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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. You don't like TacFuelBalancer ? And theres more Mods to do it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25823-0-24-2-TAC-Fuel-Balancer-v2-4-17Aug
  2. This if you haven't found it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92523-WIP-CxAerospace-Aeroshells-and-Lander-Chassis
  3. You can write a CFG to lower it some 1 did that not to long ago.
  4. Did you try and goto KSC and then back to your Crafts sometimes that help.
  5. You running Windows or Mac or Linux ? and want all mods you have problems with but first, I don't use Kethane but really don't see what the problem with Converting would be what are you trying to convert ?
  6. Still playing with it My Graphics card Intel® Sandybridge Mobile EDIT- When changing to fullscreen and ksp still running this is added to the buttom of log ?
  7. Found out when, I change to windows mod and not fullscreen, Screenshot's work but is there away to get them to work in fullscreen ?
  8. Not running Steam but here is a screenshot Worked in 23.5 but broke in 24. and 24.5
  9. You might look at this don't know if you can get all that in but you can see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91920-0-24-2-Oblivion-Aerospace-Pack-New-heat-shields-for-DRE-%28v0-1-1-2014-08-26%29 EDIT- Sorry should work now.
  10. Mesons helped me get debug up again but still can't take screenshot's there just blank shots or static, Do you know what the screenshots tie in to ? as something in the setting are disabled thought that it was just for the re-enter FX but can that be part of the screenshot also ?
  11. Your download for LazTek SpaceX Historic Archive LR 1.1a is going to the LazTek SpaceX Exploration Expansion LR 2.1a.
  12. You might try this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91920-0-24-2-Oblivion-Aerospace-Pack-New-heat-shields-for-DRE-%28v0-1-1-2014-08-26%29
  13. To add what undercoveryankee is saying also check to make sure you have only 1 ModuleManager *.*.* installed, mods don't do anything special to ModuleManager so you can delete the lesser number.
  14. The download is now working for me just a blank page and stuck trying to connect.
  15. @Wanderfound That all you need https://www.dropbox.com/s/6qgj2zuni83hbla/ALCOR_IVA_Patch_0.9.zip.
  16. It should, Do you have more then 1 ModuleManager.*.*.* installed ?
  17. Have same problem as eygc ( Uhhh so how do I use the fans? They get no intake. Am I missing some part? ) and had 4000 ElectricCharge ? This Linux frindly ? EDIT- I see you made the and not sure what this is doing But what is Convertering or Generatoring ( IntakeAtm ) ?
  18. Here if you need 1 just copy it to your RT2 folder https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RT2_Settings.cfg.zip
  19. If you have ModuleManager.*.*.* installed and you also copy'ed the Optional ModuleManager files in your KSP/GameData ? if so try zipping up or delete the RT2 file.
  20. The Resources would be wrong on them and you could just make your own by editting the radialRCSTank or RCStankRadialLong is what, I think he used if you need help, I will edit them if you can tell me how much Resources would fit in them. EDIT- And here are some nice parts 2 not to far from stock look put again there for tac 9 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85147-TAC-containers-by-R-R-Dynamics-Inc and theres this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75129-Universal-Storage-0-8-2-%28For-KSP-0-24-2%29-6th-September-2014 EDIT- And this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70986-0-23-Cargo-Transfer-Bags-and-Tanks%28for-TAC-life-support%29-0-7 and some small ones http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70986-0-23-Cargo-Transfer-Bags-and-Tanks%28for-TAC-life-support%29-0-7?p=1358257&viewfull=1#post1358257
  21. For anyone that can't download look at this post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80369-0-24-SCANsat-v6-1-Real-Scanning-Real-Science-at-Warp-Speed%21-Jul-18?p=1397092&viewfull=1#post1397092.
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