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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Granted. You finish it, but then you spill hydrochloric acid on your computer. I wish for rover wheel sounds.
  2. I haven’t tried that. The problem is it may not be available where I live. I’m just waiting here for this thread to become the massive steaming mess that is a ice cream flavour flame war.....
  3. Do you mean normal coffee, or coffee flavoured ice cream? Because I’m sorry but coffee ice cream is (there needs to be a kerbal puke emoticon)
  4. Also, ice cream. THE BEST flavour of ice cream is, of course, mint chocolate chip. @adsii1970 Mint flavoured waffles? Sign me up!!!!
  5. Most of my 'shower thoughts' are about KSP to be honest. I don't think that's a thing, because there are a bunch of giant oceans in the way, so birds in New York wouldn't really act as an 'alarm clock' for birds in London.
  6. Cadburys milk chocolate at the moment. I just found some in the fridge, and I want it so bad but I'm reluctant to eat it because I don't know if it's for me...... (BTW, Cadburys chocolate is a kind of chocolate in the UK. Among other things, you can get OREO FLAVOUR. Yes.)
  7. The parts pack includes parts for Buran, but only the orbiter. For what I’ve seen from this thread the best way to make a full Buran-Energia is to use another mod. Or maybe there’s a way to make an Energia using the parts currently in the mod. I wouldn’t know- I haven’t tried to make a Buran before.
  8. Just Jim, I just watched that video and I have to say you talk exactly like I expected you to from that picture. And yeah, if you figure out how it would be great to give Emiko a flute!!!!!
  9. I like all the tributes to real life Kerbals!!! We've got Gene Kranz (Gene Kerman) Wernher von Braun (Wernher von Kerman) Bobak Ferdowsi (Bobak Kerman) and Valentina Tereshkova (Valentina Kerman). But where are the tributes to Jeb, Bob and Bill?? And guys, I'm making a mod for HSP: the Inner Planets Mod. This mod removes 'Saturn', 'Uranus' and 'Neptune' from the game and makes the 'Solar system' more realistic, like Kerbol.
  10. Yeah, kind of. The stock textures are OK but could be improved I think. For example, I think Squad should add clouds but make them togglable in the settings. But instead of super-realistic, they should be kind of 'Kerbal' like you said, to fit the game. The closest I can get to EVE is probably the Para-Sci atmosphere pack. It basically adds some very lightweight clouds (not volumetric, unfortunately, as those make the game very laggy for me) and other small visual enhancements. I tried EVE before but I was getting 3 fps and there were tons of red 'NullReferenceExceptions' in the log. And yeah, I really, really want OPM, but it would probably crash the game immediately
  11. I really like the look of this mod as it gives good graphics for potato-computers, but I'm not sure how to download. I've read the thread and discerned that I need the newest version of EVE, but I'm not sure how to install this and EVE to give me the clouds and stuff.
  12. Mad skillz!!!!! WOW!!! I need this, now. When do you plan to release??
  13. Why’s that bad? It’s a lovely warm nuclear reactor that will keep them warm for hundreds of years!!!!
  14. Space shuttles. Dangerous, incredibly hard to fly, little to no advantages over regular rockets and with the aerodynamics of a brick. Awesome.
  15. This looks great for my potato-laptop *cough* i5 *coughcough* 4GB RAM *cough*!!!! How do I install? I assume it's just a matter of dropping the right folders in gamedata and unzipping, but I might be wrong. What should I do??
  16. No, that's just a GIF I got off google. And the re-entry effects in the pic are the pre-1.4 versions, if you look closely. As another atrocity, I once got bored and fired SRBs at the VAB.
  17. I would love to do this, but generally I install mods through CKAN as it makes it easier (some mods have very complex installation procedures) and I don't know if CKAN would know how to differentiate between my different savegames.
  18. Thanks Oh yeah, I have another question: Does this mod make the Mk3 cockpit 6 seat? I already have a mod which does that and want to know if I'll need to uninstall it or not.
  19. I subjected Jeb to a 24 G ride out of the atmosphere then made him re-enter in his spacesuit. He may have got pretty toasty, but at least he made a nice landing on the VAB roof afterward.
  20. I think OPM and EVE are on my dream mod list at the moment. Unfortunately my laptop probably couldn't handle them....... *cough* 4GB RAM *cough cough*
  21. I don't know how, but my first spaceplane was rock-steady on takeoff, ascent and even the return to KSC. I blatently ripped off one of @Matt Lowne's designs, OK? DON'T TELL ANYONE!!! And welcome to the forums, everyone!!! I hope you stick around!!!!
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the mod for the shuttle looks like Cormorant Aeronology (or Shuttle Lifting Body). It's a great mod for a realistic yet stockalike shuttle. As for the Canadarm, sorry I have no idea. @G'th How many dependencies does this have? I really want this but I don't want to have to install 15 mods for it.
  23. @0something0 I think this would be quite interesting. The kerbals have a kind of 'tech tree' just like the parts and you can choose what skill they get next. Also I think the kerbal parachutes should be based on the level of the Astronaut Complex, rather than the level of the kerbal. It doesn't make sense to say 'Jeb, you're cleverer than Bill so you get to live but he doesn't'.
  24. I have a few mods installed on my KSP at the moment - about 10 I think. However, while I may use a certain mod in my main sandbox save, I don't use that mod in my career save. So my idea is that each savegame has its own mod folder, and they can each have a completely different mod set to each other. This would mean that you could have super-modded GPP on one save and totally stock on another, essentially removing the need to have multiple installations of KSP. I'm not a game developer by any means, so I'm not sure how it could be made to work, or if it would be at all possible. But it would be great. Any thoughts??
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