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Everything posted by flart

  1. First 2 quirks in my game, that was gotten by Val and Jeb are Homely, so no badass exclusive, I assume. Are the desert Launchsite and Airfield also anomalies? Val got 2 quirks by visiting the Pyramids, and recovering from the dessert airfield, not sure about timing of getting second quirk.
  2. Костяк моей нынешней карьеры — это JNSQ, UnKerballed Start, Restock + Near Future + Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux Самые популярные моды наверное смысла перечислять нет (их можно посмотреть в CKAN или на spacedock) Из остальных могу отметить: все мои AtmosphereAutopilot — функциональный автопилот для самолётов. Содержит и более стабильный САС и удержание высоты, скорости, направления, и многое другое. Позволяет без кракена летать на Warp x3-x4. AttitudeAdjuster - переключение направления точки управления (включая заданный угол) CommNet Visualisation — добавляет режим для карты, который показывает для каждого аппарата только активное соединение (а не всю сеть) Craft Manager - замена стокового списка аппаратов с категориями. Historian Expanded - позволяет настроить информационную панель на стриншотах Omega's Stockalike Utility Vehicles — постройка стоковых грузовиков (легковесная альтернатива Grounded) PersistentRotation — угловое вращение не сбрасывается варпом, и возможность фиксации относительно планеты или солнца Precise Editor — относительно свежий мод, для точного позиционирования центра масс TooManyOrbits — в одно нажатие скрывает всё кроме активного аппарата и цели. Очень удобно
  3. also there is OSUV as a lightweight alternative to the Grounded
  4. Consider these empty tech nodes with Tech level number from UnKerballedStart. I think they are pretty neat. Through hide-empty-tech-tree-nodes hides them, but that is another problem.
  5. UnKerballedStart by @SpinkAkron add these cool empty tech nodes with Tech level number for the convenience, but hide-empty-tech-tree-nodes (obviously) hides them. Can something be done there for exclude them from being hidden ?
  6. Another solution is DSN modifier = 4 and @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @antennaPower *= 4 } } If the idea tweaking the stock well-known power of antennas is not likeable, there is also CommNet Antennas Extension — mostly RemoteTech antennas with stock CommNet modules. It is pretty useful as it is for the JNSQ in the sandbox. It has 2-5 times more powerful relays comparing to stock (32M, 7G, 25G, 500G). Though JNSQ may want to patch @TechRequired for getting a more powerful counterpart at the same node as stock in the career. By default I placed the antennas in-between and at neighbour brunch with a delay.
  7. Load new version also to the mirror, please. And what are RationalResources_Extras_Parts and RationalResources_Extras_Tweaks ?
  8. It's not a request because I think I will not use this mod, but if you want to improve it, there are few ideas. I believe "ABC naming" really is A, B, C ... Z, AA, AB, ..., AZ, BA, ... base-16: 1, 2, 3 ... 9, A, B, ... F, 10, 11, ... 19, 1A, ... , 1F, ... Cyrillic, and it was used: АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ Also you could make fun of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphabetic_numeral_system the most popular, and most likely supported by the font of KSP are: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_numerals units α β γ δ ε ϛ ζ η θ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tens ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ϟ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 hundreds ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϡ 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillic_numerals Единицы а в г д є ѕ з и ѳ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Десятки і к л м н ѯ ѻ п ч 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Сотни р с т у ф х ѱ ѿ ц 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_numerals units א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tens י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 hundreds ק ר ש ת 100 200 300 400
  9. Version 0.5.0 Separated Extras/ from the main CPT on the CKAN. They both are highly recommended, so extras still in the CPT folder in the archive. separate Community Parts Titles Extras: Category mod Create new categories or place parts to a more appropriate category. For now it is only create Universal Storage category, put all KAS to cck-eva and fill cck-lights by lights from mods separate Community Parts Titles Extras: CCK - No Duplicates mod If parts are placed in a CCK category, it usually also appeared in the original category. This patch hide all CCK-parts from the original categories. The mod was separated, because it has one disadvantage: parts what was hided from their original categories are not available in the search. new Recycled Parts: Atomic Age 0.1.7 Solid Fuel Cell updates nf-aeronautics https://github.com/yalov/CommunityPartsTitles/releases Reinstall CPT on CKAN, for getting window with these recommended Extras and all supported mods
  10. Looks like this REQUIREMENT { name = Probe type = PartUnlocked part = probeCoreSphere } doesn't met for the start node. (when any of ProbeBeforeCrew put the probe into the start node)
  11. I already search in the github, and looks like mods ignore the dialog, or have some kind of stub. How to get chosed in the dialog: vessel (as ShipConstruct) and missionFlagURL (as string)? How to get is it a Launchpad dialog or a Runway dialog? Also I don't figure out how to get (and set) the list of vessels for filtering the list in the GUI, because VesselSpawnDialog.craftList relates to a steam crafts list, and not to a usual craft list in the GUI
  12. There are double posting on the spacedock @VITAS https://spacedock.info/mod/1914/Community Delta-V Maps https://spacedock.info/mod/2234/Community Delta-V Maps
  13. Есть Filter Extension — много дополнительных категорий и подкатегорий, но раньше он плохо работал с не английской версией игры, есть Janitor Closet, позволяет дополнительно фильтровать в каждой вкладке, есть Community Parts Titles — переименовывает детали для более удобного порядка, с максимальным сохранением оригинального названия. Только для английской версии, но теоретически поддержка локализованных версий возможна.
  14. Commnet Antennas Info v2.1.2 PAW: fix default rating PAW: compact for internal antenna update MM 4.0.3 remove unused patch filter for internal antennas
  15. Next in my TODO list there is a support for the Launchpad window. I think I cannot change that message from the KAC window, although it possible to make new messagebox for finished planning alarms, but I am not planning that now.
  16. Yes, it is original "antenna rating" string from the ksp, I cannot change that (at least in the simple way). But I didn't notice that before, so will check what I can do there.
  17. Version 0.11.0 supports MH Launch buttons options to ignore SPH. Planes and trucks are built without planning or simulation. option to kill time-warp on the end of a simulation. queue of planning (and option to disable): New planning is added to start of the queue, other timers delayed correspondingly in the KAC list. Removing any planning from the queue (in the Editor) will shift following timers back
  18. Some time ago I abandoned the idea of separation Extras/ because it is "highly recommended" extras, and some renaming rely on these patches. But since a bug with the search is discovered, I should consider separating Extras/ or only category_hide_cck.cfg
  19. thanks for the clarification. I moved @category = none patch to a separate file. @Frostiken For canceling "recategorization", remove 002_CommunityPartsTitles\Extras\ For only restoring search, remove 002_CommunityPartsTitles\Extras\category_hide_cck.cfg (since CPT v @whitespacekilla All is working on my side up to the last KSP 1.7.3. Do you have the mod path <GAMEDIR>\GameData\002_CommunityPartsTitles\Localization\... ? Also the mod is intended and was tested for the English version of the game. Using the mod with not-English game will entail re-title-ing only parts of mods, that do not support localization, because I was using plane MM patch for them. The stock parts and mods supporting localization will not be affected, because I was using English-language localization configs.
  20. @Kjonde564 Did you forget to enable other launch sites in the settings? Do you have last version of KSP, KK, MM, WLS ? Do you have any of Making History launchsites in the MH-launchsites-menu or any of KK launchsites in the KK-launchsites-menu? For the future, you could find how-to-get-support-read-first helpful.
  21. OP has the answer you seek: iirc it was ok before, and the parts still have "Universal Storage" or GORE in their name, so even if the tags somehow was broken, it still should be searchable. I shall have checked this, but it looks like a bug of search panel itself or some other mod is intervening. DMagicOrbitalScience pieces are available in the Science tab, DMagicOrbitalScience UniversalStorage compatibility pieces available in the Universal Storage tab, simple as that. The compatibility pieces was made specifically for putting into the US2-containers. A player want to make US2 Probe → they opens the US-tab and has everything they need.
  22. Until it is too late, maybe rename the mod to the Trim Pointer or something, there is already the TrimIndicator
  23. Version 0.4.4 updates: nf-solar 1.0 (CPT v0.4.3) new: DLC Breaking Ground Interkosmos ProbesBeforeCrew
  24. Version 0.65, problem with the water And add to the first post more info about graphics mods, does EVE and scatterer recommended or just supported ?
  25. @_Zee Hey, what do you have in mind about the mods, designed for making home planet trucks before any space exploration? (OSUV, Grounded, etc) They usually place their parts in the start node, and if you will leave that, there are enormous amount of science in the KSC biomes available right after start of the game from the grounded manned vehicles. Does there a way to nerf only the KSC biomes manned science?
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