Hello guys! I need some help. So i've made a very good engine model . I exported all UV maps (working with blender) and i converted them to dds. I put the .mu model in a folder, the DDS images and a config. I copied the KS-25 Vector CFGs and i tweaked them with my gimbals , names , thrusts , engine mesh, and so on. But when i launched my clean install to check out, the name was showing Vector , nothing changed, and THE ENGINE WAS RENDERING WITHOUT TEXTURE in select menu, but the texture was correct once placed. I know that the dds img.s have to do with this, and i checked them to see if they were good. They were.
Am i doing something wrong in blender?
One more additional thing: is there something in unity like Auto-shaping collider? I tried with mesh collider , but it was not working. And the primitive colliders are awful.
Any advices on the problem with the rendering , cfgs, and Unity auto-shaping-collider?
Also, please rate my raw third ever engine model: