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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. 666: U n l e a s h t h e k r a k e n lmao
  2. how did “moar” start

    just asking

    1. KerbolExplorer


      So i just searched your exact question on google and here you go

      According to an individual in the thread it started on the 30th of July of 2011 

      I tried using the link but it didn't work, and for some reason the waybackmachine isn't working for me to search anything.

    2. HansonKerman


      the moar you know 

  3. D I S C R U M B L A T I O N ! Haha my wall
  4. aww, sorry if i hurt ur feelings here have a smiley face
  5. read the description, and post in a KSP related forum raye ate way too much spaghetti as he was looking for Dinky, and you are what you eat, soooo jay Kerman- eating the Kraken’s second-to-right tentacle tip.
  6. no lol purple is way better tubm wants @reymitchel to add his true/false
  7. wE DID? Lmao didn’t even notice Negative one ( having done the action of decreasing the value of the Current Number by one, the number with a lower magnitude than two, but higher than zero, resulting in the number one unit below zero, negative one.)
  8. -2 - I swear I’m getting like 1 notification every five minutes for this
  9. aww TUBM will give love to @VoidCosmos
  10. 1/5 what is that? It looks like Alakazam in anime that discombobulated itself into a melting pot of nonsense and horror.
  11. how did you know?!?! tubm exists
  12. They say “practice social distancing” as the nice way. But I think legally aren’t like all restaurants legally obliged to be locked?
  13. got HeartGold running on my old Android ^_^

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