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Everything posted by Alpha512

  1. Meanwhile, I'm just waiting for my shortened Saturn tanks -w- (not trying to be pushy, just sayin')
  2. Also a shortened S-IC please? Would be nice for C-3/C-4 (late versions) and other "medium" Saturns
  3. You're obviously right, but Gamma Centaur is a name easy to identify and search, which is why I think it is ok to call it like this in a forum post. And strictly speaking, the tank part i am asking about IS a Gamma-Centaur part, just like the RL10, being a Centaur part, is an Atlas-Centaur part Just like @biohazard15 already said, there are numerous ways to counter this issue, from making lighter tanks or using some form of thrust augmentation, to going full Hydrolox using M-1 engines (just came up with this thought and now really wanna try)
  4. Maybe this was lost in the discussion, but... devs, any chance we get a S-ID booster skirt with 2x outboard mounts?
  5. And one more little request for... @Zorg I guess? Can we get a variant of Vega aft bulkhead/engine mount without all those pressurant bottles, for Gamma Centaur?
  6. Oh, I have to say, I like this one even more! Just haven't seen the design before. Would be real great to get the tether system, might be just an upscaled version of @benjee10's ones And I guess we don't have suitable solar panels in game as well
  7. @Zorg @CobaltWolf May I suggest a part switch for the S-1D booster skirt with just two radial engine nodes, to make a truly HUGE FATLAS? Also, any chance to see this S-II artificial-gravity wetlab monstrosity in the mod?
  8. Oh yes, the inline Castor IV would be a great addition, also for Super Strypi (am i the only one to love that obscure thing?)
  9. SM solar panels don't seem to work for me. Any known fixes other than just spamming the base with surface panels?
  10. I'll try to find some reference if available, but in fact I'm just asking for a standalone Saturn F-1 shoulder mount UPD: just looked up the original report. Apparently the configuration I imagined was just a mistake. However, a stadalone mount part would still be useful UPD2: one of the possible uses is to make a vehicle discussed in NASA report N93-19410 which is certainly not someone's fever dream
  11. @Zorg @CobaltWolf just humbly throwing in a bunch of suggestions for the mod Orange SOFI tank texture for the S-IVB/S-IVC is already in the works I suppose? Would look very pretty on longer-duration stage versions, such as landers (always wanted to recreate an S-IVB lander, should now work without lots of kitbashing) or even propellant depots. Maybe even add an MLI tank texture as it's already made for the Skylab/Venus flyby module? Also some drawings of LRBs for Saturn MLV (namely on Astronautix.com) depict boosters having one F-1 mounted in the center, and the second engine outboard on shoulder mount (unlike what the modern Pyrios concept shows) Any chance for such configuration? Or just make a separate radial Saturn shoulder mount for ultimate lego-ability? The third suggestion is quite a wierd one, but how about an S-II base mount with pentagonal engine arrangement in place of cross-like? IIRC, I've seen it in some early Saturn concepts, though I can't find it right now. EDIT: still can't find the original 5-engine version but a 5+1 engine S-II configuration was proposed for the First Lunar Outpost launch vehicle, apparently dubbed Comet Those are of course just suggestions and may be ignored
  12. Totally second this! I've made a part config for hydrolox verniers, may post here if someone's interested. Very useful for single-engine lower and mid stages, I use it mainly for LDC-derived Ariane analogue with single LR87-LH2 core and roll control verniers
  13. So... no release for the 2MV anytime soon? Or is there already anywhere to grab them from?
  14. A methalox STME version, am I getting it right? Where'd you got the patch?
  15. @Zorg Also, that's a rather niche request, and I undersand if it doesn't get fulfilled, but I'd like to see a version of RS30 without nozzle extension to replace RL10A's and other small cryos in landers and tightly clustered engine arrangements The point is to get a truly advanced space engine (not just yet another RL10 evolution) for the whole spectrum of applications, while all other staged combustion options are WAY heavier (and thrustier) than needed
  16. I know you don't normally take part suggestions for mods which are complete, but i'd like to suggest you making Hubble roll-out solar panels. My reasoning is that: there are no worthy mods adding these panels, kitbashing them just doesn't look right either; you've already done Hubble parts for Space dust and Scansat, so panels would be a reasonable addition; from my inexperienced viewpoint it won't be very difficult to make them using your roll-out array assets; and finally, those would be quite useful for many craft, not only Hubble replicas Not really pushing you towards anything, but it would certainly be nice
  17. Oh that's a nice thing to read! I'm waiting eagerly for the Minuteman/Minotaur parts
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