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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. We don't have long, click while you can!
  2. I know, but it feels a bit weird to see it in a SpaceX stream Maybe showing this video in the stream for the scrub on Thursday caused F9 to develop temporary NROL-44 syndrome.
  3. I have noticed that the animation sometimes doesn't play even if the engineer has a direct line of sight to the part attachment. I reported it as a bug, you can upvote it if you want: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26851
  4. SN9's crunched forward flap got removed! (also from the LabPadre discord).
  5. You can remove parts and move them around. It's just like the VAB, you just have to click and drag to pick them up. To move parts, you can either pick the part up and weld it somewhere else or use the offset tool (which can be accessed using the 2 key, same as in the VAB).
  6. Oh, interesting. Thanks for the information, why wasn't the system mentioned in the changelog? I was having some issues with Kerbals sliding when trying out the update yesterday, does the system apply to them? It also seems like landing legs jitter a lot more with light craft since the update, so maybe that's also a side-effect, but it's nothing that can't be (mostly) be solved by fiddling with spring and damper settings.
  7. Oh interesting, I didn't know that. Would going through KSP's entire directory and choosing which files to put on which drive actually be worth the effort though? You'd free up space and maybe lengthen the life of your drives (I guess) but are there other benefits over just having the entire directory on one drive?
  8. I did ask about it in the main discussion thread. It seems to be strangely absent.
  9. @Michel Bartolone All of KSP's files need to be in the same root folder for the game to work, and as far as I know you can't have parts of the same folder on different drives. I think the best option would be to put KSP in its entirety on your SSD for the best loading times and performance.
  10. I got this from the LabPadre discord server. It looks like SN9's most damaged flap did some actuation testing. If the motors can still move the flaps, that's a good sign. It probably means damage is minimal. Hopefully they can replace the flaps and be good to go!
  11. @Maxsimal @nestor @JPLRepo Can we get an answer to this? It seems like this feature would be really useful but I can't find any sign of it in the update.
  12. So far it seems pretty solid. A few bugs have been found, but none of them seem to be game-breaking. And the fuel transfer bug has been fixed! I've just been playing around with it in a stock install and hope to try it out in my main modded install once 1.11.1 comes out.
  13. What happened to the landed vessel anchor system you mentioned in the last KSP Loading? I can't find any mention of it in the changelog.
  14. Again, I'm not seeing any evidence that this is the last major feature update for KSP. KSP 2 is coming but they're still going to be continuing KSP development when it releases.
  15. I haven't tested, but presumably it does.
  16. Done: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26850 I also added the issue with the animation, it can barely be considered a bug but I want to make sure it's visible to you guys: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26851 Thanks so much for this update, it's been great fun so far!
  17. I tried again and managed to get the animation to play, but it seems to be a bit finicky. You have to be pretty much dead-on for it to work. I also noticed that a part will revert to its default variant when it's attached, but it'll return to the variant you chose if you drop the part before picking it back up and attaching it. I'll report this to the bug tracker as soon as it's updated to include 1.11.
  18. I think I've found a bug - the welding animation doesn't play when attaching parts via nodes. It's very minor as the actual attachment works fine.
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