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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Best to make a test install just copy ksp to a new folder and make it all stock or with a couple plugins and test in it faster loads.
  2. Did you make Resources file ? EDIT- And from play with CFG's have seen if you RESOURCE { name = Cooling [COLOR="#FF0000"]amount = 0[/COLOR] // <-- If you leave this 0 it will not fill don't know why or if it's a bug but match your max and then try using the tweakable in vab to set it to 0 maxAmount = 120000 isTweakable = false hideflow = false } EDIT- And from the Pic did you check the log looks like your throwing a error. EDIT- And you have a double max amount in lower one
  3. Bet it won't be long now new LS supples to the station in CargoPod
  4. That CFG you have them running all the time
  5. Try adding RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0 maxAmount = 0 isTweakable = false hideFlow = true } and MODULE { name = ModuleTestSubject // nowhere: 0, srf: 1, ocean: 2, atmo: 4, space: 8 environments = 15 useStaging = True useEvent = True }
  6. If that don't work you might check looks like he has some spaces EDIT- Well it don't post right and maybe you have the spaces but can see the space in the top post thats funny.
  7. The Models looks great but man your FX just kill this mod for me so much it's delete mod or rewrite the FX and if, I get the License right we can't share FX files well thanks for your time and work on the Models.
  8. How do, I close the window at the start EDIT- I can only pick credits and quit can't move or close the window to pick start.
  9. Now that you done all that work to test mods and you need tech to start try a MM @PART[*]:HAS[~TechRequired[]]:Final { TechRequired = start entryCost = 1200 cost = 250 } @PART[*]:HAS[#TechRequired]:Final { @TechRequired = start }
  10. Like this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50531-Sunshine-movie-style-Deployable-Light-Globe-%28updated-25-10-2013%29 there great.
  11. Well maybe alot of sat can weigh in around 6,168 kg this rocket can only do 110kg what you taking new battery up to replace the old ones lol, Nice looking rocket, 110kg that around 240 Ib where the dragon is 10,450 kg to LEO.
  12. Did you cap the S it should be lower case start and other then that does that mod use DDS ? might be something with that but really don't know have you tried to ask on RO thread ?
  13. The setting should be like the rapierEngine or porkjets new engines.
  14. O Man O man looks like your getting close
  15. Only can take a 110kg payload thats pretty small satellite.
  16. You might look at how MFS does it MODULE { name = FSmeshSwitch moduleID = 0 buttonName = Next variant previousButtonName = Previous variant objectDisplayNames = FH-HL;FHN-HL;FHW-HL objects = FH-HL;FHN-HL;FHW-HL affectColliders = true useFuelSwitchModule = true fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2 } Or just look up Firespitter and look at the wiki on it.
  17. What is use the electricity ? EDIT- This should just use it. MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true INPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.75 } } EDIT- In some older mod to get them to work in .90 use RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0 maxAmount = 0 isTweakable = false hideFlow = true }
  18. Here some more of me playing around with textures
  19. Well funny thing is all your wanting it sounds like is to show one module working day and one night when all in all it's running all the time unless you turn it off and it works the way, I think you want it to but just quick testing, I ran out of NaturalLight at night but was using time warp and that can be funny anyway so you can change the amount of NaturalLight it takes to make LifeSupport MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator requiresAllInputs = true isAlwaysActive = true INPUT_RESOURCE { name = NaturalLight [COLOR="#FF0000"]rate = 0.5 // Or 0.1 [/COLOR] <----- here maybe change the 0.5 to 0.1 and see if it make the night } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = LifeSupport rate = 0.000139 } } OR Add more stored NaturalLight RESOURCE { name = NaturalLight [COLOR="#FF0000"]amount = 1000[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FF0000"]maxAmount = 1000[/COLOR] isTweakable = false hideFlow = true } EDIT- To it last you all night if thats not what you want sorry.
  20. I tried to play around with your texture Didn't turn out like, I wanted but will try again.
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