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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. that is for you to find out. As a PC user, I have no interest in this. If you use the EE, try it.
  2. there are a lot of choices in the tech tree the more you go, and it can be overwhelming. I wanted to see what you guys thought! Me personally, I go for either the cheapest, or I think ahead and go for the science.
  3. pace herd? jeez, are you some kind of shepherd?
  4. lol. I hope y’all knew that was a joke (should have chosen a different cause of death, explosions was over the top), I don’t have a platypus. Anyway, hooray, it’s the 2nd, everything is fine.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      Oh. I really want a pet platypus now!

    3. HansonKerman


      :p just make sure they don’t “die of internal explosions”

    4. HansonKerman


      edit: or turn out to be a secret agent fighting the pharmacist evil person trying to take over the world

  5. it is with a heavy heart that I announce that I am leaving again indefinitely. My pet platypus got sick, (not covid) and died of internal exploding. I am heartbroken and must leave for a while. I leave with this, hope it cheers you up.




    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      How much did you sell it for? 100:funds:?

    3. Mikenike


      I got that. But that was my joke, if you get it.

    4. HansonKerman


      pffff lol. No, moar like 1

  6. I’m assuming you mean SRBs. In my opinion, the core should always as strong as the core. Going to Duna? Three Thumpers, a Mainsail, a Jumbo tank — get into orbit using a Skipper, one normal gray tank and a half — you shpild have fuel to reach escape velocity, do that — NERV engine with one or two tanks done. Who uses boosters that are moar powerful than the corr
  7. it’s Nyan Cat. A pop tart rainbow farting cat that everyone loves, and that hides in MM on April Fools. ikr. I excpected something funny, but Nyan Cat was a happy surprise.
  8. he didn’t. It’s just what he would probably say, just because in the eyes of the real world universe, it was. It really was.
  9. hmm. I like it, except for the gradual science part. KSP is great for the little unrealistic things, and an in game wiki like the KSPedia that you have to get in Career would be very cool. Yeah!
  10. (cats are and always will be infinitely better) idk, maybe! Some other type of life form would be cool, and a cute dog in a Hitchhiker cabin would be cool cannot contain those are SO CUTE
  11. ???? We have this in KSP. RSS, because of its realism and overall cool existence, will likely be in KSP2z
  12. none of that even matters. This is not Earth. This is KSP. Remember when fairings didn’t exsist? It was, for lack of a better word, in your opinion, “stupid and ugly”. I have never had a problem with not having life support, or the Dawn ion engine taking so much ElectricCharge to power. If you keep going, you’re going to be angry at time warp. Indeed, Realism = a realistic game Kerbals = anything but realistic. Buy a different game if you want realism. I and apparently at least two other people enjoy the fact that it isn’t hyper realistic as you say. Maybe @FreeThinker will make a mod. If he does, at least one person will enjoy playing. I, for one, agree with @Dirkidirk: this game becomes 53x harder. However, it’s way too much to ask for hyperrealism to be in the stock game. Sorry, but it will be a mod, if anything. i hope EDIT: very good quote like... yeah. Ion engines I have always liked, just for the little things.
  13. quite cool! Maybe move to Spacecraft Exchange, but I like it! Could you take a pic with better lighting?
  14. might be big... but how bout KSS? That one cancelled and amazing planet pack? It’d be cool to see Duna Terraformed
  15. hOI and welcom to da ban shop 0G - Ban
  16. we need Kerbals flying around goinng ”tEm deep HIStory!”
  17. Hello, and welcome to the amazingly named thread where we post help and pics of stuff to build. it’s not like I’ve dug, but it doesn’t seem like anyone made this yet, so time to make it! while I don’t have any myself, I wanted to make a thread where people posted advice and tutorials centered around teaching. I want to make a place where people go around at teach, to name a few: launchers! Probes! Space station modules! Moar!! So go and teach, I guess
  18. yes the rare spacetime bending Kracken. Not a Kraken of course. I feel like someone said it some many pages ago, before I died.
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