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Everything posted by djr5899

  1. Here are the issues that I am seeing: Setting a Apoapsis Node alarm - I had a satellite in Kerbol orbit, and I wanted to circularize the orbit when it hit Apoapsis. I clicked on the Apoapsis which showed the Alarm Clock symbol to set an alarm. I set the alarm, which was roughly 192 days away. Through jumping to other vessels, or saving the game and coming back later, the next time I checked the alarm, it showed +37 days, meaning that I overshot the alarm by 37 days. I did not advance time. If I delete the alarm and recreate it, it would go back to the 192 days till alarm. Alarms via Transfer/Maneuver Tool - I used the Transfer Tool to set to alarms for optimal transfer window burns, one for Moho and one for Eeloo. I also had the Apoapsis alarm above set, so 3 Alarms in total. In addition to the Apoapsis alarm suddenly showing the alarm had passed, if I did try to time warp forward, one of the 2 Transfer alarms would not move. It didn't count down or up the time, it stayed at a constant time and would not budge. Transfer Alarm collision - This is probably more of a problem with the Transfer tool, but, I tested one of the transfer node alarms. I would choose what celestial body I wanted to visit (Moho in this case), and it would create the maneuver node and set the alarm for the optimal transfer time. I fast forwarded to the appropriate time, lit the engines and off I went...straight into the Mun. I kind of don't think that was an optimal transfer window, giving me a maneuver node that slammed me into the Mun. I just tested #1 again while typing this. I loaded my game, I still had the +37 day alarm. I deleted it and recreated. I went back to KSC. I switched to a different vehicle, and back...still showing correct time to Apoapsis. I saved the game, quit, and came back...still showing the correct time. So at the moment, it seems ok. But, I am still seeing problem #2. And I just verified but deleting the stale transfer maneuver, and recreated it. That new maneuver is now working properly, but the 2nd transfer maneuver is now not advancing time. So it seems like you can only have one maneuver node alarm set at a time, otherwise they don't advance/work properly.
  2. I think AOORE is this guy's cousin:
  3. OK, so maybe I am seeing this issue...Right now, I have 3 alarms set. 2 of them are for maneuver burns for transfer nodes. The 1st one I have is an alarm for reaching Apoapsis. I have a satellite that I want to circularize the orbit, so I have an alarm to alert when I hit Apoapsis so I can raise the Periapsis height. It appears that after saving and quitting, this alarm get's messed up. Here's a good screenshot of the issue, where you can see hovering over the craft's apoapsis shows 197days 1 hour to Apoapsis, where the alarm is now telling me I am 37 days past the alarm. This was correct, but, once I saved my game, quit, and restarted the game again, it has changed. The other 2 maneuver node alarms are accurate to my knowledge. Also, I recreated my Apoapsis alarm, did some time warping...now my maneuver node for Discovery-1M -> Moho is not moving. I fast forwarded my Apoapsis alarm from 197 days down to 117 days, and the Discovery-1M alarm time didn't budge. The other maneuver node for ELR_Probe1 moved as expected. Definitely seems to be multiple issues with the alarm clock right now.
  4. So I started a new save... (this could be the title of 75% of my posts in this thread ) I am hoping this sandbox game is "the one." At least, this is the one I intend to finally visit every planet and moon. I figured with 1.12 release, this new save should be it. So, I've launched a few satellites into orbit, and I now have an unmanned probe parked in Kerbin orbit, waiting for transfer window to Jool, and a manned rocket parked in Kerbin orbit, waiting for transfer window to Moho. I've built one craft (one unmanned version and one manned version, so, er two craft) with close to 20k in dV (may come up short to Jool based on what I have seen) that I am hoping can be used to visit every celestial body. I think a big issue I have had in never visiting 60% of the bodies is that, I often played career or science mode...so I was always worried about not only visiting a body, but gathering science. In my sandbox save, I've scaled down. Instead of building a 20-30t lander packed with science stuff and hoping to be able to recover my kerbalnaut, I now have a 7-10t lander. Less weight to push, less dV to get me to the surface, etc. Here's my manned rocket taking off to park and wait for the Moho transfer window. I'm not big on mods. I use KER religiously, and [x] Science when playing career/science mode, but that's about it. I must say I'm loving the built in Alarm Clock and Transfer Window add-ons. I know there were similar mods out there (have used Alarm Clock a bit), but, this makes things so much simpler for me. To infinity, and beyond or something...
  5. I have not. I did see a weird issue the first time I used it, where it set a time that should have been about 200 days in the future, as 6 days already passed. I deleted the alarm, and set it again, and it set correctly. Haven't seen an issue since.
  6. Running out of fuel on manned rockets with no docking port to transfer fuel. (EVA Construction makes that a bit easier now) Forgetting to stow antenna or solar panels, and having them break due to heat/aero forces. Forgetting to strut boosters.
  7. Thanks. I rarely use cheats, so I didn't even know this was possible. In this situation, it is called for but....damn, I really would have liked to have made my really cool robotic transfer arm work.
  8. I started a new sandbox game today. There are members of this forum that have way more playing time than my 1300 hours in the game, and yet, I'd certainly submit my application to Guiness for the most numbers of KSP games started/saved/deleted. Seems like my process...start a game, whether career or sandbox, hit some type of roadblock, and then just start over. It's no wonder I've still never visited all the moons/planets in the game. I restarted this time because my career save that I had been working on, which started out as a speed run to finish the tech tree, had what seemed to be an impossible error to overcome thanks to a bug in the game. I stranded Bill and Bob Kerman on Duna. They had fuel, but not enough to reach orbit. They also had a good 2000 science points that was really important for my initial goal of completing the tech tree. So, I built an unmanned craft to land on Duna, and, use a robot arm to connect docking ports, and transfer fuel to Bob & Bill's craft. Seemed easy enough... Unfortunately, KSP had other ideas in mind. While I was able to dock the craft and transfer fuel, I was not able to properly undock. When attempting to undock, the game throws an NRE, the robot arm pseudo-breaks, and the worst of all...the craft don't technically separate. If I try to fly Bob & Bill's craft to orbit with their new fuel, the camera stays with the manned portion on the ground. And, if I manage to change camera focus to Bob & Bill's craft, I'm quick to realize that even though their craft is the only one flying, KSP still thinks the craft are together, meaning I'm carrying more than twice the weight...and I still don't have enough Delta-V to reach orbit because of this. So, anyways...that's been my last 10 hours of KSP...fighting this issue. Moving onto a sandbox save and, in honor of the final release...I am making sure I FINALLY, after all these years, visit every planet/moon within this save.
  9. Hello, I am currently facing an issue where docking two landed craft cause multiple problems when attempting to undock. In the scenario in question, I have a smaller craft (the one on the right in the screenshot) that is a manned craft with 2 Kerbals. This craft landed on Duna, was low on fuel, and didn't have enough fuel to reach orbit. To resolve this, I built an unmanned craft to come and transfer some fuel to the manned craft. The unmanned craft had a very simple robot arm with a docking port, 2 hinges, and a hydraulic extension arm. In the screenshot below, you can see me just about to connect the arm docking port to the manned craft docking port. I am able to dock the 2 craft, and transfer fuel to the manned craft as intended, however, at this point, things go haywire in several ways when I attempt to undock and send my manned craft into orbit. What happens? An NRE is thrown whenever I click on Undock from the robot arm docking port. As part of the NRE, it looks like the arm gets separated from the original craft. The hinge attached to the craft is just hanging in mid-air, and the hinge attached to the docking port is attached, however it no longer moves the docking port. The hinge just moves itself up and down, not the docking port. Worst of all, the 2 ships do not appear to be properly separated back into 2 separate craft. When I undock and try and take off with the manned craft, the camera focus stays on the ground with the part of the ship that still remains on the ground. I have been able to catch the manned portion of the craft and change the camera focus, but, even worse...the craft still acts as if both craft are together...meaning, that I am still technically carrying the mass of both ships in flight, and I don't have enough delta-V to get into orbit due to the added weight that isn't actually there. Anyone ever seen anything similar happen? Did some searching but didn't come across anything.
  10. Thank you. Never did it before, so now I know for next time.
  11. Thanks. I appreciate the help. I found this thread when looking for help, so I did not read through all of it. Wasn't aware newer versions were not on CKAN. Downloaded the latest version from Github and added the dependency. Seems to be loading fine now. Thanks again.
  12. Posted the output in the spoiler section below: [removed by moderators]
  13. I was curious if anyone else was seeing issues with [x] Science Continued since the release of 1.11.2? Here is what I am seeing on my end. Running KSP 1.11.2, with only KER and [x] Science mods, within 5 seconds of starting KSP, Unity crashes and the game doesn't load. I go into CKAN, uninstall [x] Science. I again attempt to launch KSP 1.11.2, and it loads without issue. I'll get to the menu screen, and quit KSP. I go back into CKAN, and re-install [x] Science. I again launch KSP 1.11.2, and this time it loads, but I do see an error message (will include below) in the top right corner. I can play KSP, [x] Science works, but, once I quit KSP...the next time I attempt to run the game, I am back at step 1 repeating the whole process over again. I have numerous Unity dump files from when this occurs, but I don't know how to upload/link them to this post.
  14. Thanks. There have been multiple suggestions, but I might have missed this one. Will have to give it a try.
  15. Nothing. Today in KSP I have done absolutely nothing. Just like last week, the week before, all of February and most of January. I have had to stop playing due to Bug26961, which continues to sit idle with more users reporting the problem and no progress on a fix in months.
  16. I have never used MechJeb. In fact, even though I initially posted this in the modded section, I have been able to reproduce the issue with no mods installed as well. My typical mod setup is very light, with just KER, [x] Science, and Kerbal Alarm Clock.
  17. I just loaded up the game for the first time in 2 and a half months, I am up to date on 1.11.1, and the issue still occurs. I can reproduce it 100% of the time, and there are almost 20 people that have responded to the bug report citing the same issue. My only question for you would be, when you have used the Mk1-3 pod on your missions, do you leave the Mk1-3 in orbit, or are you always in that command pod the entire mission. The issue for me is 100% reproducible if I leave the Mk1-3 in orbit as my return vessel, and land on a surface with a lander pod, and come back. Actually, you don't even have to land. If you leave the Mk1-3 in orbit, undock a vessel from it, move 2-4km away from the Mk1-3 pod and then rendezvous back with it, I see the issue 100% of the time. Most of the others commenting on the bug report see the same. You get an NullReferenceException when the issue happens, and additional NREs if you try and click Space Station or Tracking Station from the menu system.
  18. Curious if any mods or dev can comment further on this. I would have thought that this issue would be a much higher priority. It is currently set to low, and it doesn't appear that any work has been done on this since I reported the issue over 2 months ago. I've tried adding comments to the bug report, and I see more and more users adding comments that they are seeing the issue. I tested this out when the 1.11.1 release came out, and it wasn't fixed. Other than that test, I haven't been able to play the game because of this bug. I mean, obviously I can build craft without this part, but the majority of the craft in my current career relied on that part. Any additional effort or update we could get on Bug26961 would be great. The other similar bug, 27189, was closed and folded into 26961 from what I can see.
  19. For me, it's Kerbal Engineer Redux, with [X] Science continued a very close second. KER just offers a much better set of data IMO, and has the ability to put it all on the screen without having to click to get to different pieces. I play a lot of in Career and Science mode, so [X] Science comes in real handy when trying to gather science points quickly, rather than having to click every individual experiment to get the points. Now that I finally bought a much beefier laptop, I'll probably get around to trying some of the Realism Overhaul type of mods at some point this year.
  20. Had my first attempt at trying to do an EVA build on a planet. It did not go well. AT. ALL. 2 big things I noticed: Toggle snap does not appear to work. By default, snap is off (shows the circle) but building still "snaps." This is even more noticeable when attempting to have the Engineer use the Move Tool to adjust a part location. Whether the circle or the hexagon is showing, it is attempting to snap to parts when building or adjusting. Parts are not attaching correctly. I've trying to build a simple rover. I've placed a Rovemate down, and I am trying to attach an M1-F wheel to start building a rover. The wheel always attaches at an incredibly odd angle no matter where you try to place it. Then when you click build, it tries to attach it differently (like it tries to correct and attach flat). Further, 50% of the time when I attach a wheel, it corrects the position and sends the attached wheel and Rovemate flying through the air. You can see in my screenshot below as my Rovemate with 2 wheels attached goes flying by the distant sun. I don't see any specific bugs opened for this, but, this just seems like maybe EVA Build on planet surfaces needs another look. Maybe its just me, but it's not very practical or useable in the current form. I think the big thing is, when you place a root part in VAB/SPH, the part is initially placed above the surface and stays there. When doing EVA Build on a planet, the part stays a few meters off the ground for about 2 seconds, and then falls to the surface. Maybe a way to make the root part only hover above the ground until the user exits EVA Build mode?
  21. I had the same problem with chutes not opening when I loaded 1.11.0 for the first time. Was completely stumped but then, I noticed the Min Pressure value on the chutes. In 1.11.0, it appears the minimum pressure value is set to 0.04 by default. I'm not sure what the default was in 1.10.0 and below (I think 0.1), but I adjusted the Min Pressure value on the property of any chute placed on a craft to 0.1, and I never had the problem again. So maybe the default Min Pressure value on the chutes changed in 1.11.0?
  22. Here's the bug report I created: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26961 Hope it gets some upvotes, because most of my craft use the MK1-3 pod, and with this bug, the game isn't very playable for me...seeing that even if you can complete your mission without saving, there is no way to get back to the game and you have to kill the process. Going to test with RCS enabled and see if that makes a difference. Also going to test on my old laptop, to see if it is something with higher graphics setting or different graphics card in my new laptop.
  23. Thanks for the suggestion. I've removed the 2 mods I have and I am still able to reproduce the issue. To me, it does appear to be directly related to the RCS thrusters on the MK1-3 Command Pod appearing as though they are active. When landed on the Mun, I was able to save. When attempting to rendezvous with the MK1-3 craft, I was able to save when I had an intercept but was not within visual range of the craft. As soon as I got into visual range, where I could see RCS thrusters visually looking like they are in use, I could no longer save the game. Tried clear input locks, which did not help. Debug console shows a null pointer reference error. Opening a bug report. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  24. I bought a new laptop this week that has a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card (big improvement from the Intel Graphics chip in old laptop). I loaded Steam and KSP on the new laptop. For the most part everything has been running fine, however, I have run into 2 issues, and I'm not sure if they are related. I am unable to Save the game during a mission. When I press Escape, it brings up the menu to Save/Load/Resume etc. I can press Save, and type in a Savegame name, but when I press enter, nothing happens and the game appears to freeze. It never saves no matter how long I let it sit there. If I hit Escape key, it will bring me back to the game and I can keep playing, however, I cannot Save. In fact, on my last mission, I was able to complete the mission without the extra save point, and when my craft landed on Kerbin, I could not Recover Vessel, and I could not choose Tracking Station or Space Center from the menu. Click on any of those options...nothing happens. It seems something is putting the game in a state where the menus stop working. I'm using the same craft type when this happens. I can go on some missions with this craft (or slight variant) and never see the issue. Other times, using this craft I run into the problem. One thing I have noticed is that, when the Save issue is happening, I think I am also seeing an RCS issue with the MK1-3 Command Pod. I always disable the RCS thrusters on the pod, but, I have noticed that when I see the Save/Menu problem, it usually starts when I am attempting to dock a lander back to the return pod. My waiting return pod usually just has an Engineer in it, and the lander that is attempting to dock to it has a Pilot and Scientist (this is career mode). As the lander gets closer to the return pod, I notice that the RCS thrusters give the appearance that they are firing, even though they are disabled and there is actually no thrusting force occurring. Visual effects of RCS is only thing occurring (you can see it in the screenshot below as I am about to land on Kerbin, and you can see that RCS is Disabled on the MK1-3 Command Pod). Toggling RCS off and on at the Command Pod level does nothing...the visual element remains. Only mods I have loaded are KER and [X] Science continued. I had 1.11 loaded on my old laptop, and I never saw the Save Game or the RCS thruster problem. I'm a bit stumped.
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