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Everything posted by Maffif

  1. SpaceKiss Engine Pack: Volume one, Fission Rockets (for testing only; no reviews) https://github.com/Maffif/Volume-One/releases/download/v0.3/Christmas.Build.zip NEEDS: B9PS, CRP, modulemanager (for whichever KSP version you are using) Update: Between KSP2 and grad school applications, this is dangerously close to "dead mod" territory. I may end up putting together a cleaned up release proper but no promises. The cfgs and code in this pack (many of which were adapted from *Kerbal Atomics/CryoTanks*) are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode). You are free to share and adapt the materials only for non-commercial purposes and when providing appropriate attribution. Any derivatives must be distributed under the same license. The models and textures are licensed as All Rights Reserved; They are not to be redistributed, reused or otherwise adapted without permission from the artist (Jonathan Kissner) That said, ask away. FreeThinker has permission to use these assets for KSPI-E Kerbalized Endgame Progression The flagship for volume one, the Superbulb Note that this release will be a test version; it is by no means ready for review- and this is also my first stab at anything Blender/Unity. End goals include custom plumes, proper progression/balance adjustment, CTT integration, ISRU/better engine configs, persistent thrust modules, and ensuring each engine has a proper niche at its respective tech level. This is (will be) an engine pack, filled with parts ranging from real to futuristic and exotic, but all theoretically possible and realistically implemented. Disclaimer: some bits might end up only as realistic as the stock ion engine* so ‘realism’ should be taken with a grain of salt. Simplicity and playability are prioritized over absolute realism, although some parts may be suited for a futuristic RSS game. The goal is to make endgame-level operations available while maintaining stock simplicity. These parts will enable new/emergent gameplay- like how to get 200T+ engine to LKO, figuring out brachistochrone trajectories, harvesting other CRP resources, escaping gravity wells with snail-like thrust, and what to do with all this dV. Future dependencies/recommended mods Todo list (Mostly chronological) I plan to fill out the relevant portions of the community tech tree to its furthest reaches, in a light and simple pack- letting users visit faraway bodies with realistic tech, without doubling down on the performance hit already taken with extensive planet/star packs. To that end, parts will be as simple as I can make them while still looking good/like their chalkboard counterparts, and when possible, part count will be kept to a minimum (Engine-reactor-radiator combos, for example) CRP is supported; the NTRs run on liquid hydrogen and hydrogen/oxidizer for LANTR modes. I may eventually make some dedicated CRP based mining parts so a few exotics can be mined for profit Planned parts: *The stock ion engine has realistic isp performance, however its thrust is on the order of 1000 times higher than the real-life equivalent. For keeping things fun and avoiding superlong burns, some other hyper-efficient engines should have their thrust likewise increased from mN-N range to the low kN range- and a persistent thrust module will be added to eliminate some tedium below is a throwback to what the same "lightbulb" engine looked like before I learned anything about modeling *special thanks to CobaltWolf for never letting me settle for mediocre art. Seen above is my initial art for the very same engine pictured on the top of this post*
  2. I'm already noticing. The first week of learning blender was immensely frustrating, and now I'm churning out (simple) models. Unity is another story. Thanks, I'll check that out.
  3. Thanks for the update! "Soon" made me chuckle. I'm just getting into partmaking with blender, and it has given me a newfound appreciation for models like yours
  4. I don't believe kerbalism works with KSS currently- and there isn't a working 1.3.1 release of kerbalism- but it looks promising for later releases of both. For now, there are plenty of other life support mods that do fine with it - I personally go for kerbalhealth (adds considerations for long voyages like microgravity and radiation) along with a supply mod like snacks or TAC EDIT: There is a recently updated backport of the 1.4.x Kerbalism to 1.3.1, but it doesn't work with the extra stars yet. I can't speak to moving KSC, but I suspect (if possible) it involves some .cfg work and kopernicus magic on your end
  5. Random heads up: Kerbalism is under new management, and they skipped from 1.3.0(only) to 1.4.x, so I'm not sure where that leaves plans for support until this goes 1.4.x @JadeOfMaar, here is a comparison of KSS vs stock Jool. Gravity (and everything else) is changed. I welcome a more kingly, challenging Jupiter but this also crushes the possibilities of atmosphere operations without exotic engines- however, there are countless other gaseous bodies to mine, and mod engines exist; I'm still eyeing Hypat in particular for an outpost. https://imgur.com/a/5XEYL
  6. I agree with @Wyzard and many others here, an increased gamefication of Hydroloxi would be very welcome
  7. Hi,

    First, the tiny patch you made worked- thank you (although I'm struggling with the rescaled Jool in KSS)


    I saw you made a release of the Spice, congratulations. I'm just starting development on my own mod

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maffif


      Thought I'd update you and ask some opinons:

      There was a pretty big delay from getting Unity to work/figuring out blender. I predict smooth sailing until the next hurdle (custom models, after pre-release)  Now I'm working on common sub-parts/master texture.  I'll be able to easily assemble them into several completed partsready to do a pre-release or two.  The short term goal is around a dozen engines, with another few dozen engines/misc parts later on(no timeline yet)

      Here's a taste: "Kerbodyne KN-1 Whirlpool Liquid NTR"  (Flavor text about repurposed washing machine) 70T, 7000kN, 2000s, slow (10s?) spoolup. Water(LF?) in.  Green exhaust (hydrogen incandescence at 5500k)

      (still unbranded) Arcjet:  100 ec/sec in, 0.25T, 50kN thrust. Multimode: intakeAtm or MP (1000s)

      FFRE: 100kN@527,000s, runs on uranium (or fission discs?)

      Dusty Plasma: Same but 1,500,000s

      ^The above two and a few others will have built in radiator wings on looong trusses between the engine and the mount (making the 'engine' part take up a significant portion of the VAB height, and likely half the ship's height.  By incorporating the radiators, I can handwave engine heating, treating it like a closed system, and sidestepping the stock heating issues.


      I've noticed at least three such ZZZmods, and I'd definitely want to avoid looking like a knockoff.  I've done most of the on-paper work now (Finding CC-0 textures, tech tree/balance plan, balancing, model sketches etc.  Long term: There's a few things I'm still not sure how- but am in no rush- to implement, like (a part that outputs EC but only if 'connected'), (Persistent thrust module greater than the 1 m/s^s limit I have) ( engines that don't work or hurt reputation at the homeworld), or (engines that 'pop' nearby EVAs/manned pods, [or even exclude a cone area]).

        What are your thoughts on community resource integration?  The engines I'm making would, in real life, use one of: pure uranium, water, water/uranium, LH2, LH2/Uranium, LqdHe3, fusion pellets, and antimatter.  I'm planning on keeping it pretty simple/Kerbal, and would have to add harvesters for everything I add- so maybe LH2 engines should just use pure LF (Stock NERV would use LH2 IRL) - but I'm back and forth on utilizing CRP for the rest.

    3. JadeOfMaar


      Since you're making a KSPI-alike system, I say you should get your opening release using a (small) variety of the CRP resources. Advanced players (and modders alike) will enjoy that you use fuels that are appropriate and not use simple LF/O on everything. If anything, make an optional config that changes your last advanced engines (in terms of just their propellants maybe) to use LFO then only release it if there's demand for it. (Perhaps cast a poll for it on strawpoll.me and link it in the OP of your dev thread once you make that thread. 

      Adding harvesters for everything will make things easier on players indeed and make things interesting in terms of tanks.

      Some mods should be recommended on release day as they have the facilities already to produce or use some or all of your propellants. Pathfinder and DSEV in particular by @Angel-125 are such mods. His mods contain an ISRU feature unmatched by anything else in KSP. Any part equipped with a 'Prospector' module will sift out every resource in the active vessel's area once you have Ore or Atmosphere aboard your vessel, and there is absolutely zero clutter to the part's PAW. (You will need to dig a bit to reach the option, but assuming vessels built with your parts are always very large or will always need very long, continuous portions of time to produce fuel it should be a non-issue to dig through a little UI to reach the toggle). Right now, in-game, I'm setting up my Pathfinder/EL base to provide a freighter carrying FusionPellets and Water for my station and its torch drive.

      CRP's pure Uranium resource is Uraninite and is so far only used by MKS. EnrichedUranium is derived from Uraninite in MKS, recycled from DepletedFuel in advanced mods like Near Future Propulsion, and derived from Ore in any mod after that.

    4. Maffif


      Thanks for the reply, I know you're a busy/prominent member of the community. Right now the plan is to get it all packaged and testable for a limited release with stock resources, then clone some stock tanks and use GTIndustries modules to create simple harvesters/processors for water and some sort of reactor fuel- probably use the engine modules as well. LH2 will come later, I'll see about sticking to Nertea's new definitions.  

      These vessels won't be humongous de facto- there'll be engines suited to landers and probes- but the gameplay will be different.   While I don't want to make other mods truly necessary (especially a heavyweight pack like MKS or the pathfinder series), I think SimpleConstruction and a part-welding mod (or EPL/etc) as a minimum would be important-  Imagine trying to launch a 100-200T engine roughly the size/shape of a mk3 shuttle.  I'll definitely keep a recommendation list.

      EDIT:  https://imgur.com/a/CYyLqRD

  8. I would love to see para-scifi EVE here; I messed around with it in stock and it is incredibly performance-light. It also (sometimes? I struggled to keep it working) adds a particle haze to non atmospheric bodies which gave them a sort of glow. Really nice looking, and I feel like it might play nicely with the motif. Say, are you folks aware that low orbit at Jool is around 13 km/s (stock is 5.5)? In stock I found diving was easy even at hyperbolic trajectories (9+km/s), only needing an inflatable shield. Now- insta-boom (Although the He3 config changes work) That sort of renders all this talk of atmosphere-diving rather moot without cramming loads of dV on a deorbit stage, although the engine pack I'm developing should play very nicely with KSS. I like the lead airship in particular for Eve.
  9. I saw this mod featured on the KSP facebook; looks like you've been noticed
  10. Wow, thanks. I'll try it when I get off and report back to you. Looking over it: That's a neat trick, I'll have to see if it works in other ways.
  11. Are they the same resource under the CRP? (and chemically speaking- unless we're pretending to add the comparatively abundant LqdDeuterium, which I think is used alongside He3 for fusion pellets) Some resources are used directly, like antimatter and karbonite No complaints either way, I'm excited this is probably happening. You all are a very engaging dev team
  12. HooliganLabs (Very lightweight), and the aforementioned Heisenberg it both include airship parts and have a provision for it; so does the possibly defunct airpark. @Sahadara I had been dreaming of exactly such a colony on Eve as a way-station for mining Karborundum, but on-kerbin testing found the huge multi-functional parts way too taxing. If you ever get such a colony up in the days to come, please upload some pictures and tag me There are a few other possibilities for indefinite hover, including electric fans with reactors, and clever configurations of compressed air arcjets, air generators and even more reactors, or thermal atomic turbojets- but balloons are the way to go. That would be handy; I bet I could apply it to xenon and my other-planet-packs install as well. I wonder if the discussed resource changes in CRP last year regarding too-low-to-register concentrations ever happened?
  13. @JadeOfMaar Beat my ninja-edit by literally 5 seconds. Here's an aircraft at mach 6 for good measure
  14. Interestingly, based on the name and performance I would've assumed dusty plasma, which runs on a fine dust of magnetically confined/ionized uranium. Depending on the model, real life specific impulse is in the 100,000s range for fission fragment concepts -and 1,000,000s for true plasma rockets- but this is a fusion rocket, so it is a different beast altogether. The particle effect is glorious, I was really impressed that realplume/smokescreen weren't involved. That was the very first thing to catch my eye when I found this mod. By the way, I wrote a patch for the engine to thrust in standard warp (with 'PersistentThrust'), but only at ẍ<1 m/s2 As for the tanks, I was more focused on the cargo container-looking parts, what is that ship carrying? I already use He3 for other fusion engines, but more tanks would be very handy (Especially since yours don't boiloff) Two separate He3 miners like that would be perfect: one for 'stationary' usage (high intake balances high power cost), and a streamlined one with an air intake, wherein production scales with intakeAtm, and that would mean I no longer depend on FarFuture (features a scoop) for He3 processing, which is impossible anyway as @JadeOfMaar told me. GTIndustries provides utilities for configuring ISRU (and engines) if that helps, I could even take a crack at it myself since I'm already planning to make a few for my other installs I'm already picturing a fuel depot/shipyard around Hypat Really enjoying my KSS install, the planets are so realistic
  15. Okay here we go. Can't be sure I didn't mess something up, but this is with OPT, Legacy and FAR/FAR patch https://imgur.com/gallery/GqGWi Anyway, rockets serve me well enough for now, my agency has recoverable rocket SSTO's. It occurs to me that an atomic aerospike engine would make an easier but less glamorous mothership-ground-back
  16. Using an OPT main craft with Mk4 engines, hadn't heard about legacy yet. I'll test it again (but without the FAR patch, I hadn't noticed it) By the way, you mentioned in the KSS thread that you aren't that familiar with KSPi. It is a very big pack, adding loads of engines, reactors and other stuff. It also throws in lots of fuels -hence, IFS. Everything mostly checks out physics-wise but requires tech we don't have yet, or just stuff that is too expensive. All the way up until endgame, it is pretty balanced, but it is also old in places and somewhat user unfriendly. You can get a few engines with million-ish isp (as they would IRL) such as dusty-plasma engines and the Daedalus, but they take several days/weeks to reach 0.01c (Persistent thrust is handy) and then endgame it has warp drives and a proper torch drive that combines high thrust and ISP. There's also a lot of provisions for beamed power, and thermal turbojets enabling infinite jetflight even on worlds without oxygen (actual real tech, but unused because its an environmental nightmare). The real appeal for me in KSPi is that everything save for endgame stuff is based firmly in physics, on a sliding scale from real (but not implemented) to theoretical
  17. @JadeOfMaar @Wilhelm Kerman I don't know how the community would feel, but backspacing a few zeroes (and bundling a scoop module, assuming others aren't using FarFuture) is all it would take to achieve the following result: He3 is available at relatively high concentrations, but only in the formidable gas giants, meaning not only a difficult interplanetary voyage, but an atmospheric reentry (and subsequent exit) at high speeds. This would enable a lot of emergent gameplay such as airparked, nuclear turbojet-cruising, air-scooping jets flying for weeks at supersonic speed through Jool, or having intermediate balloon bases casually floating around Mesmo, Voon/Sarnus, etc. Maybe an interplanetary mothership has a ramjet shuttle that drops off and returns a couple times to keep the reserves topped off between systems. Personally, I've been looking for a good excuse to have a floating base. Hooliganlabs allows you to 'land' a flying craft and put it on rails as well as achieve net 0 buoyancy; there is also a gigantic scoop in KSPie that has immense enough drag to slow a craft to 0.01m/s in atmosphere- but there has never been a compelling reason to actually drop a base into the abyss or dream up the economy it implies PS Warming up my first install of KSS after a month of lurking. I am ready EDIT: The 'Sarnus' was in anticipation of the eventual putting OPM around the Fomalhaut analogue @StarCrusher96. I'm fond of that system (being host to the first directly observed exoplanet candidate IRL)
  18. I'll try that later on, thanks. It looks like that should do it It isn't an issue now, but is the next time I want to make a high-vacuum-isp, nuclear turbojet spaceplane full of hydrazine, or a LqdHe3 fusion plane. I plan on developing a reentry/SSTO shuttles to dock with my interplanetary vessels. It looks like some of the ships in 'the Spice' imgur shots have the same idea, albeit powered by handwavium instead of 'plausible' fuels/tech I've been struggling with sideslip/uncontrollable yawing-even in FAR- just like what @ExcaliburVT was mentioning, so my program has sort of steered away from the beautiful spaceplanes it started with for the time being.
  19. I don't know if dev/anyone is interested, but I've written a very simple patch for Far Future Technologies and an extremely handy old mod called Persistent Thrust. It works fine in 1.3.1, and enables far longer and (assuming you line it up right and don't overshoot) better burns than bettertimewarp, and also synergizes well with it. I haven't done much beyond test flights, so I don't know how this works with the heat issues on long missions, but I've gotten crafts to 0.01c without exploding. EDIT: Longer burns, carried out very quickly. Be wary of low thrust, it won't work over 1m/s2 and it's easy to accidentally go suborbital
  20. @JadeOfMaar I didn't know Legacy was more than just the retirement home, that's very interesting. I don't know if you have an answer for this, but is there a way to have IFS override firespitter where applicable? I recently learned that CryoTanksFS was messing up IFS-stock integration, and to a large extent Firespitter does the same thing to mod parts such as OPT FWIW, IFS has support for cryogenic fuels EDIT: Experimenting with removing the FS.cfg EDIT2: Removing FS.cfg but leaving FS breaks fuelswitching. Trying with cfg but no FS EDIT3: That didn't work either; it worked for some mods, but I sadly need FS for anything from Roverdude, as well as decal switchers and probably a few others.
  21. Thanks. So my experiments- bringing balloons and hypersonic ramjets with atmosphere scoops to Jool, and testing the largest drill augers on Eeloo and Tekto, etc- were doomed from the start. Worst case, I know a few easy cfg edits could ramp up He3, but that would be very unrealistic. I've had the EXACT same issue with attempting to manufacture Xenon and Argon from atmosphere, but left it alone due to balancing. To be fair, with an ISP of 200k AND relatively high TWR of 0.25ish (compare to KSPie Deadalus/magnetic nozzle or FFT Fission Fragment) I imagine lack of ISRU isn't going to be a colossal issue, and a dV of 1m+ could probably be attained, even with LS mods
  22. Hi, First, I'm happy to see this moving forward- but I have one concern: Has this skipped the anticipated official 1.3.1 release entirely? It seems a large portion of the mod community is sticking with that version for now, including several large/upcoming ones I'm following (particularly KSS, which plans on having native kerbalism support in the future) I also have an idea for a module: Drastically upscaled ambient radiation as spacecraft approach/reach relativistic speeds, requiring a large shield (possibly required to be prograde to the vessel but that makes things really complicated)- Really only an issue for crafts capable of surpassing 0.5c (so far, I haven't made anything like that) http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?paperID=23913
  23. Hi, First, I know this is a bit of a post necro, but you're still active and I wanted to tell you, this is a beautiful mod. I really enjoy the niche historic/hypothetical part packs you do, and for what it is, this doesn't seem particularly unbalanced. Is this one over and done with? It'd be cool to see what you had in mind with the various NTRs, but I know you are very busy More importantly (but not game breaking by any stretch), if you unload the UF4 in the gas core engines, you end up with a negative part cost of around -500,000 I can probably fix that in a cfg if it helps
  24. Thanks for the quick response. I had gathered as much (minus the LqdHe3, oh well. I can mine other stuff and buy it), I was asking more about the spirit of the mod - say, I was just curious about what sort of experience you folk had envisioned (and possibly, balanced it towards) - although that's a pretty broad question IE, a slow, grind career with researchbodies, plausible engines and (any life support) will be vastly different from a sandbox with warp drives
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