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Everything posted by Kronus_Aerospace

  1. Haha, well considering the concept OF COURSE I had to make it look like a scif-fi space ship.
  2. WOO BOI, do I have something to report on today, for the past month or so I have been working on my first non-replica large scale project in the past year. This magnificent monstrosity is a full stock flying VTOL Aircraft Carrier! The craft is much less complete than it might seem, as the entire ventral section is unfinished. For scale , the two fairings underneath of the carrier are max-sized (12 meter) 3.75 meter fairings This craft sets many personal and all-time records. Once complete it will be the largest craft I have ever built, likely the highest part count, the largest stock VTOL craft, and the Largest stock carrier (that I know of) The craft measures 185 meters in length, 35 meters high, 52 meters wide, and coming in at more than 4300 tonnes, absolutely dwarfing my Boeing Pelican replica. The craft currently includes 2 runways, a hanger bay, a helipad, and forward engines. The features yet to be added are finished cargo bay fairings + mechanisms, an elevated cockpit, a ventral micro-fighter bay, VTOL engines and sub-sequentially the Mother Of All Bearings (MOAB). Despite the presence of the forward engines I intend for the craft to have rotating VTOL engines to give it additional speed. All of the jets that this carrier will utilize have already been built (most of which not by me) with the exception of a VTOL craft (hence the Helipad). As a final note the craft (somehow) only contains about 2200 parts currently, which means I'll definitely be able to keep the final part count under 4000, which I realize sounds absurd. On less serious matters I have been working on my latest attempt at a large scale fighter, this time going for a more Su-57 vibe, as despite my love for Sukhois I'm still not very good at them. While certainly smaller than my other project, it's still quite a beast at 43 meters in length and already 200 parts. Despite being a side project this thing is turning out to be very difficult to build, as the geometry involved is a nightmare to resolve with the limitations of stock parts. It's definitely worth it though, as what IS currently complete looks pretty dang sexy!
  3. Haha, at the rate I'm going I wouldn't discount that possibility!
  4. Just to be clear, I really don't mind people being skeptical about my craft actually being stock. If anything, I see it as a compliment. Healthy skepticism is to be expected in a community that values merit as highly as the KSP community does. Ain't nothing wrong with that!
  5. Ok. This craft was made with no mods, no add-ons, no nothing. All the parts are stock, built by stock means, with no part file editing or rescaling, none of that. this craft is pure 100% stock, download it and you'll see. Though I will note that it only functions with the unbreakable joints and infinite fuel cheats on.
  6. https://kerbalx.com/Kronus_Aerospace/Kronus-T-4650-TurboProp Stock turboprops my friend! They were the hardest part of this craft by far, as even the most powerful pre-existing stock props made by the likes of Azimech were horribly insufficient to power this beast. The Turboprops alone took 2 months to develop. The prop blades were simply attached to the drive shaft and offset into place. Actually these simply use Stayputnik bearings, I've never had much luck with landing gear bearings. Compared to other bearing types they don't seem to be very strong.
  7. Hahaha, it's true though! Thanks dude! I've been struggling to think of a response to this that isn't a blubbering mess of thanks. The design elements you mentioned are all things I just took from awesome craft made by other people, including you. I know it's kind of stupid to say but, it makes it feel like I can't really take credit for them, since very few are even my ideas. The fact that they were executed well on this craft just feels like a fluke to me.
  8. This craft goes out to @Servo. Through your incredible craft you have helped to show me what is possible in this game. Every time you posted a craft that absolutely floored me (which was often) it motivated me to experiment and try new things, with the goal of one day becoming your equal. Keep doing what you do man! Craft Description: I set out to build this craft with one simple goal in mind, to make it as functional, and good looking as possible with a maximum limit of 300 parts. I found this to be a necessary exercise as I am rather infamous for throwing all sense to the wind and blowing up a few computers. The result also turned out to be much better than I was expecting! The careful measures taken to ensure part efficiency allowed for a highly detailed design. On top of all that the craft is also decently aerodynamic, able to reach mach 1 at sea level and mach 2.5 at its cruising altitude. Speaking more specifically about the design itself, It ended up being a kind of F-22 F-15 hybrid, which I think worked out rather well! For that I have to give a big thanks to @Xen0m3, whom suggested that I incorporate some F-15 elements into the craft, which at that point was turning out to be way more F-22-ish than I had hoped. The craft is (obviously) highly maneuverable, and is notable for having a practically instantaneous takeoff. If it weren’t for the craft’s relatively large size I’d say that it’d be perfect for use on an aircraft carrier. Download: https://kerbalx.com/Kronus_Aerospace/Kronus-DD-4-Imperion Part Count: 299 Mass: 36.03 tonnes Craft Stats: Top Speed Wet SL: 364.4 m/s Top Speed Wet CRZ ALT: 859.0 m/s Top Speed Dry SL: 294.4 m/s Top Speed Dry CRZ ALT: 262.0 m/s Rotation Speed: 30 m/s Stall Speed: 20 m/s Cruising Altitude: 7500 m Service Ceiling: 19000 m
  9. Its an honor to have made it on here! I'm guessing that I have @Servo to thank for that. Congrats to @Triop for your incredible patience. And good luck to @zyco187, hope you have fun embarking on your KSP career! You'll be doing Jool 5s in no time!
  10. @HansonKerman @Geonovast Ah! The symmetry glitch. It would take too long to explain so I'll just say that it is a glitch that allows you to effectively multiply symmetry numbers, I've intentionally used it MANY times.
  11. Today I decided to make a stock gyroscope! I was hoping to make it more complex. but it turns out that the internal diameter of decoupler hit-boxes is freaking huge, so I could only fit 1 additional decoupler inside of the 3.75 meter decoupler.
  12. Huge thanks to @Azimech, whose incredible advice made this craft pososible. This craft is a full stock, 1:1 scale replica of the Boeing Pelican Ultra, a cargo ekranoplan/aircraft. This Colossus would have carried massive amounts of military hardware long distances, primarily across the sea to maximize fuel efficiency. However, it never made it past the concept stage, and now only exists in the form of vague specifications and inconsistent artist renditions. Having taken 5 months to complete, being composed of just under 3,000 parts, weighing in at 1.8 kiltons, with a wing span of 150 meters and being 120 meters in length, this craft is by far the largest and most ambitious project I have ever undertaken. The craft is also full to the brim of stock mechanisms. It utilizes 4 of my T-4650 stock turboprops, which together produce nearly 19,000 kN of thrust. The craft’s entire nose section rotates upwards to reveal the cargo bay, this is made possible with what is perhaps the largest stock joint ever created. The joint in question is made up of an orange tank that is held within a fairing precisely tuned to its diameter. It also features a ramp, which is incredibly mundane by comparison. All this work on to ensure that the craft could feasibly be used to transport payloads would have been for naught if the craft didn’t actually have any payload capabilities. Fortunately, this craft can easily carry payloads of well over 1000 tonnes, although it’s exact upper limit is as yet unknown. To get this beast into the air, a huge number of hidden control surfaces are used. The center of lift is also placed in front of the center of mass to ensure that it flies nice and easily. Download: https://kerbalx.com/Kronus_Aerospace/Kronus-Pelican-ULTRA (<-- As well as additional screenshots) Part Count: 2857 Irrelevant Information (AKA Gloating): -You could play a full sized game of Football (Soccer) on this craft’s back across its wings. -The cargo bay is so large that you could easily fit a 747 inside. -With full payload this craft is both larger and heavier than the Saturn V. -This craft produces 24 times the thrust of a 747. -I think you get the point.
  13. Depends, the tail fins do past Mach 1, and the entire craft does past Mach 2.5, though at that point it would be hidden by atmospheric affects.
  14. The result of a bunch of random experimentation, this fighter craft ended up being heavily inspired by various Sukhoi fighters. It is also quite large, being 3 meters longer and having a 4 meter wider wingspan than an F-22. The craft has excellent low speed preformance, as well as a very high top speed and service ceiling. There is also an alternate version available which possess 4 small missiles. These missiles each utilize 8 seperatrons, they have probe cores and reaction wheels, are able to accelerate from 0 to mach 2, and have an effective range of 2-3 kilometers. These missiles would (obviously) function best in air-to-air applications. Download Link: https://kerbalx.com/Kronus_Aerospace/Kronus-SD-1-Buzzard -Part Count (Unarmed): 287 -Part Count (Armed): 363 -Rotation Speed: 35 m/s -Stall Speed: 20 m/s -Max Speed Dry SL: 280 m/s -Cruising Altitude: 12500 m -Max Speed Afterburner CRZ ALT: 933 m/s -AG1: Toggle Afterburners -AG2: Launch Missile #1 -AG3: Launch Missile #2 -AG4: Launch Missile #3 -AG5: Launch Missile #4 -AG0 (or is it action group 10?): Detach Hard-Points
  15. I'm no expert on computers, what I can tell is that my computer is off the shelf and was pretty cheap. All I can really say is that I can't get 60 fps on most games made in this decade. I took up the practice of playing minesweeper while building this craft, because (towards the end of the building process) everytime I made an alteration to it of any kind the game would freeze for almost exactly 2 minutes. Needless to say, I got a lot of games in. This freezing is due almost entirely to the excessive fairing use on this craft, although it was present on all of my airliner replicas, just not to this extent. It's for this reason that I'm minimizing my fairing use on larger aircraft that I'm currently building.
  16. Nope! I'm stopping this now, cause I really don't want to fill up this forum with irrelevant stuff. It's a bistable mechanism, basically a light switch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-G_uejx0Rs
  17. Today I decided to do some tinkering. It's still a work in progress. Bonus points to those who can guess what this is.
  18. Today I decided to do some experimentation with big engine designs, ended up arriving at this idea. I'm really liking this design, might try to incorporate it into an actual craft.
  19. @EpicSpaceTroll139 I think the tailfin is the worst part of this craft in general, it was the first lifting surface that I built, and my technique did improve as I went along. I find it to be kind of an eyesore, and it is definitely a bit of a part sink. I was also aware of the possibility of using an edited fairing for the wing edges, sure the lag would have been worsened, but there are already 35 fairings on this thing, so it wouldn't have been the THAT much worse. The reason I didn't use it was because of my rigid philosophy. I want my craft to be recreateble by everyone, I want anyone to be able to look at my craft and see how I constructed it, and maybe learn from that. So I only build stock with stock means, maybe to my detriment, but that's just how I do things. I appreciate the suggestions, but I do not wish to work on this craft any longer, after 1 month of building, and another month of continuous tweaking and testing I am down right sick of the craft. In truth it's not even "finished" I wanted to do more work on improving it's service ceiling, but as I said I grew sick of the craft. Even I have limits, and the game freezing for 2 minutes (I timed it) Everytime you placed or moved a part is past those limits. Hate to sound so exasperated, but it's the truth.
  20. I have returned from my brief hiatus!!! Today I decided to celebrate by (finally) posting my A380 replica. Download link for those who want it. https://kerbalx.com/Kronus_Aerospace/Kronus-A380-861
  21. This craft is a full scale, stock replica of the Airbus A380-861. This specific variant of the aircraft features full stock GP7000 turbofans, which also include spinning turbines that spin up along with the engines. This craft was the result of various new construction techniques that allowed the build to proceed at a more steady pace than most of my other replicas, as well as new techniques that allowed me to make it more accurate. The craft has the looks, but as a consequence is extremely heavy. It flies well enough for its size, but is rather slow. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://kerbalx.com/Kronus_Aerospace/Kronus-A380-861 (As well as additional screenshots) CRAFT INFORMATION: Craft Mass: 645.8 Tonnes Part Count: 2159 WARNING: This craft requires Unbreakable Joints to be active while it is being spawned in. Once the craft has settled it is safe to turn Unbreakable Joints off.
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