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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Not this mod's bug what all mods you have ? I have had that problem with running far with kw.
  2. You can make a cfg to add the grab or what ever you want from any mod for the grab, I try'ed to add grab to scansat parts but it lets me grab everything. You can try it.https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhtd4a9q6wl0jwr/KAS_Grab_ScanSat.cfg You have to have 1 ModuleManager_1_5_6 file in your KSP/Gamedata and put the cfg any where in KSP/Gamedata folder.
  3. Sorry my bad your right and when you added the cfg file to add MapTraq to command and probe parts you did click on the probe core and think it open or turn on the maptraq part some times it's the little things that get us. O and by the way how do you get that stuff that shows up at the bottom of your post ? where the ribbons are anything there ?
  4. Think You are out of range. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-0-23-SCANsat-terrain-mapping?p=929334&viewfull=1#post929334
  5. @Rokker what Ver. Of FASA you have ? sounds like the problem some 1 had but it was fix in 3.72 or 3.73. about Removed Empty IVA, was causing problems with other mods. I think it was.
  6. Why Not and Cilph Please can we get Dish range to target back ?
  7. Post say's FASA -3.73 but all the downloads are 3.70 or beta 3.72 is 3.73 out ? EDIT Whoop's TY DasBananenbrot
  8. This IS AWESOME if it works just downloaded will try then, I hope, I don't have to have 12 different KSP installed to run all the different setups
  9. not true color that, I know of maybe Danny can clear that up at some time it as come up before.
  10. Pretty much a rover part. and do you have the MapTraq part on the craft ? And not sure about that yellow line on the map.
  11. Did you decouple from a craft if so that's 1 of the bugs the spu doesn't turn back on look at the probe or command core you should see SPU: operational if not it's not going to connect. Not to be rude but it doesn't matter RSS or not as long as RT2 is scaled 2 just that the range is scaled to match the rescale EDIT If you are out of range in normal your going to be out of range in the rescale thats all.
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-0-23-SCANsat-terrain-mapping?p=929835&viewfull=1#post929835
  13. Mun is to far from kerbin for omni range and any of the 7 sat's pointing at the vessel your wanting it to ? if you are using dts-m1 and target mun from kerbin and kerbin to mun and have line of sight you should have connection, pic would be nice.
  14. But if you pick a sat with groups targeting that's connected to ksp it's the same and when you change vessel you should lose your connection, When you decouple your sat and change vessel your still good to go where active vessel your not.
  15. I think his Group Targeting will replace and be better the then Active Vessel for most people, and soon we will forget Active Vessel and think how can we live with out Group Targeting.
  16. That worked guess spaceport don't like RAR which, I think is better or even 7z they need to get up with times.
  17. LOL Now that's bad Cilph your not using your own mod, what to many bug's for you HEHE that's a JOKE.
  18. Download don't work ? EDIT say's Not allowed file type. I see it's a rar which is fine with me but might be why it say's Not allowed file type?
  19. Can some one tell me what, I need to change to get the FX closer to the engine or farther away and maybe wider ?
  20. They work good in .22 but .23 there broke wish some one could fix them,Try'ed but no luck.
  21. See it MissionControlRange = 7.5E+07 MissionControlPosition = -0.1313315,-74.59484,75 MissionControlGuid = 5105f5a9d62841c6ad4b21154e8fc488 ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2 MissionControlBody = 1 ConsumptionMultiplier = 1 RangeMultiplier = 1 SpeedOfLight = 3E+08 MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path EnableSignalDelay = True RangeModelType = Standard NathanKell_MultipleAntennaSupport = False <---------------------- Here ThrottleTimeWarp = False When this RT2-Lite came out there was some talk about it so it would be way back in the post.
  22. There was a re-balanced cfg on a post some where. EDIT here it is - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58127-0-23-asmi-s-ECLSS-Mod-%28current-version-1-0-15%29-Life-Support-Mod?p=883321&viewfull=1#post883321
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