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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. I have an i5 with 4GB RAM, the clock is yellow almost always. Needless to say, this laptop wasn't built to play KSP on.
  2. I think it would be good if electric props were in stock. It would be a more efficient way to explore Eve, Duna, Laythe or even Kerbin. Anyway!!! Back to my main savegame!!! I launched a carrier for my two space station manipulator tugs (unfortunately, no stock RMS yet ) By the highly scientific method of watching Youtube videos, I figured out that if I just orbited Kerbin 20 times I could get about 8 kilometres from the station. Then I could just do a small-ish burn to get in close proximity (After a lot of annoying fiddling around with manoevre nodes I finally settled on 1.5km) Not prepared to wait for the LKO-level timewarp to complete those 20 orbits, I went in my other save and attempted to destroy the VAB. I, unfortunately, failed. I tried aiming Jeb's Aeris 3A at the VAB and then bailing him out at near-supersonic speeds. This, however, caused him to spaghettify. So I eventually stopped playing for the night. (I have this bad habit of doing stuff on KSP in the evening and then posting on this thread the next morning. So, a disclaimer: anything I post on this thread may not have actually happened today)
  3. Just a word of warning to you- never quickload while parachutes are armed. It cuts them, leaving your Kerbals to fall to their doom.
  4. At this point, it’s probably 500 overlapping black holes spewing out dark matter. And the Kraken. Definitely the Kraken.
  5. When I add the shuttle name plate to my orbiter, it doesn’t let me select it, only the part I attached it to. I have two shuttles, Dislantis and Chaldeavour, but I can’t change the name plate. Any ideas?
  6. Currently..... the KSP main theme. Even though the last time I played it was two days ago.
  7. I had Podly, Calbas and Tim Kerman (Tim as in Tim Peake, right?) I was also looking at the alt-f12 kerbal creator menu and I got Felipe, Elon and Jim Kerman.
  8. 2098: There is a balcony made of glass. You look down at the previous 2097 floors. The Moon narrowly misses floor 2091.
  9. THANK YOU for fixing the bug where Kerbals think they're on a ladder after being thrown off!!! That helps with the EVA parachutes as I like jumping out of supersonic planes..... Great job @SQUAD!!!!!
  10. In The Martian (great book and film by the way) the storm at the beginning is like 100 times more powerful than what an average dust storm would be on Mars. However the author said that he needed to breach reality just once, because it's a story and it needs to be exciting.
  11. Back during my 'Kerbollo' Apollo style missions, I accidentally decoupled the Munar module (which was inside a fairing) at the same time that I decoupled my first stage. That exploded.
  12. @Triop @Geonovast To be fair I’m not a computer expert at all so I have absolutely no idea. But I don’t think sticking my HD in a pizza or whatever that is is a very good idea. Please tell me that’s an actual solution.
  13. I am very sad. I spilled milk on my laptop and it stopped working. I’m going to have to wait until it’s fixed or I get a working one. The really annoying thing is it’s probably wiped the hard drive (which means it deleted my main save that I’ve worked really hard in) All I can say is: you probably won’t see me on here for a while.
  14. I'm still playing around in my 'messing about' sandbox savegame, waiting for KER to be updated to 1.4.1. (Yeah, I know it works fine, but I really want all of my mods to be fully upgraded) EDIT: 100 posts, yay!!!
  15. Sorry to crush your dreams, but that's entirely not the point of KSP. The reason I like Kerbal is because of the semi-realistic space theme and how it's possible to recreate real missions, but with cute green guys along for the ride. I'd rather KSP remained as a 'pacifist' game with no weapons and a focus on peaceful space exploration.
  16. This is awesome, @Brotoro! Keep it up!!!! And also: #BringBackAldnerandNelemy (yes, I have read your Longterm Laythe and Developing Duna threads. They’re awesome despite being from before I even knew what KSP was)
  17. 2085: KSP Forum moderator HQ. All of the moderators are sitting in front of gaming PCs. Vanamonde is eating a banana. There is a large safe door on the other side of the room labelled ‘Fault Vault’. Next to it is a large hammer labelled ‘Banhammer’ inside a glass case. You hurry to the next floor.
  18. I had this. The tab wasn’t there in my old saves, but I created a new one and it was there.
  19. Banned for having the letter F in your post.
  20. Nope, I slept well. TUBM is still playing on 1.3.1.
  21. Played around with 1.4.1 (I finally managed to download it!) The part colouring is interesting. I like the Mk1-3 Pod (looks so much better than the Mk1-2). And the editor switch button makes my life so much easier. But my favourite addition was probably the kerbal EVA parachutes. So fun to fly! I even got Felix Kerman to do a 40km EVA jump and land safely on the VAB helipad. I also tried jumping out of a plane and landing on a mountain. I failed. As for mods, KER works fine while Trajectories is broken (while the menu shows up, the toolbar icon is broken and the predicted trajectory isn’t there). KIS was broken (it thought Podly Kerman was a container) but I went on CKAN and there was an update for it. I’m not sure I like the new engine sounds(deactivating the LV-T45 sounds like someone spitting) but the new exhausts look cooler. Also, they removed the yellow stripes on the white fairing texture, which is nice. Tomorrow I’m going to buy Making History. Looking forward to all of the new stuff! (Side note: The SQUAD logo has totally disappeared from all of the game screens. On the main menu it’s gone and it’s gone on the loading screens. Give SQUAD some credit, TakeTwo! It’s their game)
  22. OK, I installed GOG Galaxy.....and it doesn't recognise KSP. What should I do?? Oh and this thread now has 2 pages! I call that an achievement!! Also: yay! I found how to make Galaxy recognise KSP. You just have to go into the little 'Gog.com' logo above your installed games, then 'Scan files'. It found KSP and immediately wanted to update to 1.4.1. I'm holding off on updating until tomorrow though. In the future, I don't want Galaxy to immediately update in case I have mods that aren't compatible so I turned autoupdate off. Thanks for the help everyone!!!! And also: we need a kraken emoticon on the forums. Just saying.
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