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Everything posted by Pleb

  1. Ok cool thanks! I took a quick look at the code and that should work, as it looks the same in MKS, but I'll test it later tonight and let you know.
  2. I couldn't see this in the patches? Was this missed from this? EDIT: I like the addition of the containers being part of the USI Logistics system as well!
  3. This needs to hurry up and become available on Steam so I can fork over my cash to Squad!
  4. Definitely works in Google Chrome for me on both Android and Windows 10.
  5. I haven't played with TAC-LS before (though I may on my next playthrough to increase the challenge/difficulty) but you're right, the original container looks half the size of the container in this mod but holds loads more! Looking at the code in this mod this is how the contents are calcuated: /// TAC-LS // ============ B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack] { name = SSPXTAC tankMass = 0.0000 tankCost = 0.0 RESOURCE { name = Food unitsPerVolume = 1.6927083333E-02 } RESOURCE { name = Water unitsPerVolume = 1.1188078704E-03 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen unitsPerVolume = 1.713537562385 } RESOURCE { name = Waste unitsPerVolume = 1.4247685185E-02 percentFilled = 0 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater unitsPerVolume = 1.539351852E-03 percentFilled = 0 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide unitsPerVolume = 1.48012889876 percentFilled = 0 } } And in TAC-LS the 2.5m container looks like this: // --- resource parameters --- RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 1038.3 maxAmount = 1038.3 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 686.3 maxAmount = 686.3 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 105113.2 maxAmount = 105113.2 } So I think the values in this mod need changing, though the code in this mod is how many units of each resource is to 1 unit of volume (as this is just a patch to change the contents), so you'd need to calculate it based on that. Edit: I've always thought of this as a percentage so it may be easier to work with that? As I don't have TAC-LS installed I cannot check this but play around with the SSPXR-B9TankTypes.cfg file in the GameData/StationPartsExpansionRedux/Patches/ directory.
  6. 5% should be fine, the Mulch is going to go straight into the greenhouse to be converted (along with Fertilizer) back into Supplies anyway but I just wanted somewhere to keep it other than the greenhouse. Especially seeing I usually ship in other modules such as the greenhouse after the core module, which tends to just be a cupola, a habitation module, a science module, supplies, a generator/battery and solar panels/fuel for generator. You can always ship Mulch in with the life support module (greenhouse), but the idea of shipping in poo to my station is fairly comical! At any rate I need somewhere to keep it initially and I'd like Gael Orbital (or Atlantis Station, haven't decided on a name yet) to have matching parts! Feel free to use the BotanySkill idea, as I said it was just an idea I had about further integrating the MKS and USI-LS mods into this as patches. As I said, I like the idea of my stations becoming mini Orbital Colonies, but still obviously needing some things shipped in (in this case Fertilizer).
  7. Well if you read through you need to put the shaders in the Gamedata folder. There are shaders for stock parts and a few mods at present, but I believe someone was working on one for this mod.
  8. You have to set up shaders in order for it to work, check out this thread for some great examples:
  9. Another idea I had, although this may be somewhat controversial, was a patch to detect if you have both MKS and USI-LS installed you could add the BotanySkill enhancer to the greenhouses. Whilst admittedly I believe this is missing from the normal USI-LS greenhouse modules, I like the idea of stations becoming essentially colonies in space so it would/could make sense to have Botanists manning the greenhouses. Also I think standard Scientists also have the BotanySkill so this could also be used by them as well. Again code not fully tested yet (as still stuck at work) but I believe this would create the desired effect if added to the bottom of the file specified below: SSPXR-USILS.cfg: // If USI-LS and MKS are installed then add BotanySkill enhancer to greenhouses @PART[sspx-greenhouse-25-1]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter_USI]]:NEEDS[USILifeSupport,MKS] { @MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter_USI] { UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 ExperienceEffect = BotanySkill Efficiency = 1 } } @PART[sspx-greenhouse-375-1]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter_USI]]:NEEDS[USILifeSupport,MKS] { @MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter_USI] { UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 ExperienceEffect = BotanySkill Efficiency = 1 } } I suppose this would then add an unfair advantage of having the MKS mod installed as well though, so maybe the output ratio would have to be adjusted to compensate? Or add in the Machinery aspect from MKS as well? Just spit-balling ideas really!
  10. @JadeOfMaar I'm at work at present so can't test this, but would something like this do what you're aiming to do with having a single tank have mostly Supplies and a small amount of Mulch: SSPXR-B9TankTypes.cfg: B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack] { name = SSPXSupplies tankMass = 0.0000 tankCost = 0.0 RESOURCE { name = Supplies unitsPerVolume = 0.9 } RESOURCE { name = Mulch unitsPerVolume = 0.1 percentFilled = 0 } } This way 90% of the container would have Supplies and 10% would be reserved for Mulch but left empty (providing I've gotten the syntax correct).
  11. True and there is Mulch storage in the greenhouse parts for this mod, but I liked the idea of having a specific container for it aboard the station, just so that all the parts matched. These Kerbals/Gaeleans have to go poo somewhere!
  12. This is excellent! I'm currently building a station in orbit of Gael on my new career game. One thing I noticed though was that although there's plenty of resource types available in the containers there wasn't one for Mulch, which I need in my USI life support system. I created a patch to add this in, happy to put this on a PR on Github if anyone's interested?
  13. It's to do with how it's hiding the planets. If there was a way to make this less slow I imagine it would have been implemented. It's a shame as it's the reason I uninstalled this as I already have too many mods, but if I ever manage to scale down my mod list a bit I will definitely consider putting this back in.
  14. I think this is because they are sprites and not models, and as far as I know there's no way of changing sprite yet?
  15. @hypervelocity Sorry I misread and thought you were on about loading times! If you want an FPS improvement then you're looking at a new GPU or overclocking your CPU. If you're going to overclock your CPU make sure you're not using the standard Intel CPU cooler as these aren't great at cooling when you're overclocking the CPU. Consider either getting a better air cooler or water cooling, although personally I still get jittery about having liquid inside my machine! However I might for my next build... GPU-wise consider getting maybe the GTX 1070 or GTX 1080? The GTX 1080ti is overkill unless you're playing at resolutions higher than 1080p. EDIT - Alternatively play around with the graphics settings maybe? I have a potato laptop I can play KSP on but I have to lower the texture and rendering quality in order to get it to run with mods.
  16. @hypervelocity I have an i7 4790k (4.0 GHz, not overclocked), 32GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 1080ti and a number of SSDs. I have about 80 mods installed, takes about 4-5 minutes to load in 4K resolution (3840 × 2160) and the game plays fine a fairly stable frame rate. I'd seriously recommend either getting more RAM or an SSD. The SSD I run Kerbal Space Program off of is a 500GB Samsung 850 EVO SSD, and I have two of these and a 240GB Kingston Hyper-X in my PC and have plenty of games and applications installed. Admittedly Kerbal Space Program takes the longest to load (even more so than GTA 5!) but once loaded it's fine. I did have the Research Bodies mod installed at one point, but the load times of going from flying/tracking station and back to space centre were really long due to how it loads everything with that mod, so I dropped it out of frustration. Nothing wrong with the mod, I'm just impatient! Just upgrading to an SSD alone should be enough, but if you still have issues then consider getting more RAM as well.
  17. Wow this makes the Ciro system huge, especially with OPM installed as well! As soon as I figure out how to build a warp ship that doesn't explode I'll be going to explore!
  18. Yes this way it'll start off and you can select to put it on and then take it off again.
  19. If you are using a planet pack like GPP then you'll need to edit the settings file in the 000_TRR_Config folder. Go into the file there and search for Kerbin. Then add any planets you want to be able to remove your helmet on.
  20. It tends to be a Friday here in UK, probably to stop people from skiving off work/school in the middle of the week!
  21. Sad to hear, I've been thinking of starting a new career, as I've started experimenting with adding a few more mods that I wished I'd had at the start of my current playthrough, so I might make a stab at doing a mission report. I hope you manage to either continue with this or start a new one!
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