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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. An interesting post, I was more trying to the point that from my understanding right now their needs to be underlying code to make binary be a 0 or 1. My point is what is the code that lets it be a 0 and 1 instead of a 2 and 3. I said that thing about the LEDs lighting up because that is only a display you can not interact with it. For example 001100 could be represented by a red light 0= off 1= on so red off, red off, red on, red in, red off, red off however this can not be interacted (except for just looking at it) with so my point is what underlying code in nessicary to make it a 0 or 1 and then proceed to make a program out of it.
  2. That make sense, I still like the colony idea or the parts creator but the last one would be difficult
  3. I'm obtaining those books that were recommended tomorrow assuming they are in stock. Ill check these links now
  4. ok that makes more sense, I suppose my second question on this is how does the computer pick 0 or 1 to begin with no underlying code. In other words what is allowing it to process an on or off into binary. Second how is that binary able to be interacted with.
  5. It would be nice if use getting science (after we unlock the tech tree completely) was useful for something. The idea of taking science and then letting it sit their is annoying perhaps an editor that would allow you to create a new part completely from scratch and then it would take based on its characteristics X science points per Y days to add into your parts list. Another options adding a colony for Z points on a colony and it taking A days to show up their. These colonies could be prefabricated with some user intervention. (Similar to the KSC)
  6. I would add one that has a value that looks like the standard rcs thruster because that bulky release value in not that sleek. However nice work that would be nice, also making sure you can carry the resource from flight so if your building a space shuttle you can get away with not having to land anywhere
  7. Again, I say this satirically but why not 2 and 3 ,1 and 0.1. What is the underlying code that lets in become a 0 or 1. Its not LED lights lighting up because you can not interact and edit that.
  8. I wish I was that close Indeed, they should have a second camera that records in 4K and stores the data in the computer and then after the landing retrieve the files so it can be rewatched in 4K
  9. I'm referring to the fabric of the KSP community. I doubt T2 will be friendly to moding in KSP2, again all progress that people have made, all crafts that are not simple rockets but intricately designed like propeller planes will be destroyed. I mean back when I was on console I had a KSP same with 200 flights before enhanced edition, I only stopped playing that save when that useless version deleted my save. Its not right to have this community supported game like KSP where people have spent hundreds of hours making mods building graphics models and such and then tell them all their work went to waste. Its would be better to fully develop this game as far as conceivable possible and then release a Physics pack DLC become creating KSP 2 which would a kerbalized full simulator.
  10. I checked my local library, and in local underfunded library fashion they did not have anything of coding beyond two books on C++ and Java. I'm going to keep looking for these books in closer and better libraries. As a point, with a lot of these Reponses the see comments relating to how after the computer digitizes something is acts, which is useful but not quite what I'm asking. I'm asking is summary how does the computer digitizes an electrical input. More fundamentally I'm asking how these computers can digitize in the first place as they have no underlying code. I know math governs the universe but the universe does not know what math is because it is inanimate.
  11. This is true, but I do not want to rebuild entire space stations with intricate truss work and then get them to other planets, furfur more all mods would need to be re done. All I'm saying is that the KSP community is not like a FPS but a very connected game due to mods and a KSP II would jeopardies that tied community. Furthermore having to reset the game from scratch is a lot of work and if they need to compromise a bit of the physics so it can run smoother I'm fine with that. A lot of use laptops to run ksp and it is already laggy and adding to make physics perfect would kill that entire market. In summary it is not economical for SQUAD or Take Two and would destroy the fabric of KSP.
  12. I'm going to do some more research and come back to this tommorow
  13. I understand, what I saying (satirically) is why not A and Z, What im fundemtally trying to understand is how the input becomes the actual value, furthur more how that value can then be coded to do something for example say if this = 1 then do that
  14. err my post was deleted As to my overarching question how do these electrical charges become digitized into 0 and 1 and how can you interact with these 0 and 1s
  15. for example no electrical input whatsoever is 0 and 1 volt is 1 and volts in the binary for 2 etc Why did I not see that, ha! Ok that makes more sense, more proceeding onward to the overarching question how is the electrical inpute made into an interactable value
  16. Interesting, is it possible to set up a system where any electrical input would be counted as 1 and no value would be counted as 0 wait
  17. how do you set these values, you used "-0.84+/-0.07 V" second: Is this is diagram of a transistor something like this transistor stuff / wire | | | | | | Wire going up Output steady completion of circuit voltage if on
  18. I watched the video, I understood most of what it was saying but again I'm left with this point how does the "Arithmetic Logic Unit" take the initial inputs and convert them into software.
  19. An Interesting video, how does the computer "display" the 0 or 1 for the binary as it has no underlying code to identify it as an on or off. I mean I can see it turning on a LED and perhaps those LEDs form the shape 0 or 1 but how can you interact with that in any meaningful way without underlying code. If their is underlying code is it mechanical? 2nd Thing Is the number 001100, assuming 0 means off and 1 equals are saying 2 offs 2 ons 2 offs?
  20. I will most likely do just that, as a follow up how does this binary and code system become into being in the first place. How can you make a computer take a voltage amount and convert it into a number? By this I mean what allows the computer to actually read a voltage and output a number.
  21. hmm. Perhaps lasers that can move for example a mass seeking laser. I know its not really possible but if its for star wars a lot of other things are not possible too. You could also do laser that makes kyber crystals implode when the blade it hit.
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