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  1. Is it normal that ELA-1 offset? I.e., when creating an instance of it, it doesn't appear where my vessel is, but somewhere on the side. When rotating it, it rotates in a large circle around the vessel instead around itself.
  2. 000_RationalResources was missing entirely. I added it manually, now it's working. Except if Companion is also installed
  3. Thanks for the hint. The incompatibility between various combinations of RSS/KSRSS/Texture Pack is quite confusing. At first, it didn't work with release 9 either. I'm on Linux, and for some reason, the file scaledmesh2-linux.unity3d is missing in the Shaders folder on Release 9. I copied the one from version 11, and it's working now.
  4. What error do you get? I just installed this (and the necessary changes like UHD), and I'm stuck at the loading screen. These are the last two log entries:
  5. Nope, but I didn't play KSP in almost a year... Did you check out the mod list I provided? Let's see what we both have installed
  6. Gorgeous! Whenever I try to build larger space stations though, after a while (many launches for building it, and than many supply missions), they are all messed up, every part is shifted in some direction. Does that happen to anyone else? Is Kerbal Joint Reinforcements or some other mod to blame, or is this just KSP?
  7. Technical question: where do huge textures go? VRAM or RAM?
  8. Yeah, I have no idea what I'm doing here... @Apollo13?
  9. I see. Do you plan something compatible with the kOS language? Or your own, or an existing one, like Lua?
  10. Why would you do that before KSP 2 is out? Maybe there is a built-in scripting engine?
  11. Did you try to restart the game without installing/uninstalling anything? I had a similar problem, not sure if it was KK or something else, but it's broken after installing and fixes itself with the second launch.
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