go for it. The mod will not restrict you. Why is it "planning" and not "building"? The funds will not be spent when you start the "process", but rather when the process is finished and the vessel is launching. So, in-universe, when planning is started, the best minds of KSC staff gather in the meeting room, initiate the planning process. They discuss how to build the vessel, where to obtain the fuel, where to place the Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port, and so on. Once all the planning is completed, the actual building of the vessel follows in the usual Kerbal way: exchanging funds for a ready-to-go vessel from the Green Pocket Dimension. By default, 1 fund of a vessel's cost will be planned for 10 seconds, and an additional day after. It's as simple as that! For example, with a 6-hour day: Kerbal X rocket (62,495) will be planned for 62495*10/3600/6 + 1 = 29.9 days Dynawing Shuttle (132,899) will be planned for 132899*10/3600/6 + 1 = 62.5 days Alternatively, you could put a vessel's mass into an equation in the settings. Additionally, you have the option to enable speed-ups to introduce a progression in planning time: speedUp by passing Years (enabled by default): Every 5 years planning time will be reduced: after 5 years time will be halved, after 10 years - time will be reduced to one-third, and so on. speedUp by Reputation: Every time you pass 240·X reputation planning time is reduced, so after 240 Rep time will be halved, after 480 Rep time will be reduced to one-third, and so on. speedUp by Available Kerbals: For every 7 available kerbonauts in the Kerbonaut Complex, a new team is created. Every team reduces the planning time in the same manner as Reputation. speedUp by Science: Every time you pass 2500·X science mark, planning time is reduced (science will not be spent) This feature adds utility to lategame science. You have the option to modify the numbers mentioned above in the settings. The mod is compatible with Career, Science, or Sandbox mode. In Science mode, you use science points to pay for a simulation. Advanced Alternatives: KCT + KRASH & Co. Also it's cozy to use KVASS + KRASH, just disable KVASS Simulation. KVASS legacy (v1) Download: Releases page: https://github.com/yalov/KVASS/releases Localization is supported. Donation: Patreon
  16. @Tacombel, download the last CPT v0.4.1 and the last US2 v1.6.0.10 beta from the One-Drive, all should be ok
  17. Version 0.4.1 new: Dmagic Orbital Science: US2 parts Internal RCS - mostly unchanged UnKerballed Start - mostly unchanged updates: Mk2 Expansion US2 v1.6.0.10 beta KerbalFoundries v2.3.7.17 Prerelease science: 2HOT, 3PresMat, 4Double-C, 6RAVMAX height for SRB fixes: fix US2 missing parts for US2+CCK+Kerbalism
  18. Confirmed, if you have CPT, CCategoryKit, US2 and Kerbalism, the US2 LifeSupport wedges disappear. There are four persons on a square, talking simultaneously about each other, and everyone have something to say. You could make the parts reappear by adding :FINAL to the second MM-patch in the 002_CPT/Extras/category_univ-storage.cfg
  19. I was thinking you talking that SUA shows wrong numbers with Pricipia, but Principia has its own Navball panel for the Orbit mode. SUA Surface mode works ok, and I am not sure what happens with the Target mode. Even if I win the battle for Navball Panel, you still lose Pricipia's short mode-titles (KCI, KCKF, etc) and numbers for Ap/Pe will be same as KER, but not Principia's Predicted Next Ap/Pe I mean, even if the Principia pass me API for disabling its Navball panel and for getting a current title ("KCI" etc) then Ap/Pe and maybe a speed still will be not correct, and passing the next Ap/Pe to Flight mode looks too CPU wasteful. @eggrobin any thoughts there?
  20. @Duema , I have loaded SUA v1.3.3 (PreRelease), which is working with FAR. Also you need to update FAR to the next version, later than the v0.15.9.7 "Lumley" Ferram-Aerospace-Research/releases Or if it doesn't released yet, download manually FerramAerospaceResearch.dll, and rewrite to GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch/Plugins/ @BadLeo ok, I will take a look
  21. Another mod that I am not well familiar with =) It changes an ATM density, all parts drag system, but I don't know how It can change speed of the vessel, atm there doesn't have some wind, right? Give some screenshots what is going on with FAR+SUA
  22. Version 0.4.0 new: ReStock+ 0.1.1 Universal Storage 2 RLA Reborn Mandatory RCS Part Pack Dock Rotate PWB Fuel Balancer Restored updates: KPBS tanks solar-panels rcs-blocks srb 0.6m patches in the Extras\ are installed by default (CCK support): all KAS parts in the cck-eva category fill cck-light category new cck-universal-storage category hide cck parts from the stock categories
  23. No sure that Principia has API for the next Ap and Pe. Does KER support it?
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