Any landing you can walk crawl be stretchered away from.......
Anyway, in KSP today, I completed the 7 Moho missions. The first 3 were sub-orbital and went well (sorry, no screenshots today....... I was kind of concentrating) and then I did 4 more orbital missions, which were piloted by Valentina and four other kerbals that i forget the name of
Then I started the Jebedi missions (hint: the 60s NASA Gemini programme but Kerbified). Jebedi 1 went into orbit and Bill Kerman did the first EVA. Soon after, Jeb also got outside. These were quite hairy at points, as I'm not experienced at EVAs. But I got everyone back inside and de-orbited. I tried to get their capsule as close to KSC as possible, and kind of failed, splashing down in the middle of the ocean east of KSC. I'll have to get better at that if I ever want to build a Shuttle...........
Oh hey! A pic of one of my suborbital Moho rockets.