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Everything posted by AntINFINAIt

  1. What do you plan to do in your First KSP boot, tomorrow? (for me i plan to test my pressurized gas tank for my upcoming mod release) You can share screenshots and links !Let us "know" !
  2. I'll put a gamedata folder content when i have some time to work on it.
  3. If it pops up a message with This version not compatible with ksp 1.3.x click ok and it will work:D If you want other answers , about mm configs ask the authors, (because i'm not) and if you have questions about modulemanager ask @sarbian. And in the GitHub there are some patches from @NathanKell. Hope i helped you!
  4. Have you ever wanted a Ballistic missile (or orbit-capable budget rocket:D ) that is low-cost and can get 70kg to LKO or LEO(WIP)? "edit :a minor mistake:D" 1.1 m wide and 13 m tall. I am definitely doing something I am planning to make a replica and a kerbal version of the Vector block 0.1 Rocket! This is the progress on the Kerbal version so far! SO WHAT DO YOU THINK? SHALL I CONTINUE ? (that is how the replica will look like) (and for the realplume i will use alcholox) (and planning to do RSS configs if no one wants)
  5. Bonjour! Yes , the atmosphere of Mars is a bit overkill, bec. in reality it is 0.06 atm. and i don't think the game would like it if the authors put a lower value.
  6. CHALLANGE: Take a STARMAN-suited Kerbal to 1000 GM and Back, without modded SUPER OP engines , and for difficulty 2 to be with life support :D

  7. I made a model and i tried to put a texture on it,and it is hard. My approach was to export the UV mapping and edit it with MS Paint. Do you have any suggestions, because it is really hard.I made some materials in unity , and gave texture to the mesh in Unity. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE UV MAPPP?? Thank you guys Model i'm trying to texture:(please rate)(and i don't know why sketchfab is not rendering the pipes and some parts, may be help to fix that) https://sketchfab.com/models/5afe0410197640e2a87e9c42564ed5dc That is what i did in UNITY to the mesh:(and also my game doesn't load the part helpp)
  8. No, i will test it. And i tried to make a fuel tank, it was kind of ugly my first (and i don't know why it didn't render some of it ) https://sketchfab.com/models/a480a1f3c2ff495fbde70ed70ae44585
  9. Oh i just import it? I saw a vid on youtube . Is this wrong? Thank! Will se if it works. I will try this with my upper stage model + Did you like the model? And Yes i used convex mesh colliders , and i put a fps controller to test it. It was going trough.
  10. Hello guys! I need some help. So i've made a very good engine model . I exported all UV maps (working with blender) and i converted them to dds. I put the .mu model in a folder, the DDS images and a config. I copied the KS-25 Vector CFGs and i tweaked them with my gimbals , names , thrusts , engine mesh, and so on. But when i launched my clean install to check out, the name was showing Vector , nothing changed, and THE ENGINE WAS RENDERING WITHOUT TEXTURE in select menu, but the texture was correct once placed. I know that the dds img.s have to do with this, and i checked them to see if they were good. They were. Am i doing something wrong in blender? One more additional thing: is there something in unity like Auto-shaping collider? I tried with mesh collider , but it was not working. And the primitive colliders are awful. Any advices on the problem with the rendering , cfgs, and Unity auto-shaping-collider? Also, please rate my raw third ever engine model: https://skfb.ly/6wPM9
  11. Yes, i know blender should be used for modeling, but i saw a 3ds max model that was 600 euro priced, and i searched, and i couldn't find blender models used comercially. So what do you think, is blender or 3ds max better for advanced modeling?
  12. Hello guys! I saw that @NathanKell is not updating rss because RO is in 1.2. And i decided to config the mod for personal use to work with 1.3 SO HERE IT IS a link for my full install(just drop the contents of GameData in Gamedata). I tested it with a lot of mods . It is good at is sounds. No problem, crash , low fps, or anything. Textures included for low res . 4k. I sent a message to NathanKell asking if i can distribute this working thingy. I don't think the has enough time to reply, so i put it for download. This topic will be alive until Realism Overhaul 1.3 updates. In the ReadMe you will find everything you need about who made parts of the content like MM , etc. *Additional config from @Galileo because it was listing stock planet names. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zn73qqvvro9u2ul/RSS1.3full.rar?dl=0
  13. That tells us that he doesn't care of renewing the link.
  14. I know that i sound stupid but i need help with attachment points. I know that you put the attachment point location in cfgs but i'm struggling to get them right, and they are not perfect. I tried to guess by putting in Unity an empty gameobject where i want the attachment point and i copy the XYZ and put in cfg. I used 0 XYZ for the engine and yes, the attachment points are not correct. Did i edit the wrong numbers in point location , i don't know, i am a newbie . Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also: My first EVER Blender Models(in .blend file, you can use the as you want) First: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d0jcqb7ygqg50g4/Motor001.blend?dl=0 Second https://www.dropbox.com/s/f4h50ygqwo61e3y/StockEngine.blend?dl=0
  15. Do you have unused blender models for KSP ? Here you can post all your works of art that you have given up on/don't have time to finish. Maybe someone else will make/integrate them into a great mod. ORIGINAL POST{outdated}
  16. RSS 1.3 update

    I made a full RSS 1.3 with everything to work for 1.3

    Can i post it ?

  17. Does anyone know what happened to the FASA Asteroids mod?? The link for 2.4 is broken! Does anyone have a copy of that? Because i don't think @frizzank is going to change anything. Any help would be greatly apreciated!
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