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Everything posted by Cavscout74

  1. I've seen collaborative saves before on here where "player A" does one part, then uploads the save file to dropbox or something & "player B" downloads it and does the next part, etc. That may work as a way to run it. Like somebody mentions, each person gets one launch per round or something. Or "x" minutes of gameplay per round @Vanamonde Out of curiosity, could the OP after the fact post a mission report of the war and how it played out without violating the forum rules?
  2. There is, called Kerbin-Scale RSS: I have not used it myself, so no idea how well it's done or if it works in current versions, but I knew it existed. Also, when I said the load times for RSS were extremely long (up to an hour), that is for the full RP-1/RO (Realistic Progression-1 / Realism Overhaul) with RSS. A bare RSS install probably wouldn't be much worse than any other planet pack
  3. @SirBlob Those are very cool, thanks for sharing! Only got off one launch today, a freshly unlocked Kerbin survey satellite. Launched from Woomerang atop a 1.875m Dawngrazer launcher with a Schnauzer-powered upper stage: Once clear of the atmosphere the solar panels, antennas & scanner deploy once the fairing is clear: Orbital insertion is finished with the satellite's monoprop engine while the spent upper stage is deorbited with sepratrons: Of course the 2200 ec on board wasn't actually enough to complete a scan of Kerbin.
  4. It's usually the pilot for me, as the scientist is busy collecting samples and the engineer is busy fixing the landing gear that **** hotshot pilot broke during the landing
  5. The 2.7x scale was picked due to the stock parts being overpowered for stock scale. But their performance in a 1/4 real scale system is reasonably close to real parts in real scale - for example, I just launched a Mk2 pod with 2-seat lander to Mun atop a 3.75m rocket - essentially a Gemini/Saturn I version of the Apollo/S-V. In stock scale, I never needed to put together an Apollo-style mission to Mun or Minmus because the dV requirements were so small. A Making History Saturn V could reach at least Duna if not Jool in stock scale. Basically, JNSQ with stock & stockalike parts, it no longer feels trivial to make orbit. As far has time to orbit, I haven't really kept track but It's longer than stack by a pretty good amount but still shorter than real world launches. Reentry also takes quite a bit longer than stock, and gets much hotter due to the higher velocities and adjusted atmophere. The MH pods can't handle a direct return from Mun or Minmus any more - although they seem safe enough coming back from LKO. EDIT: I just did a satellite launch into a polar 250km orbit and it took about 8 minutes, 45 seconds from launch to the end of the orbital insertion burn. I've been resisting adding Kerbalism (I'm been using TacLS for the life support) but I may have to give in and try it. Link to the Mod: I know it says for KSP 1.8.1 but I was using it just fine in 1.11.1 until a bug wrecked a Mun mission (a 1.11 bug not a JNSQ bug) so I reverted to 1.10 and its been doing great in 1.10 as well. The only dependencies are Kopernicus and Module Manager, but EVE and Scatterer are highly recommended
  6. I haven't played RSS but I've been having a blast lately with JNSQ - 2.7x rescaled kerbal system with the "missing" planets added in (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). The scale is just about perfect for stock & stockalike parts performance to resemble real-scale rocketry. On the surface it looks like "oh, it's just an extra 1400 m/s to orbit" but it's a whole new game. Things I could do in my sleep in stock scale I'm having to re-learn in JNSQ. Reentry becomes dangerous again too. The biggest advantage to me is that its not as in-depth a mod as RSS - your game loading time will still be in minutes, not an hour. I looked into RSS once before and tried to set up an install. I never got all the bugs worked out to get it to load. And you can still throw in Kerbalism to up the challenge even more.
  7. Lots of updates for my JNSQ save today since the game decided to play nice and not glitch out like it did the other day - new jets, Mun landing & return in my Apollo/Gemini mash up (Mk 2 pod, 2-seat lander launched Apollo style), new space station & the new 3-seat direct ascent lander made it to Minmus & back safely. As usual, almost everything interesting occurred at night. Despite being on probation for his unsanctioned Minmus landing, Jeb was assigned to test a new jet design featuring the newly developed afterburning Panther engine since he was the only pilot available. It tops out at 360 m/s dry / 937 m/s wet at 1000 m and climbing up to 3km brings those up to 390 & 961. The wet numbers are as fast as I was willing to get rather than absolute top speeds - the engine heat bar was about a millimeter away from max in both cases. There is also a 2-seat version, which gave Kelrik the engineer a chance to go mach 1+ horizontally at 31m instead of in a rocket going vertically away from the ground The third Mun landing crew returned to dock with their GPV then returned to Kerbin. The GPV was left with over 800 m/s dV upon reaching Kerbin, allowing them to shed a significant amount of orbital velocity just prior to reentry My Minirover with landing cradle was able to go to Mun's north polar area: I also started putting up a more permanent station into Kerbin orbit. It's still pretty small and I don't have a science lab unlocked yet but I got the 1.25m station core (with inflatable hab section) and a 2.5m fuel module. I miss having weldable docking ports in this install. I may try to use an engineer & KAS to remove the docking ports & attach the sections directly. I know that's just begging for a kraken attack, but it's worth a try Finally, my direct ascent Pomegranate-based lander made it to Minmus & returned safely. JNSQ's atmosphere is not friendly to the stock round pods reentering from Mun or Minmus so I made to 2-stage reentry vehicle - the conventional heat shield absorbed the initial reentry down to around 3500m/s, then is staged away (along with the payload bay), leaving the pod's ablator to handle the rest of the reentry. Worked pretty good, but i don't think I want to try staging much faster than I did - the pod got awful glowy as it was
  8. Only got a little progress before getting my tail whipped by bugs - I thought the "VAB/SPH acting like level 1 in science mode" bug was a 1.11 bug, but it was turned up in my 1.10 game. Hopefully it will be gone whenever I get a chance to fire up KSP again, because nothing I could do in-game fixed the issue. I just didn't have time to restart the game tonight. Also encountered a second bug where I couldn't place maneuver nodes - I'm guessing maybe the tracking station is acting like it isn't upgraded either? Anyway, my pair of new kerbonauts arrived at the Mun in their single launch GPV/ML2 - basically a Gemini-size version of Apollo - and landed safely. They will be spending a full day on the Mun before returning to orbit. Undocking the ML2 and preparing to land And a safe landing by our new pilot I also tinkered with a small rover and a landing cradle for it: I was pretty shocked when - despite doing a back flip on the first attempt - it was able to drive out of the admin pool without breaking anything On the desert pad with the cradle. When I went back to the VAB to build the complete launcher, the 30-part limit showed up despite being in science mode. The final version of the cradle also features its own solar panels and a small relay antenna to help the rover stay in touch with Kerbin. One shortcoming in the design is the ramp folds underneath the cradle, so it must be deployed before landing
  9. Don't feel too bad - met a friend of my son's a few days ago, & we started talked as we have a lot in common. I asked him if he'd every played KSP since he likes both sci-fi games & actual science. He'd never heard of it, so I showed him. He's been watching KSP videos since then, but unfortunately he doesn't have a computer right now so its driving him a little nuts.
  10. Yeah, I had something similar happen once when I tried to dock a Duna rover to a base horizontally. Whole base and rover flipped up at least a hundred meters in the air. A few pieces survived. I'm really hoping that anchor fixes that kind of issue
  11. Sadly, I didn't even hear about KSP till 1.2.2
  12. I've been playing JNSQ, and there is a large gap in comm's between launch sites & the ground stations, especially career mode before upgrades. Lost a few rockets due to not being able to stage and falling back into the atmosphere. I'm in 1.10.1, but I haven't had a chance to actually try this yet - just saw it today
  13. This looks really interesting, gonna have to check it out - especially for early game, when I tend to lose comm's in flight
  14. There is a JNSQ dV map on the mod page. This was a combination of experiment (I had just over 700 "excess" after Mun transfer) and experience/map (Mun capture is around 350)
  15. With the recently unlocked 3.75m parts, it was finally possible to put together a single launch mission to Mun, with both the lander & command module - still based on around the Mk2 pod, though. Tipping the scales at 439 tons on the pad, it is the largest launch to date. It only takes 15 seconds to drop below 400 tons, and in just under a minute it burns 140 tons of fuel (putting it under 300 tons). At Ap, it's down to 65 tons and after trans-Mun injection the craft is just 32.6 tons. One thing I'm not used to running into in JNSQ is having around 700 "extra" m/s in the second stage after TMI. I have to look into reducing the second stage fuel - but first I need to see how much fuel the combined command module & lander burns through on Mun orbital insertion as I may have misjudged that - if so, I'll have to keep the second stage for Mun capture, then jettison it. Even then, it would have 400 m/s "extra" dV. Next up was another new craft - a 3-kerbal direct ascent Mun lander. Previously, I've discovered the Making History pods don't fair well on Mun/Minmus returns in JNSQ so I built this with a 2-part reentry plan - a 1.875m heatshield protects during the initial stages of reentry, then the pod decouples from the service bay/heatshield section and lands once the worst of the reentry heating is past. If it works, it provides a much smaller & lighter (and cheaper) craft that the one I launched just before this. Food supplies are a little tight for Minmus missions, but no modifications are required for either Mun or Minmus missions.
  16. Should be F1 for the default screenshot key (and F2 to hide the UI). There is no sound or notification for the in-game screenshots (vs the Steam screenshots). The screenshots should be saved to the screenshot folder in the KSP directory of the copy you are playing.
  17. I don't really care either way on this one - I don't play on console, I don't even own a console (haven't since the original PS), but if it's making Squad money & letting more people enjoy the game, I don't see a reason not to have it. I am curious about something, though. As far as I remember, KSP2 was originally announced for PC only - no console, MAC, or Linux versions. When did they announce it was definitely coming to console as well? Or is my memory faulty?
  18. The current game I'm setting up - playing science while I'm tweaking a tech tree more to my liking - has JNSQ, scatterer, the whole Near Future series, Probes Plus (kinda duplicates Near Future Exploration, but I've used it for so long, I don't want to give it up), Feline Utility Rovers, Missing History, Airplane Plus, Tetrix tech tree, Restock & Restock+, JX2 antenna, TacLS, Pebkac LES, Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, and a bunch more that I can't think off right off the top of my head. Kerbal Launch Failure, Contract Configurator and several contract packs will get added in when I start the career save. I've also modded all the manned pods to only have roughly 10% reaction wheel strength compared to their stock values (Mk 1 pod has 0.5 instead of 5, etc) Oh, and Janitor's Closet, to try to make my computer cry a little less.
  19. Jeb & Kelrik got back from Minmus - due to the lack of fuel, it took two passes through the atmosphere before they were able to land I also tinkered with a new lander design, but I'm probably not going to use it: Finally, I brought down the crew of the MOL-1, then deorbited the station:
  20. The Minmus automated sample return mission landed safely, collected samples & launched the return capsule back to Kerbin. Next, my second manned Mun landing, with Val & Bob, was completed on the far side of the Mun. They kept the surface mission fairly short to avoid giving Gene a heart attack waiting to reestablish communications. It was followed shortly thereafter by Jeb & Kelrik becoming the first kerbals in Minmus orbit. Seconds after establishing a 25km orbit, Jeb decided they had just enough dV to make a very dangerous landing on the Minmus basins with the GPV's orbital engine. Jeb figured (correctly) he could keep the GPV steady with RCS while Kelrik jumped out quickly, planted a flag & grabbed soil samples before blasting back into orbit. The plan worked, but they ended up with just 29 m/s dV after leaving Minmus orbit (and less than half a tank of monoprop). Since Jeb performed his stunt when they were out of contact with mission control, the only clue was taking a few minutes longer than expected to come back over the horizon & reestablishing contact. Jeb & Kel decided to wait till they landed and turn in not only soil samples but a Minmus greenstone after recovery. They are currently 5 days out from reentry. I also put a 3 satellite comm relay network around Mun and launched an IR observer to solar orbit
  21. Didn't get too much done today - second Mun crew launched (using the new Girroc Launcher) and I placed a new 400G relay in polar orbit to replace the much weaker Pioneer-based relay. Val & Bob heading for orbit and on their way to Mun New polar relay coasting to Ap of its parking orbit After entering a 175km orbit, a short time later the transfer stage pushed the Ap over the south pole out to 25000km before staging away Once the new relay was established in orbit and all systems checked good, it was time to deorbit the last Pioneer-based relay around Kerbin.
  22. At one point in time it was announced that as their intent to release a major update every quarter. That was before the pandemic IIRC. I haven't really kept track of how close they're coming to that - honestly, I think they release them too often as it is. It's gotta be a huge pain for modders - there are several mods I use that have either stopped being updated or got adopted by someone new since this faster update schedule started I would've rather seen half as many updates with twice the content. The celestial body updates could have been one or two updates, the part revamps likewise. Rather than being spaced out piece by piece. But that's just my 2 cents worth
  23. I recovered my Mun crew today, and put up a proper set of relays to replace the poorly spaced Pioneer relays at around 500km. The ECN-1M (Equatorial Communications Network - 1 Million meters) was placed via a single launch, placing 3 equally spaced 12G relays in (you guessed it) a 1000 km orbit and finally (I hope) solving my LKO communications problems. Last view of the GPV's engine before the explosions started. One of my favorite parts about JNSQ is that reentry is actually dangerous now. I also ended up editing the reaction wheels to be a little more powerful - even with the nose RCS, I couldn't quite keep directly retrograde during reentry. Previously, I had its RW's turned down to just 0.5, but I bumped them up to 1.0 now. But the brave Mun explorers made it through & splashed down safely in the Western Sea ECN-1M carrier boosting its Ap to 1000km Relay deployed in orbit Once the 3 new relays were in place, it was time to say goodbye to the trusty Pioneer relays that had been (usually) providing LKO communications links till now Next was the second Mun lander sent on its way to await Val & Bob Finally, with 2.5m engines researched, it was time to test larger launchers. Still using the tried and true Mk2 pod, Jeb & Kelrik launched atop the new 2.5m Girroc launch vehicle towards a Minmus orbit. The Girroc doesn't really provide any extra dV to the Mk 2 GPV, but it places it in orbit with just the core rocket rather than needing the complex triple-core 1.875m Dawngrazer Looking back toward Kerbin after course correction en route to Minmus. I toyed with using the FASA RL-10 engine on this one, but it feels cheaty with its ridiculously high Isp (it needs to be edited to use hydrolox instead of LFO if I want to be less cheaty). The "production" version goes back to the Restock+ Schnauzer engine
  24. Is there a way to like @kspnerd122's idea more than once?!?!?! That mod looks great, but the stock system still desperately needs to be collapsed by default. My main game, I rolled back to 1.10 just to avoid the stock inventory system - there's stuff KIS/KAS has that stock doesn't, and having two inventories was extra annoying - plus the new bugs of 1.11
  25. Got a small station into orbit - the MOL (Manned Orbiting Lab - loosely based on the real plans). In my setup, the station launches on its own, then a crew goes up in the next launch (the MTV - MOL Transfer Vehicle). Once an engineer & scientist are loaded on the MOL, the pilot undocks & heads for home in the MTV, leaving the other two on the station. Once it is time to leave, they can land in the Mk2 pod attached to the station The MOL is my largest launch in this save: The MTV goes up next: It reaches LKO with around 600 m/s dV remaining, giving it plenty to rendezvous & dock with the MOL. The MOL has a clamp-o-tron jr in the nose or the radial airlock can be used for docking For normal ops, the passenger cabin is jettisoned along with the orbital stage for reentry. On launch, there is an additional decoupler tied to the abort system that decouples the passenger cabin with the Mk 1 pod. I haven't actually tested it to see if the parachute is strong enough for both. But hey, that's why we give kerbals parachutes, right? I ran out of time to recover my intrepid Mun explorers, but I did grab a nice shot of them coming home:
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