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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. What you mean ? install path will look like KSP/GameData/ASET/PRC
  2. Don't worry about nagging there are alot of people that will help all kerbals and if you need help with any more MM just let me know will give it a shot.
  3. Your looking for @PART[USI_PodCapsule] { -MODULE[ModuleStoredResource], 0 {} -MODULE[ModuleStoredResource], 1 {} -MODULE[ModuleStoredResource], 2 {} }
  4. Because you Copied it wrong And the point is if you not using the xenon you have more weight and cost. The other way is to take out the xenon but some people might want to use it for some sat's would be @PART[xenonTank] { @RESOURCE { %name = He-3 amount = 700 maxAmount = 700 } } EDIT- And if you mean duplicated has made you 2 tanks one is just xenon and one is just He-3 then yes that what it does but it's your mod do it how ever, I can edit my own files was just trying to help.
  5. getting worried he hasn't post in some time
  6. So you just want a node on what command pod ? - - - Updated - - - So you just want a node on what command pod ? EDIT- And why can't you use a upside down lander can if you have a docking port on the other end and command from it ?
  7. Are you making them has for what you have you are just adding to the stock tanks not making a new part like, I posted. EDIT- The way you have it You are just adding 700 He-3 with the 700 xenon so now the tank as 1400 total.
  8. You might try a CFG like this so your no doubling what a tank has +PART[xenonTankLarge] { @name = He-3_TankLarge @title = PB-X750 He-3 Container @description = Although most of the Probodobodyne staff couldn't pronounce "He-3", when told how to say it correctly, they all agreed it sounded super-cool - and everything possible should be done so it could be used as a fuel, no matter the cost. @RESOURCE { %name = He-3 amount = 5250 maxAmount = 5250 } } +PART[xenonTankRadial] { @name = He-3_RadialTank @title = PB-X50R He-3 Container @description = The X50R is a small-volume He-3 container, heralded by engineers for being ideally suited for small ion-driven spacecraft, and also for having thoroughly disproved management in their notion that a smaller fuel tank would make the fuel cheaper. @RESOURCE { %name = He-3 amount = 400 maxAmount = 400 } } +PART[xenonTank] { @name = He-3_Tank @title = PB-X150 He-3 Container @description = Although most of the Probodobodyne staff couldn't pronounce "He-3", when told how to say it correctly, they all agreed it sounded super-cool - and everything possible should be done so it could be used as a fuel, no matter the cost. @RESOURCE { %name = He-3 amount = 700 maxAmount = 700 } } +PART[SurfaceScanner] { @name = SurfaceScanner_He-3 @title = Surface Scanning Module He-3 @MODULE { name = ModuleResourceScanner ScannerType = 0 %ResourceName = He-3 MaxAbundanceAltitude = 1000 RequiresUnlock = false } @MODULE { name=ModuleAnalysisResource %resourceName = He-3 } } +PART[RadialDrill] { @name = He-3_RadialDrill @MODULE { name = ModuleResourceHarvester HarvesterType = 0 Efficiency = 1 %ResourceName = He-3 %ConverterName = He-3 Harvester %StartActionName = Start He-3 Harvester %StopActionName = Stop He-3 Harvester ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform ImpactRange = 6 AutoShutdown = true GeneratesHeat = true TemperatureModifier = 60 UseSpecializationBonus = true SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.2 SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.1 SpecialistShutoffTemp = 0.40 DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.25 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1.0 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 15 } } }
  9. 7 down from your post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117740-Help-to-make-a-mod-Radiators EDIT- Is some work and Nertea has started one also http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51395-WIP-Nert-s-Models-Current-HeatControl-heat-management-systems?p=1884792&viewfull=1#post1884792
  10. Not that your wrong raidernick but Bobcat has them BobCat ind product License BY NC ND but still that would be a no go for augustus.
  11. Really don't see how Space Elevators would ever work not to say if something went wrong and it all came back down but in all get your kerbal and alot of trusses and ladders and start building lol.
  12. No don't use no CKAN and transmit is there but when you try it says no com device to send ?
  13. The debug menu as alot of new stuff in it.
  14. ( Not necessary. Your problem in space is getting rid of all the heat generated by astronauts' bodies ) what ? Apollo 13 they did not have that problem they where freezing on the side of the ship getting light it's around 120°C but on the darkside -270°C EDIT- Don't remember which one it was but one of the crew members said it was like a meat locker in there when they had to shut everything down.
  15. Here if you copy what, I posted you can build it with KIS and yes, I also use the stock animations http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113111-1-0-Kerbal-Inventory-System-%28KIS%29-1-1?p=1827607&viewfull=1#post1827607 EDIT- Here are the cfg files you can just copy this over to your KSP/Gamedata folder and over ride having just alittle trouble with the nodes it does have the Stock patch in it and just KIS settings https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/help/ASET.zip You have to use the drill looking thing to get the node's to show on bumpers.
  16. If people have problems attaching mod parts you can open your debug menu you will found ( ignore connection orientation ) click it fix happy building to the modders can get all them fix.
  17. KospY is that a cargo part below the command pod and if so where did you get it ?
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