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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of fun pointlessness! take one down, pass it around become demoman 97 bottles of beer on the wall!!
  2. why the frick is IntakeAir not visible in the Resources menu but still exists as a value when it says ‘intakeair shortage’ or whatever? Just PICK OWNE

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HansonKerman


      when did you pick up the game

    3. Mikenike


      I have KSP EE and I got it when the game was in 1.2.1 I think, (In KSP EE time, not PC time. 1.2.1 was like 1.4 for PC).

    4. HansonKerman


      OH, I see now. I picked it up in 0.23 PC time, long before 1.4

  3. A bit but not rllu tubm wants their mission to Bop to succeed.
  4. om nom, quite good! Waitress there’s a Koffing in my soup!
  5. Fruvit Kerman was playing hide-and-seek with Hanson and Gerald. He decided to eat his Kit-Kat bc he was getting a bit hungry. But the Kraken heard his crunches and smited him. Gerald Kerman - trying to find Fruvit.
  6. same! I hate planes unless they have a safety chute.
  7. nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
  8. WAIT IS THAT REAl!????????? That can’t be real.
  9. same. My computer broke so I’m on mobile, at home “practicing social distancing”, a.k.a being quarantined in my house bc parents. I’m young enough to not do online classes, only homeschooling. It sucks harder than both Pokémon at 1 HP and the opponent uses a Full restore when you were about to Quick Attack. It just sucks in every way.
  10. - 100! WE DID IT! Maybe this time Aperture will record our win. 0
  11. hmm, @Aperture Science seems to not have added our win, and they’re a positive, and the GM... I sense fish... -94
  12. has anyone pointed out that suddenly being dropped into homeschooling is HELL? Seriously. More HELL than both your level 79 Sylveon with Quick Attack about to finish off the Champions last Pokémon when both are at 1 HP and the Champion using a Full Restore. It’s just an annoying, and odd version of school. I can’t explain it.
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