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Everything posted by Ironcladsix

  1. I have tried reinstalling to no avail, I am currently trying to work out how to post logs. I am getting an error message "No resource definition named 'MetalOre' could be found." I can't find the error logs yet. I'll post them as soon as I do.
  2. I appear to have the same problem. I've tried verifying my install through Steam which says everything is hunky dory. How do I solve this problem?
  3. I have reverted to 1.3.1 and will be staying there until FAR and KJR are updated.
  4. I am actually considering reverting to 1.3.1 and starting my entire program over from scratch so as not to have to deal with this excrements.
  5. What's the cheat? Are you referring to the "Allow Aero-structural failures" checkbox in the FAR dialog box? If so, I'm using that and my cargo flights are still disintegrating on take off.
  6. I hope to god this gets updated for 1.4+ soon. I'm addicted to this game and the damn this is near unplayable without this mod.
  7. While I am thinking about it, how hard would it be to add a thrust reverser to the J81?
  8. I've fallen in love with the J frame fuselage. It's my go too. I don't suppose there's a rear cargo door for it? It's such a big thing to be missing. Also, While I am at it, I love the stealth grey texture on the legacy wings. Is there away to apply that texture over the regular OPT wings? Many thanks. J
  9. Thank you very much for getting back to me. I've just downloaded OPT legacy as you suggest and several of these engines look like they might do. Thank you.
  10. Multifunction Engine. Metastable metallic hydrogen should have an exhaust velocity of about 20.1 km/sec when used in rocket mode. Basically I need a version of this engine that works in a vacuum with an ISP of 2200.
  11. Would it be desperately difficult to slightly modify your high altitude ramjet? I am using KSP to inform a novel I am finishing and it would be terribly helpful to have a MFE version. I would be happy to pay for the work since I am incapable of doing it myself.
  12. Hey guys. I've tried installing this on a current steam update of KSP twice and had it completely break the game twice. I've tried scanning this thread for information but come up with nothing. I get an error stating I'm running an unsupported version of KSP and then the program crashes and gives me a massive error log. Any thoughts?
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