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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. I don't use that mod but took a quick look at one of the missiles and think your looking for attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1 and make it look something like attachRules = 1,1,0,1,1 Attachment rules attachRules defines how this part attaches to or allows attachments from other parts. Though documented in some part files, the documentation is minimalist and difficult to understand, so here's a little clean-up and expansion. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1 The rules correspond to the numbers below - 1 is allow, 0 is prevent. The tags are: stack - Can your part be stacked on others? SrfAttach - Can your part be placed onto a surface? allowStack - Will you allow other parts to be stacked on your part? allowSrfAttach Can other parts be placed on the surface of yours? allowCollision - A special one: Can your part be placed if part of it is intersecting another part? Note that you can also force parts attached to this part to attach in a specific symmetry. // symmetry rules: 0=1x, 1=2x, 2=3x, 3=4x and so on... stackSymmetry = 3
  2. Yes the name in brackets should be the name of the part Edit - might be because of the mesh = RCSFuelTankR1_01.mu line EDIT- might to add the line !mesh = DELETE
  3. Try this and I just forgot to zip let me know if it didn't work https://www.dropbox.com/s/8peg4zcfoehkzv5/ZZZ_RCSTank1-2.cfg?dl=0 EDIT- Just put it anywhere in KSP/Gamedata folder just like any mod and guessing you do have ModuleManager *.*.* installed ? MM's are just cfg's but yes notepad can read and make them When using notepad be sure when you goto save you change ( save type ) has all files then when you type in the name like *******.cfg ( A Z or ZZZ will run last )
  4. Not sure on that one but it has been along time and with out founding a CFG that used it but you can try something like @PART[RCSTank1-2] { MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR1 texture = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR1_02 } } And name the patch with ZZZ in the name EDIT- You could use ( +PART ) so it will just copy the part and you will have both to see
  5. Did you just copy over a older KSP ? That tank isn't even in my game anymore and looking at the folder the closes texture your going to get is RCSFuelTankR1_02 texture but the normal map has changed so I don't think it will look right so if you still have a older ksp you can get the texture and normal map from then you could get it to look right
  6. What KSP you running ? Looking at your screen shop some of them parts are not in 1.5 and think they was took out in 1.4.5 and do you still have a older ksp with the old textures and normal maps ?
  7. Is that the RCSFuelTankR25 ? That holds 120 MonoPropellant. EDIT- That tank isn't in game anymore not that model
  8. Some sights shouldn't even be used GitHub is free and spacedock but you can use this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/zmj715v257f8vgp/ASET_Lights.zip?dl=0
  9. Use what ever model program you like and model and texture the part you will need unity which you can use the free one and add a thrust transformer to the model you can check out this for more help https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126101-beginners-part-modding-tutorial/
  10. Looks you need to move them all out and open each core mod fold you will see anther folder that's like CORE_NAM copy that folder back or pull it out to its KSP/Gamedata
  11. mu are exported by unity you can import them in to blender with a plugin and some say you can export them with blender too. EDIT- I think @Climberfx uses Maya you might send him a PM here is his mod
  12. If you have Making history it a fix for some of the plumes on the stock engines and yes that's where you install them
  13. Try this https://www.dropbox.com/s/o9f9seqxqbonouv/RealPlume-Stock_MissingHistoryFix2.zip?dl=0
  14. Looks like a welded part has it doesn't show any transformers on it and on the cfg why not like MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel sunTracking = false raycastTransformName = suncatcher //Cylinder_002 // why not secondaryTransformName = suncatcher pivotName = Cylinder_002 isBreakable = false resourceName = ElectricCharge chargeRate = 0.1 } like MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel sunTracking = false secondaryTransformName = suncatcher pivotName = Cylinder_002 isBreakable = false resourceName = ElectricCharge chargeRate = 0.1 }
  15. Nice to see these parts still going and on the textures one could use the stock textures changer now
  16. So far has plugin as long as SmokeScreen and ModuleManager *.*.* is up to date all is good all this mod is, Is a patch file for smokescreen that's it in a nut shell
  17. Any chance of getting the ARCO Haas 2CA http://www.arcaspace.com/en/Haas_2CA/features.htmhttp://www.arcaspace.com/en/Haas_2CA/features.htm or http://www.arcaspace.com/en/demonstrator_3.htm http://www.arcaspace.com/en/Demonstrator_3/specs.htm
  18. If you know alittle about MM you can make a patch that copies the part MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 10 explosiveNodeID = top // <---------- here to bottom } so it looks like MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 10 explosiveNodeID = bottom } so you have both if you want all you have to do is change the explosiveNodeID = bottom here is a patch +PART[35decoupler] { @name = 35decouplerB %title = #LOC_SSR_35decouplerB_title // #35decouplerB_title = Octagonal Adaptive DecouplerB @MODULE[ModuleDecouple] { @explosiveNodeID = bottom } }
  19. Having alittle trouble with FX might just have to edit the cfg and just post or send them to you but here is the MM , I was using +PART[pointyNoseConeA] { @name = model_rocket_nosecone @scale = 1 @rescaleFactor = 0.09 @bulkheadProfiles = size0 @mass = 0.065 MODULE { name = ModuleProbeControlPoint minimumCrew = 0 multiHop = False } MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.05 } hasHibernation = True hibernationMultiplier = 0.004 } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 15 maxAmount = 15 } MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 0.5 YawTorque = 0.5 RollTorque = 0.5 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.03 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS SASServiceLevel = 3 } } +PART[solidBooster1-1] { @name = model_rocket_booster %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.09 @mass = 0.6 %fx_exhaustFlame_blue,0 = 0.0, -3.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running %fx_exhaustLight_blue,1 = 0.0, -3.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running %fx_smokeTrail_light,2 = 0.0, -4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running @MODULE { @name = ModuleEngines @thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform @throttleLocked = True @exhaustDamage = True @ignitionThreshold = 0.1 @minThrust = 0 @maxThrust = 31 @heatProduction = 390 @useEngineResponseTime = True @engineAccelerationSpeed = 8.0 @allowShutdown = False @fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.35 @EngineType = SolidBooster @exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.7 PROPELLANT { name = SolidFuel ratio = 1.0 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 210 key = 1 175 key = 6 0.001 } } @RESOURCE[SolidFuel] { @amount = 91 @maxAmount = 91 } }
  20. what parts you want to use and you know alittle about MM ?
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