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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. But that just like Modular Fuel Tanks you still have to change the total mass to make it work so your still not using the empty space.
  2. Looking at the 2 CFG files And One has a rotateCamera you might try and add what you need hope it help and 1 was the ASET ExtCamRadialVert and 2nd was the JSI ExternalCameraPart. EDIT- Bet your right didn't think of that.
  3. Have you try'ed KAS mod ? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92514-0-24-2-Kerbal-Attachment-System-%28KAS%29-0-4-8-Fixed-for-0-24-2-x86-x64-%29
  4. That would be nice but no haven't seen a plugin that would let us so that there so close but no not with out adding to the mass.
  5. The whole pack can still be all stock if you didn't know stock as science parts and antenna parts you are free to delete what you don't want. EDIT- To be more clear if you delete all the cfg then they will work just like the stock parts do
  6. Just awesome but there is 1 thing that could make it better and that is you know that cute K-Haul Box to put all this parts in.
  7. For Probe parts might look at BoxSat http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91616-0-24-2-BoxSat-vA-02a-Updated-Again-09-01-14
  8. LOL yes and it's still in ScanSat 6.1 and 7* but on # 5 offered for download that, I had in blue not sure how to read it that could why they might have to pull it and the rules was change from when it was first posted, I'm about sure of it but sorry to derail. Edit- And Aethon yes
  9. 5 is about it you have to read 6 close, look at the red. EDIT-Don't get me wrong, I think ModStatistics is a joke from what, I seen on the websight before it went down that couldn't help anything need more info on the sight, But all in all, I don't like mod that buddle other mods just leave people with outdated plugin and double copy for most people.
  10. The LazTek SpaceX Historic Archive HD 3.1a download link is asking for a key ? EDIT- The top 2 link work but the Historic pack, I get this Enter decryption key
  11. Read the rule's again Vladthemad real close. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87843-Forum-Rules-Add-on-Posting-Rules-August-21st-2014
  12. You might like this too http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/222251-probecontrolroom/images and the RPM's comes with it's own cameras there not pretty and, After placing a camera you have to set what camera it is like cam 1 , cam 2 and so on it use to work with it but haven't play'ed with Hullcam in some time and this mod as one of the best IVA in KSP http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54925-WIP-ALCOR-Advanced-Landing-Capsule-for-Orbital-Rendezvous-by-ASET-%28UPD-30-06-2014%29 and it as some cameras you can use if you just want them download the ASET Props Pack and that commandpod you can use AG not on RPM's but has some buttoms in pod you set. EDIT- sorry forgot about the new B9 IVA and the Mini-Shuttle mod and well there's more now that, I think about it.
  13. Something is funny, I just tested it all stock but toolbar and ScanScat and, I can still get the map to come up with just the MM's they put with it ? EDIT- Now it was all grey because, I didn't have a scanner up but the map still comes up. EDIT- You do know you just click the toolbar icon ? EDIT- NO My Bad just check again couldn't get ScanSat 6.1 to work at all and put ScanSat 7 back click toolbar icon it came up, Some then made a new sandbox and try'ed and Bam No go you was right. EDIT- Oh boy ScanSat 6.1 you have to have a Scanner part on to get the toolbar to come up it's not like 7
  14. That could be my bad after seen your post looked in my install and seen, I'm still running don't know how it attached to the part, I checked but thought they said they done away with it, It's still in the part's to keep from breaking save's will check it again with out my MM running. EDIT- Didn't thing about it, I also run ProbeControlRoom mod which tie's to all parts and looks like it might use MapTraq to use with RPM's ( MY BAD SORRY ) should have tested it with test install.
  15. @orcmaul Don't know what really good that does guess it will work so maybe those that run ScanSat 6 can bring up the map but if they have ScanScat 7 DEV that don't do anything you can bring up the map all the time anytime. EDIT- If you want to make this be scanscanners and as the Karbonite Scan https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Antenna_Tape1%262_ScanScat.cfg.zip
  16. O Yanfret the new FusTek don't use the plugin it use's the Firespitter plugin
  17. Are you using RSS or a mod that puts base's everywhere ?
  18. Here is a CFG for the BoxSat mod if anyone wants https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/AntennaRange_BoxSat.cfg.zip
  19. Here is a RT2 CFG that changes pretty much what XkaOnslaught was saying the 2 Antenna are now Omni 1 is a 2.5 and 1 - is 5.0 and changed the probecore to a 500k range. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RemoteTech_BoxSat.cfg.zip
  20. Thanks guys great job. EDIT- Here is a MM for the Mod AntennaRange if anyone wants https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/AntennaRange_BoxSat.cfg.zip
  21. Best guess is it's the name of the MODULE is tied to something in there plugin, can think of only 2 mods that have stuff like that and thats NearFuture and Interstellar.
  22. Looks nice and if you need help you might ask someone here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82785-0-24-x-Kerbin-Side-v0-34-Now-With-More-Crate sure someone will help.
  23. Think your looking for something like this ? this is the plugin there using http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84224-Klockheed-Martian-Special-Parts-27-June-2014-Development-thread There are a couple of mods but think just LLL and the one Link posted have parts to use.
  24. Look at your RT2 setting cfg As you can see just the last # was change so RT2 knows which 1 it is.
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