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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. What if Chaka had it's own fuel ? something like this https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/CMES_Fuel_Testing.zip File will change all parts and fuel and the boosters fuel, I changed alittle but the mixed fuel, I was no good at so there still stock alike might be better to drop the mix and just make 1 fuel. EDIT- Save craft made before will still show and have both fuels but you can empty them in VAB.
  2. @DMagic I did reinstall FF to the new's ver and all works now don't know what the deal was but thanks for your time.
  3. Only changed the 3 names you listed if you want to change they other 2 you can edit the file or let me know if you need help doing it. EDIT- Just seen on a test run that a save craft before adding this will still show the stock fuel.
  4. As anyone running Linux 3.13 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit have problems with thee F* keys not working can't get debug window up ?
  5. You would have to remove the CFG files also that would give stock part back to working but RT2 part you will have to make a CFG to add the stock If you need help you can pm me.
  6. Should be in TechRequired = advLanding hope that helps.
  7. You still can't get it to work ? with out FF installed. EDIT- With ScanSat v7.orc4
  8. That would be a yes but think they still have the part in the pack so would think you could click on the part. EDIT- sorry, I use toolbar but that would be my best guess EDIT- well it shows MapTraQ in the parts folder and as a Texture but no part is showing up in the VAB.
  9. @DMagic in the before this think it was DEV V7rc3 the 1 just before this 1 Karbonite shows in the setting on ScanSat but didn't show it on the map. EDIT- @impyre you using ModuleManager.2.2.0 or the older ModuleManager that make a save file with that 1 you could go in and delete the save MM files?
  10. Thanks impyre that fix my problem with ScanSat bad part is had to take out FF mod. Edit- As with it ScanSat was dead nothing worked could use a older Ver but them no Karbonite showed on scansat. Edit- and this was the error spamming the log with FF mod installed
  11. Feel free to do what ever if you haven't got it https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Kerbal_Fuel_Testing.zip
  12. That was a bad install or missing file. Edit- you have just 1 ModuleManager *.*.* in KSP/GameData/ and is your RT2 folder name ( RemoteTech2 ) in there ?
  13. I found it best to make a command ship with 6 kerbals and send it to like Duna first then probes.
  14. Think before all that he said he moved a save file, First would try and start new save and see if it happens then if it's the same problem then as Master Tao pointed out.
  15. What are the 3 or 4 names you want to use ?
  16. Well no one is going to ask so, I will when you say stop what does that mean ? no more updates too ? that it's done deal ? As much as, I would like to play with the new parts you are showing, I still hope there is more to come
  17. What OS you running haven't had a problem with any onf the downloads and with out the Prop's your not getting alot of the good stuff ?
  18. Is there a ban button we can just turn him off that would be great, I really think modders should have a ban button for people like him and banned him from download there stuff too and for his constructive criticism his just mad he can't do what alot of you modders do, Just look at any mod he talks someone in to letting him so called maintain he can't fix much at all then again can't think of anything he has fixed. EDIT- Your work looks great by the way hope you keep it up thanks for all the time and work you do.
  19. For the Altair lander stage if you still want to use it here are some new CleverBobCat.dll https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/CleverBobCat%20-%2064bit.zip and 32bit https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/CleverBobCat%20-%2032bit.zip.
  20. The CleverBobCat.dll is all you should need. Edit- Last time, I used it in 23.5 you had to hit G to deploy the legs or set a ActionGroup but they may have fixed it.
  21. Have'nt try'ed them yet but here are some that should work for 24.2 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/CleverBobCat%20-%2064bit.zip and here is a 32bit https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/CleverBobCat%20-%2032bit.zip
  22. You want to know how to rename them ? EDIT- If so you can edit the RESOURCE_DEFINITION file or Make a MM to do it.
  23. With this mod and http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87335-24-2-Karbonite-Mineable-Burnable-and-Community-Friendly-0-0-11-2014-08-02 installed ScanSat don't work the toolbar icon does'nt do anything and the parts won't deploy, can't get the map to come up and can get the Science points at the launchpad running Linux 64 bit. EDIT- This is spamming the log
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