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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Cool station I think I see some SSPxR parts on there...what other mods did you use?
  2. ‘I’d just like to tell you both, good luck. We’re all counting on you’ Might be a bit long.
  3. So if I understand you correctly, you won’t be adding any new stuff but you will still be updating the mod to keep it up to date? Or are you abandoning this entirely?
  4. OK @panzer1b would it even be possible to run this on integrated graphics without lag? Just wondered what you'd have to do.
  5. /kill barbarians Minecraft commands! Deal with it! My hill.
  6. Hey! It's Danny2462's 'Shady' glitch!! It lives!
  7. I've visited Florida a couple of times. 9 hours across the Atlantic....but all of the awesome stuff you get to see, like KSC and the Florida Keys makes up for it.
  8. This was a great chapter! Valentina is Crown Kerbette? What? Geo found Bruberry? What? WHAT IS THIS savegame UNIVERSE COMING TO?
  9. I don't actually do coding, so I really am making it up
  10. /run program @Kernel Kraken deletion in progress [print] RealKerbal3x's hill
  11. @Kernel Kraken forgets that his cookie is fake and eats it. While he is getting it surgically removed, I make a new cookie. Mine.
  12. I saw that! Weirdly, the first time I went on YT the playback window was quite big, but the next time I loaded it up it got thinner. And you know what's really annoying? Tonight there's supposed to be a lunar eclipse, but the weather forecast shows rain
  13. It's SO hot, even over here in the UK where it usually rains all through summer.
  14. I decided to post the flag of my current save. Here you go. This flag is standing vigil on the Mun and Minmus.
  15. I dunno.....the challenge is not directly to build a plane.... There have been several people who have created a kind of Juno-powered 'missile' and I'm fine with that. And sorry for the extended hiatus guys. I am now back! Hit me with your supersonic Juno missiles!
  16. Yay! 1.4.5! I'm going to check later, but I really hope this patch is more stable than previous 1.4.x releases. By the way, my favourite addition is this small thing Thanks Squad! I don't have to squint in map mode anymore.
  17. That was really interesting I wonder if space warfare will ever happen in real life....hope not
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