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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. Granted. They live around KSC and are rocket-eating animals. I wish for an inert cake.
  2. Klamperture mod: All parts now have "Klamperture Science" in front of the titles.
  3. Cool! I'm happy that you're not neglecting Val's star, looking forward to this moon/asteroid/terraformed derelict ship (maybe in like 1.13 or something to that last)!! BTW I'm just saying, there's a bug with Val's star, it shines on planets in the Kerbol system (btw could you change The Sun's displayName to Kerbol if that's possible? I'd like that), but atmosphere planets (Kerbin, Duna etc.) think it's night, so the sky disappears even though Val's star is illuminating them.
  4. @electricpants BTW I really like this mod, but could you put some more planets around Val's star to balance it out? Maybe some new ones?
  5. A very suitable thing to chase. 190/15.
  6. Kerbal Kicks. Every part is replaced with a 3d model of the average foot.
  7. They're one of my friends! @Kerballing (Got Dunked On), perhaps?
  8. Hello, and this is my thread showing the version history of KSP and its major updates and features!! It's not that detailed so... I'm going to be working on it over the days, updates coming weekly! A Small Dream: The Never Released Releases (non releases? Just "versions"? Whatever.) v: 0.0 Just a little proof-of-conept compile. Rocket goes up. Joints fall off. Pretty much it. Run in Unity. v: 0.1: Simplest information panel ever is added!! All the parts are barely recognizable, even from the 0.7 version. SRBs have different plumes. You can see your reflection in the water (see second image) You can go boom boom. Game is 2d. You can only yaw, no pitch or roll. "VAB" is added. The VAB is part of the flight scene. You can look in 3d in the VAB, but building is limited to a 2d plane (of course) There are barely any parts. No orbit: but there is a void! Like in Minecraft, except no explosions, just falling forever! Here's a pic of 0.1 terrain. (Author's comment: At least the KSP early versions are clearly numbered! Just try finding your way around the early Minecraft versions.) v 0.2: "Staging"!! You can pan 3d, but only fly 2d still You could use those stage tabs (-1 = Launch stage, 0 likely = the SRB, so that's likely redundant, and 1 likely = decoupler) to move the stages, but the sequence is not changed. So you could only activate one item at a time, likely. Big launch button, for all your launching needs. A "moon". You can't go there yet though, it's just plastered onto the skybox. Gravity that works for a sphere. Floating point calculation errors! Woo! (find out more on the wiki) Kerbin is a big sphere, 20km big. Can't see how much fuel is in a tank. "Orbit". Big black square that has a line that calculates your orbital trajectory. Barely useful. Turns red when it goes under the surface. v 0.3: A big black screen is added. It makes jokes and has a countdown. Sounds are added. A... thing on the right. Temp gauge is there, but it doesn't tell you if you're about to explode. Same with the fuel gauge. Screens are useless, Kerbals don't exist. Oddly enough the game is still called Kerbal Space Program. No RCS or anything else we have now. (except maybe a few silly placeholders) No more moon plastered onto the sky. Another... thing. I think it's an instructions manual, pretty sure that's what HarvestR wanted to convey. Transcript: Kerbal Space Program Flight Manual 1. Press [ space ] to LAUNCH! 2. Use [A] & [D] to control your flight | [W] & control throttle --> Watch your TEMPERATURE! 3. Separate stages with [ space ] --> Try not to EXPLODE! Bottom right: I'm ready! Go! button STILL a fake planet. Author's note: I'm skipping 0.4 because it was mostly boring terrain fixes. Early KSP releases (0.7.3 - 0.17) v 0.7.3: THE FIRST RELEASE!!!!!!! WOO!!!!!! A few new parts are added, including struts, fins (decorative), and SAS modules (just torque.) The sun is decorative. Kerbin implemented. Render distance is 1500,000m, and then Kerbin disappears.
  9. Complaint: In the beginning of EP1, when the two Kerbals were talking, one of their neck bands (the loyal one with the black mustache) kept flashing on/off in between shots. An annoying detail, sorry if this made you feel bad, I just hate neckbands.
  10. Just a bit of a nitpick: Laythe is not habitable. If you look in the files for EVA reports, it shows that the air is not breathable (enough oxygen for jets but too much CO2 for Kerbals. So... no surprise that Laythe has no life. Some nice beaches tho!
  11. Ah. Thx. I'm thankful for the help, as I haven't used KAS in a long time and I'm a bit rusty, I only normally use it for bases as it's much cleaner with one vessel connecting with pipes when a bunch of other vessels. Anyway, I'll uninstall DBS and relaunch and try to do this again. BTW the connector was not installed on my ship, it was a separate vessel I pulled out using KIS. Again, thx for the help! EDIIT: I just was stupid!!!! I just didn't know how to use KAS (which makes sense, because the last version of KAS I used was the one where KIS was still part of KAS so...
  12. Meeeehhhhh KSP doesn't really have a temperature system, just a prop for the thermometers and a simple one for reentry Reentry I'm not sure of, but pretty sure it goes like this: Moving fast? Temp go up-explode part with too small heat tolerance. Moving slow? Heat go down, mach effects appear and disappear. Never seen that happen - likely the latter, Kerbals in craft are likely not parts like they are outside. Fun fact: Kerbals are parts! Just with a lot of parameters missing - look it up, they're in the parts folder!
  13. Calling 911 because my KAS instal is wrecked
  14. Here's the player.log tho https://www.dropbox.com/s/vmb4fhs1h05xx9h/Player.log?dl=0 Thx Just gave a log so
  15. So basically re download the mod? If so, I went through a huge dropbox hassle for nothing?
  16. Well... When I right click, there's only an aim camera option, no pick up cable, no connect cable, etc. Basically, none of the right-click menus work except for the recourse transfer station, but I can't connect the cable to anything so... Not sure how else to explain it. I'm finding the log, so that'll come soon EDIT: I'm not sure how to upload the log as a file, so it might take longer than expected.
  17. I'll just drive around Kerbin and make a rover with a folding mining boom™ and explore some crystals and stuff. I also want to use the new Mk2 pod more, so probably using the rover version of that.
  18. Nothing works-help! I made sure to get the KAS & CCK folders out, but nothing works! (on mac btw)
  19. My goodness was this amazing. Amazing use of mods, amazing crafts, amazing story, amazing edits, etc. I love it. Maybe a sequel? Please? Pretty pretty please? One involving the Mohole creature?
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