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Everything posted by Jetpackmaniac

  1. I love SSTOs. There way more efficient than normal rockets, but about all I can do with them is get to Kerbin orbit.
  2. Sounds interesting! Might try it sometime.
  3. I use the wolfhound a lot for interplanetary missions and have not encountered any major problems. Though it can be annoying when you have a low level pilot without SAS hold options.
  4. Excluding the ones by the KSC, the first Easter egg I “found” was the island air base, but I saw it online first. It was several years ago, in the demo version. I’ve found several others, but I had to look up there locations online. Ya, I’m lazy.
  5. Moon. It’s easy to remember and I like it better than mun.
  6. I tried to land a rover on a mountain on Duna. Unfortunately the summit was over 5000 meters, the maximum deploy altitude of the parachutes I was using. Stupidity induced quick loading.
  7. No crash damage will not protect your vessel at high speeds. I’ve had stuff hit the water and have nothing left, even though I had both no crash damage and unbreakable joints on.
  8. I used to forget action groups for afterburners on a panther powered jet. I would revert to hanger to fix it, only to get distracted and launch again without setting the action groups. I say used to because after that happened several times, I began using the whiplash for high performance jets.
  9. Is there a way to view someones signature on mobile?
  10. My score: 3.85. Sadly my engine exploded on landing so I lost that bonus for landing on the runway. mods: stock with making history. full album: https://imgur.com/a/xKAW4 Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/a_space_oddity/A15-Sparrow
  11. Maybe load launch clamps into KIS containers and the attach them on eva later?
  12. The solar array is shaking my space station apart. It’s two infernal robotics trusses with four gigantor solar panels and four extendable medium radiators attached. After everything is extended the panels and radiators begin shaking violently. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  13. Have you tried linking a strut or pipe to a ground pilon planted nearby?
  14. Is it possible to view people’s signatures on mobile?
  15. Do Mods have limited likes also? Or can you just like indefinitely.
  16. Where do I post issues with the forum. Nothing major, but on the mobile version the like button is messed up. It still works, it just looks weird sometimes.
  17. Thanks! How do you steer it? In your video you were turning a lot sharper than I could get it to.
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