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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Front page ( Module Configuration (the module are actually in SmokeScreen now )
  2. Will send you a PM Here is a thread that you can look at
  3. I found this funny we all want real life rockets but the N1 is one that has far has I have seen never ever made it to space didn't make it that far off the launch pad if it made it off just saying I wouldn't really call this a real life launcher for that is one thing it couldn't do but all in all it would easy to just rescale
  4. He is still around but it's https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ so it's really free to share must give credit
  5. Here some samples of you parts with TU
  6. Here is the https://www.dropbox.com/s/9e1memtpaxk2xth/IR_StationParts.zip?dl=0 @Jiraiyah
  7. And if you are having trouble with the cfgs the way they look use Notepad ++ I know if some one writes a cfg with Linux Os there hard to read unless you open with notepad ++ I have one Linux PC and one Windows 10 Os now sure how they would look with Mac Os
  8. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/93524-mainsailors-textures-for-procedural-parts-version-2-now-with-more-history-5th-of-april-2016/& https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/114189-11x-procedural-fairings-for-everything-v020-july-4/& https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/62533-10x-procedural-parts-textures-procedural-kw-june-8/ One was for inter stage think its called now and one was fairing
  9. @Ravenchant Do you still have these and if so can you fix download link ?
  10. All the old one should still work as long as you have a updated Firespitter plugin
  11. This says 4K but the pictures are 1536x1536 a 4K should be like 3840 × 2160 ? EDIT- My bad these should be 8K pictures think your alittle shy 8K 7680×4320
  12. Give this a try https://github.com/Mecripp/Aerobatic-Smoke/releases https://imgur.com/a/XdKDH
  13. The folder path should be KSP/GameData/SpaceLaunchSystem The TR MODULE are wrong if your using TRR but that's all I seen
  14. Your work is great is there any chance on a https://www.nasa.gov/pdf/284669main_LER_FactSheet_web.pdf
  15. Will test that out have tried but no change MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/hydroLOXFlame transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.5 speed = 1.0 1.2 localOffset = 0, 10, 0 } @sebi.zzr HEHE that did the trick thanks
  16. Better check again I just put in 1.2.2 install I still have after zipping up the dll that comes with it all loads fine can you take a screenshot on your gamedata folder ?
  17. Only time I seen something like that is you must have a part that has drag there in the last case it was a strut that they had on the wings
  18. Sounds like a bad install the path should KSP/GameData/KerbalReusabilityExpansion
  19. By looking at a custom skybox from TextureReplacerReplaced { Folders { Default = TRR_*******/Default/ // the **** is your mod name EnvMap = TRR_*******/EnvMap/ Heads = TRR_********/Heads/ Suits = TRR_**********/Suits/ } } TRR you should have a cfg with the textures all the folders are empty but the Default there you should have your 6 textures for the skybox *****Tex_PositiveZ *****Tex_PositiveY *****Tex_PositiveX *****Tex_NegativeZ *****Tex_NegativeY *****Tex_NegativeX
  20. Doesn't look like localOffset = ***** is doing anything
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