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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. That part, I'm pretty sure was put in this mod sometime ago and is still in it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46365-0-21-Hullcam-VDS-Mechjeb-hullcam-fork-Updated-15-Sep.
  2. As the post just before yours http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46365-0-21-Hullcam-VDS-Mechjeb-hullcam-fork-Updated-15-Sep and if you look it's about a year ago.
  3. Can't you just edit the RemoteTech_Antennas.cfg and RemoteTech_Squad_Antennas.cfg and change all the
  4. No problem, I keep thinking, I'll play around with it and then change my mind lol but good luck who knows it might be easyer then, I think.
  5. But that's not the resource definitions thats just the MODULE on the drill the resource definition is and whoops this is the one, I use hehe like to make money RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Karbonite density = 0.0125 unitCost = 1000.6 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = [COLOR="#FF0000"]true[/COLOR] <---- you really want false or the part cost alot } then you have your planet ORSX_PLANETARY_RESOURCE { name = Karbonite celestialBodyName = Bop resourceName = Karbonite mapUrl = CommunityResourcePack/Karbonite/Bop_Karbonite resourceScale = LOG_SCALE scaleFactor =1.03 scaleMultiplier = 8 displayTexture = CommunityResourcePack/Karbonite/KarbonitePoint displayThreshold = 0.001 //GOOD 0.25 } and he posted the drill and then scanner but that roughly the same as the drill.
  6. Had to PM RoverDude and ask something about his drills or they would just be magic drills lol.
  7. if you want to name off some resource and there price and density for them and roughly what planets there on, I'll try and write the cfg for the resource and and adding them to scanner and drills but on the contracts, I haven't play'ed around with it so if someone could do them that would be a start ? EDIT- Someone could play around with this mod, I think for the contracts http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101604-0-25-ContractConfigurator-v0-2-0-2014-12-08
  8. look at there cfg MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel rate = [COLOR="#FF0000"]1.8[/COLOR] <------------- up this # } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer rate = [COLOR="#FF0000"]2.2[/COLOR] <------------- up this # } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant rate = 0.5 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1 } } EDIT-
  9. Look in the CommunityResourcePack folder you will see Karbonite and some more but open the Karbonite folder them cfg should be the one's you are looking for.
  10. Think thats just it Karbonite just has RESOURCE DEFINITION RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Karbonite density = 0.0125 unitCost = [COLOR="#FF0000"]1.6[/COLOR] <------- you can change the price flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } But pretty sure it don't care where it came so you would have to make different resource and have them on different planets so you could set the price for the different RESOURCE which then you could just copy the new resource names over the Karbonite on those planets but then you have to add all this to your drills and tanks and scanners. EDIT- And make the RESOURCE DEFINITION but all easy just alittle time. EDIT- And nli2work has a great part you should check his tug out http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83364-WIP-NohArk-s-Pick-and-Pull-Pimp-your-space-Tug
  11. Sounds like all could be done with a MM patch but for the Karbonite to have different prices that, I don't know how you would do with out make more resource, How do plan on doing that ?
  12. Try'ed to use the stock ModuleAnimateGeneric as it's better then what looks stock on your but you can't turn it off any chance in updating the Module ?
  13. Just a side note paying for mod packs don't that break the rules of the forum ? EDIT- Links that promote projects and/or products that are meant for the personal profit of either party, this specifically includes linking through ad.fly; and
  14. You could it would take just alittle rewrite of the Part cfg but one could do it and what INTERNAL did you want to use and size ? And if YANFRET don't mind, I rewrite the part file to work but it will be later today got something to do.
  15. Have seen any post about tell your's and, I wasn't in career mod with it but thanks for the info too.
  16. If your having trouble launching it try checking this post and see if it helps. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60354-0-23-ANGARA-Pack-1-0?p=1456776&viewfull=1#post1456776
  17. And this just spamming the log EDIT- And the new release don't spam in VAB but does on launchpad and there is this gap can just grab them all and reconnect.
  18. LazarusLuan is the rest of the pack getting updated to fix the texture error in the logs ?
  19. What do you mean compatible with RSS this is a parts pack it does work in RSS.
  20. Not sure if we can rescale the transparent pods part but you can -MODULE { name = JSITransparentPod } or just delete that part out. EDIT- Think, I found the # you was looking for. EDIT- @PART[Altairdescentstage] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[AltairDockingPort] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[AltairlanderPod] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[AltairlanderPod] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 !MODULE[JSITransparentPod] {} } @PART[Ares_2stage_decoupler] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Ares12stage] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Ares1_2stage_oxidizertank] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Ares_SRB_Avionic] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Ares1_J2-X] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Ares1_SRB] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Ares_SRB_Nose_Cone] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[AresV_2stage] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[AresV_J2-X_engine] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[AresV_2stage_decoupler] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[AresV_3stage_fueltank] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[AresV_payloadbase] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[AresV_payload_shroud] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Orion_Circularpanel] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 2 } @PART[Altaircargoplatform] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[LER_roverBody] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[LER_DockPort] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[LER_Pod] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 !MODULE[JSITransparentPod] {} } @PART[LER_Wheel] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[LRV_Pod] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[LRV_Wheel] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[LRV_Wheel2] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Orion_DockingPort] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Orion_InstrumentServise_Module] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Orion_LES] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 } @PART[Orion_Pod] { %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.8 !MODULE[JSITransparentPod] {} } Having trouble with 1 part will have to wait to later today got to sleep now eye are crossing EDIT- And here is a link to add the stock RPM's to the Orion Pod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64993-0-25-Chaka-Monkey-Exploration-Odyssey-0-27-EFT-1-Edition?p=1528164&viewfull=1#post1528164
  21. OK will try and fine tune the scale and no problem just glad to help.
  22. Just got done tweakscaling it all told it a couple of parts was 5m to see how they come out. EDIT- Here is a rought tweakscale to play with right now @PART[Altairdescentstage] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[AltairDockingPort] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[AltairlanderPod] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[Ares_2stage_decoupler] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[Ares1_2stage_oxidizertank] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[Ares12stage] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[Ares_SRB_Avionic] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[Ares1_J2-X] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[Ares1_SRB] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[Ares_SRB_Nose_Cone] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[AresV_2stage] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[AresV_J2-X_engine] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[AresV_2stage_decoupler] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[AresV_3stage_fueltank] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[AresV_payloadbase] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[AresV_payload_shroud] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free } } @PART[Orion_Circularpanel] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface } } @PART[Altaircargoplatform] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[LER_roverBody] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[LER_DockPort] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[LER_Pod] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[LER_Wheel] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free } } @PART[LRV_Pod] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[LRV_Wheel] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free } } @PART[LRV_Wheel2] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free } } @PART[Orion_DockingPort] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[Orion_InstrumentServise_Module] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } @PART[Orion_LES] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free } } @PART[Orion_Pod] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack } } EDIT- The Orion Pod pretty close to stock and there is a limit on how small you can get it before the JSITransparentPod jacks with the look. EDIT- Edit the cfg going to break craft files for sure but this 1 got to post and how much you like JSITransparentPod ? And got to like this 1
  23. What size you want it to be it's just alittle bigger then KW 5m, I'll play with it and have fun if, I know what size you want it.
  24. Unless someone has changed it from the last time, I downloaded it, It's was the same size it as always been.
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